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 ‘But I don't want to be taken off it; James。  It's the kind of puzzle that I like。  I want to solve this business。〃 For a moment; she sounded like a spoiled child。
 ‘We might not have any other option。〃 ‘Do you want to be taken off it?〃 ‘Of course not。  ‘What're you going to do then?〃 ‘If I'm off the case? I have some leave ing up。  I'll demand a month of it now and follow my own private inquiry。  But I don't really think that's going to happen。 ‘Give me your private number in London。  Then I can always call y~ The first person Bond saw as they finally walked into the foyer of the Victoria…Jungfrau was M's Chief of Staff; Bill Tanner。  He was standing in deep; serious conversation with a gaunt…looking woman; severe faced; and with iron…grey hair pulled tightly back from a high forehead。
 ‘Hell;' Fredericka whispered。  ‘That's my immediate superior。  Gerda Bloom; known in the business as Iron Gerda。〃 ‘Sorry about this; James。〃 Tanner came swiftly towards them; as Iron Gerda cut Fredericka away from them like a stalking horse。  ‘I'm very sorry about it; but my orders are to put you on the first flight out of here。  M's furious about the missing letter; and there's been a plaint from the hotel which; if it's true; means you're up to your neck in fertilizer。
 I'm to stand over you as you pack; and there'll be no further contact with Fraulein von Grusse。〃
 ‘The Swiss are furious; and so am I!〃 M barked。
 He strode up and down behind his desk; brows dark and face an angry crimson。  ‘Why do we always have problems like this when you have to work with any female member of a foreign service; 007?  1 won't have it。 You know that already; so why do you constantly go out there and make fools of us?〃 From long experience Bond knew there was no point in trying to argue with his Chief。  When the Old Man had the bit between his teeth; and truly believed that his accusations were founded on fact; all you could do was hang on and wait for the storm to pass。
 The moment he entered M's office; on his return to London; he immediately knew there was trouble。  The Chief was icy and terse as he made his verbal report; waiting to hear Bond's side of things before launching into an uncontrolled attack; which still continued after fifteen minutes。
 ‘You appear to have lost a vital piece of evidence; which is reprehensible。  You have also behaved in a manner prejudicial to both Queen's Regulations and the discipline of this service。  I suspect the loss of the evidence is partly due to your misconduct; which was eventually reported to me via Scotland Yard; who were informed personally by the Swiss authorities。〃 He stopped in mid…flow; turning to glower at Bond。  ‘Well; 007?
 Well; what have you to say for yourself?〃 ‘I admit to losing a document; sir。  But; in my defence; that document was secure: locked in my briefcase which was inside one of the rooms in the suite I occupied with a member of the Swiss Intelligence and Security Service。  There was no reason to think that anything would be stolen from a room that was locked and safeguarded。
 ‘But it was stolen!〃 M's voice rose on the ‘was' and reached a high decibel level on ‘stolen'。
 ‘I don't deny that; sir。  I didn't know I'd have to sleep with the thing chained to my wrist。  As far as we were concerned; Fraulein von Grusse and myself were the only people who even knew of the existence of the letter。〃 ‘Oh; yes; Fraulein von Grusse!  The pair of you are a disgrace。 She'll be lucky if she's not actually dismissed from her service。  But for your seniority; Bond; I'd have you permanently out of this building before nightfall。  In these times; when various parliamentary idiots are calling for the disbandment of all intelligence services; we cannot afford flagrant moral lapses in the field。
 He paused; shaking his head as if in disbelief。
 ‘God knows; many people in power; both here and in the USA; seem to delight in telling the world that there is no further need for either security or intelligence operations。  I even heard recently of some bestselling novelist doing a Chamberlain and sounding off about peace in our time。  We all know that the so…called reformed Russians are still carrying out clandestine operations; and there's been a proliferation of new 〃active measures〃 by foreign intelligence services that the politicians let alone the general public have never even heard of。  So; I cannot afford officers like yourself; who go out and live the life of Riley on government money。
 ‘What are Fraulein von Grusse and myself accused of doing; sir?〃 ‘Of rutting like animals; Captain Bond。  Of disturbing the peace of the Hotel VictoriaJungfrau; Interlaken; and of causing grave moral scandal。〃 ‘On whose word; sir?〃 ‘On whose word?  The hotel management's word; 007。 They had no less than six plaints from guests。  Heaven knows I have often turned a blind eye to your flagrantly immoral behaviour; but this time even I can't disregard it。  It appears that you; with Fraulein von Grusse; made enough noise to waken the dead。
 ‘What kind of noise; sir?〃 ‘The noise of brute beasts of the field。  A retired couple called down to reception after midnight to plain of some kind of orgy going on in your suite。  Within the hour there were five more plaints from people next door; and across the hallway from your suite。  One elderly lady; it seems; was concerned lest murder was being done。
 Screaming; laughter; shouts and…I can hardly bring myself to say it…the noise of furniture being abused。  In plain language; the violent creaking of bed springs。〃 ‘Really; sir?〃 Though he would be the first to admit that Fredericka and himself had enjoyed each other's pany; it had been a very quiet business。
 Endearments and whispers; rather than laughter and screams of delight。 ‘And who; sir; reported all this to the police?〃 ‘The hotel reported it。〃 ‘Yet they took no steps to pass on these so…called plaints directly to either myself or Fraulein von Grusse。  Wouldn't you say that this is the normal kind of action in a properly run hotel?
 If there are plaints concerning noise from a guest's room; then isn't it more usual for the hotel to inform the guest and ask him to keep quiet?〃 ‘That's as maybe。  In this instance; the hotel reported it to the police…you know how the Swiss are。  In turn; they checked on your names; realized why you were in Interlaken; and passed the ment back to Scotland Yard; who informed me。‘I'd like to make a bet on which particular member of the hotel staff did this; sir。〃 ‘That's not the crux of the matter。  。。‘ ‘It is as far as I'm concerned; sir。  I would like it on record that; during that particular night; absolutely no noise came from the suite occupied by Fraulein von Grusse and myself no screams; no laughter; no shouting; no abusing of furniture。  I admit to spending the night in Fraulein von Grusse's pany; but there was no blatant impropriety。  Also; I would suggest that the person who made these accusations is a hotel employee; and assistant manager; I think。
 Her name is Marietta Bruch。〃 ‘Really; and can you give me any reason why this Marietta Bruch would lie about something as serious as this?〃 ‘I have absolutely no idea; sir。  S
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