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en tipped and shown out。
 Bond followed; standing beside her; looking down on the steady parade of locals and tourists out on their after…dinner stroll in the well…lit streets; part of the ritual of any Swiss tourist resort。
 By now the air had a chill to it; but they stood close together; in silence for a few moments; until he gently put an arm around her shoulders; leading her back into the room and guiding her to the long; black settee。
 ‘There has to be a rational answer to this。〃 He held the letter between two fingers and thumb of his right hand。  ‘We are certain that David March died five years ago?〃 ‘Absolutely。  There's no doubt。〃 Colour had returned to her cheeks; but her voice still retained a trace of fear。 ‘I've seen the death certificate a copy anyway…and。。。〃 ‘What did he die of?〃 ‘A brain tumour。  Nothing to do with his mental state; which had really gone downhill by then。
 David March became a walking; grunting vegetable in spite of the drugs。 Three months before he died; the doctors noticed indications of severe headaches; and eye problems。  They did all the usual things; X…rays; a CAT scan; the lot。  The tumour was inoperable。  He died in great disfort; in spite of high…dosage painkillers。〃 ‘And do we know if Laura saw him?〃 ‘No。  None of his family ever visited him。  For them; it was as though he had ceased to be。〃 ‘Then there are three possibilities。〃 He indicated the letter again。  ‘This is either a plant; which seems quite likely…because the cops didn't remove it or Laura was writing to someone else; someone she thought of as a brother…lover; or; the last theory; that she was also unbalanced; which could mean it was a piece of mental fabrication on her part。  First; I think; we have to make certain it really was written by her。
 He crossed the room; picking up his briefcase; thumbing the security locks and opening it to reveal a laptop puter with a portable fax machine lying next to it。  ‘How our trade has changed;' he laughed。 ‘There was a time when n:y briefcase was a lethal weapon; now the armoury is almost totally electronic。〃 He did not add that the case; in fact; did contain a couple of concealed items that could be lethal if used properly。
 After reorganizing the modular telephone plugs; and switching on the fax machine; he took a clean sheet of the hotel stationery; placed it on the glass tabletop and wrote a suitably cryptic message as a fax cover page。 This he fed into the machine; dialling the safe fax number in London。 The cover sheet went through; followed by the two pages they had removed from Laura March's room。
 ‘By the morning we should have a simple fax back; on the hotel's machine。  It'll simply say yes or no。  If it's yes; then we have to work out what little Laura was up to fantasy or reality。〃 ‘You only asked about the letter?〃 ‘I've asked them to identify the handwriting as Laura's; and to recheck the facts regarding David March's death。
 We'll get some clues in the morning; and first thing I'm going to go through her room again。  You stay here; the place has a bad effect on you。
 She gave a dry little laugh。  ‘You were pletely unaffected by it; yes?〃 ‘No。  You know I wasn't。  We were both spooked。〃 He went over to the little minibar fridge。
 ‘Brandy?  Vodka?  Whisky?  What d'you fancy?〃 ‘Brandy I think。〃 He smiled at her; allowing his fingers to brush her shoulder after he had placed the glasses on the table。  She still looked thoroughly shaken。
 Bond poured from two miniature Remy Martins。  He rotated his glass; watching the amber liquid as it swirled around。  Then he took a sip。
 ‘This should help relax both of us。  We really should get as much rest as we can。  Tomorrow's going to be a long day。〃 She did not look at him; but nodded; as she put the glass to her lips。
 ‘I'll use this couch; here。  You take the bed。〃 Still Fredericka did not reply; and after a while Bond said he would shower and leave her in peace。  She was sitting; staring into space when he returned; having unpacked his garment bag; showered and slipped into the robe provided by the hotel。
 She left the sitting…room; saying only that she would look in and see him before she went to bed。
 Bond; feeling very restless; poured the last of the brandy into his glass and sat back to watch the CNN news。  Half an hour later he barely heard the door to the bedroom open; and he just caught the whisper of clothing behind him。  Looking around he saw Fredericka; framed in the doorway。  She wore nothing but a filmy triangle of silk and lace; her hair gleamed; and the green eyes were wide open; so that he again felt she had the ability to drown him with a look。
 ‘Ah; Fredericka's secret。
 ‘Your secret; James。〃 He rose and she came towards him; moulding her body to his; one hand reaching up; cradling the back of his head in her palm; fingers outstretched; pulling his lips on to her mouth。
 ‘It's been a long time;' she whispered。  ‘But I must have some fort tonight。  Please。〃 The last word was not a plea; but something else which came from deep within her。  Then; slowly she led him into the bedroom。
 As he entered her; she let out a little cry of pleasure; rough at the back of her throat: the sound of somebody parched who sees a means to the slaking of thirst。  For a second; he saw the face of someone else; long lost; instead of Fredericka; then it was gone as her own face and body worked a particular magic。
 Neither of them heard the door to the sitting…room click open; nor the soft tread of the person who crossed in front of their door; for; by then; for a short time; the bedroom had bee a raft adrift and far from land。
 Then; with no warning; Bond softly put his hand over Fredericka's mouth。
 ‘Wha ?‘ she began; but he called out loudly; ‘Who's there?〃 From the sitting…room a woman's voice; embarrassed; said; ‘The maid; sir。
 I'm sorry; I thought you might want me to make up the room。
 ‘No。  No; that's all right。〃 He smiled at Fredericka; pulling a face。
 ‘That could have been very embarrassing;' he whispered。  ‘I'd better go through and put out the 〃Do Not Disturb〃 sign。〃 ‘If you have to。  Bt be quick about it or I'll start again without you。
 He went through into the sitting…room; put out the sign and slipped the night chain on to the door。
 On his way back he saw his briefcase and; for safety's sake; carried it into the bedroom。  In the back of his mind something nagged at him。  The maid's voice。  He thought that he had heard that voice before but could not identify it。
 He put the briefcase down at the end of the bed; not knowing that the damage had already been done。
 Later; Fredericka ploughed furrows down his back with long splayed hands; leaving deep scratches; and they moved together; alone。  For a long time nobody else existed but the two of them; as they blotted out darker dreams and deeper horrors。
  Bond's eyes snapped open; and he became alert; just before the telephone made its soft purring sound; heralding the wake…up call he had ordered for six a。m。  He reached out; picked up the telephone and; after two or three seconds of listening; began to chuckle。
 He was used to being wakened by recorded voices which; in m
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