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wn on his knees again and searched for the little gun。 It was a Colt …25 automatic。 He flicked out the magazine。 Three rounds left and one in the chamber。 Bond half walked; half felt his way down the aisle to where the girl lay。 He unbuttoned her jacket and put his hand against her warm breast。 The heart fluttered like a pigeon under his palm。 He undid the seat belt and got the girl face down on the floor and knelt astride her。 For five minutes he pumped rhythmically at her lungs。 When she began to moan; he got up and left her and went on down the aisle and took a fully loaded Luger out of the dead guard's shoulder holster。 On the way back past the shambles of the galley he saw an unbroken bottle of bourbon rolling gently to and fro among the wreckage。 He picked it up and pulled the cork and tilted it into his open mouth。 The liquor burned like disinfectant。 He put the cork back and went forward。 He stopped for a minute outside the cockpit door; thinking。 Then; with a gun in each hand; he knocked the lever down and went through。
 The five faces; blue in the instrument lights; turned towards him。 The mouths made black holes and the eyes glinted white。 Here the roar of the engines was less。 There was a smell of fright…sweat and cigarette smoke。 Bond stood with his legs braced; the guns held unwavering。 He said; 'Goldfinger's dead。 If anyone moves or disobeys an order I shall kill him。 Pilot; what's your position; course; height and speed?'
 The pilot swallowed。 He had to gather saliva before he could speak。 He said; 'Sir; we are about five hundred miles east of Goose Bay。 Mr Goldfinger said we would ditch the* plane as near the coast north of there as we could get。 We were to reassemble at Montreal and Mr Goldfinger said we would e back and salvage the gold。 Our ground speed is two hundred and fifty miles per hour and our height two thousand。'
 'How much flying can you do at that altitude? You must be using up fuel pretty fast。'
 'Yes; sir。 I estimate that we have about two hours left at this height and speed。'
 'Get me a time signal。'
 The navigator answered quickly; 'Just had one from Washington; sir。 Five minutes to five am。 Dawn at this level will be in about an hour。'
 'Where is Weathership Charlie?'
 'About three hundred miles to the north…east; sir。'
 'Pilot; do you think you can make Goose Bay?'
 'No; sir; by about a hundred miles。 We can only make the coast north of there。'
 'Right。 Alter course for Weathership Charlie。 Operator; call them up and give me the mike。'
 'Yes; sir。'
 While the plane executed a wide curve; Bond listened to the static and broken snatches of voice that sounded from the amplifier above his head。
 The operator's voice came softly to him; 'Ocean Station
 Charlie。 This is Speedbird 510。 G…ALGY calling C for Charlie; G…ALGY calling Charlie; G…ALGY。。。'
 A sharp voice broke in。 'G…ALGY give your position。 G…ALGY give your position。 This is Gander Control。 Emergency。 G…ALGY。。。'
 London came over faintly。 An excited voice began chattering。 Now voices were ing at them from all directions。 Bond could imagine the fix being quickly co…ordinated at all flying control stations; the busy men under the arcs working on the big plot; telephones being lifted; urgent voices talking to each other across the world。 The strong signal of Gander Control smothered all other transmissions。 'We've located G…ALGY。 We've got them at about 50 N by 70 E。 All stations stop transmitting。 Priority。 I repeat; we have a fix on G…ALGY。。。'
 Suddenly the quiet voice of C for Charlie came in。 'This is Ocean Station Charlie calling Speedbird 510。 Charlie calling G…ALGY。 Can you hear me? e in Speedbird 510。'
 Bond slipped the small gun into his pocket and took the offered microphone。 He pressed the transmitter switch and talked quietly into it; watching the crew over the oblong of plastic。
 'C for Charlie this is G…ALGY Speedbird hi…jacked last evening at Idlewild。 I have killed the man responsible and partly disabled the plane by depressurizing the cabin。 I have the crew at gunpoint。 Not enough fuel to make Goose so propose to ditch as close to you as possible。 Please put put line of flares。'
 A new voice; a voice of authority; perhaps the captain's; came over the air。 'Speedbird this is C for Charlie。 Your message heard and understood。 Identify the speaker。 I repeat identify the speaker over。'
 Bond said and smiled at the sensation his words would cause; 'Speedbird to C for Charlie。 This is British Secret Service agent Number 007;1 repeat Number 007。 Whitehall Radio will confirm。 I repeat check with Whitehall Radio over。'
 There was a stunned pause。 Voices from round the world tried to break in。 Some control; presumably Gander; cleared them off the air。 C for Charlie came back; 'Speedbird this is C for Charlie alias the Angel Gabriel speaking okay I'll check with Whitehall and Wilco the flares but London and Gander want more details。。。'
 Bond broke in; 'Sorry C for Charlie but I can't hold five men in my sights and make polite conversation just give me the sea conditions would you and then I'm going off the air till we e in to ditch over。'
 'Okay Speedbird I see the point wind here force two sea conditions long smooth swell no broken crests you should make it okay I'll soon have you on the radar and we'll keep constant watch on your wavelength have whisky for one and iroas for five waiting good luck over。'
 Bond said; 'Thanks C for Charlie add a cup of tea to that order would you I've got a pretty girl on board this is Speed…bird saying over and out。'
 Bond released the switch and handed the microphone to the radio officer。 He said; 'Pilot; they're putting down flares and keeping constant watch on our wavelength。 Wind force two; long smooth swell with no broken crests。 Now take it easy and let's try and get out of this alive。 As soon as we hit the water I'll get the hatch open。 Until then if anyone es through the cockpit door he gets shot。 Right?'
 The girl's voice sounded from the door behind Bond。 'I was just ing to join the party but I won't now。 Getting shot doesn't agree with me。 But you might call that man back and make it two whiskies。 Tea makes me hiccup。'
 Bond said; 'Pussy; get back to your basket。' He gave a last glance round the cockpit and backed out of the door。
 Two hours; two years; later Bond was lying in the warm cabin in Weathership Charlie listening dreamily to an early morning radio programme from Canada。 Various parts of his body ached。 He had got to the tail of the plane and made the girl kneel down with her head cradled in her arms on the seat of a chair。 Then he had wedged himself in behind and over her and had held her life…jacketed body tightly in his arms and braced his back against the back of the seat behind him。
 She had been nervously making facetious remarks about the indelicacy of this position when the belly of the Strato…cruiser had thudded into the first mountain of swell at a hundred miles an hour。 The huge plane skipped once and then crashed nose first into a wall of water。 The impact had broken the back of the plane。 The leaden weight of the bullion in the baggage partment had torn the plane in half; spewing Bond and the girl out into the 
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