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 Night and day; the torment of thoughts went through Bond's head while the work got cleared and the hours ticked by and the deadly machine whirred quietly on。 D…1 came and flashed by in a last fever of activity。 Then; in the evening; came the note from Goldfinger。
 First phase of operation successful。 Entrain as planned at midnight。 Bring copies of all maps; schedules; operation orders。 G。
 In close formation; with Bond and Tilly Masterton … he in a white surgeon's coat; she dressed as a nurse … wedged in the middle; the Goldfinger contingent marched swiftly through the almost empty Concourse of Pennsylvania station and down to the waiting Special。 Everyone; including Goldfinger; was wearing the conventional white garb and armbands of a medical field force and the dim platform was crowded with the ghostly waiting figures of the posses from the gangs。 The silence and tension was appropriate for an emergency force hurrying to the scene of a disaster; and the stretcher and decontamination suits being loaded into the partments added drama to the scene。 The Superintendent was talking quietly with the senior physicians in the shape of Midnight; Strap; Solo and Ring。 Nearby stood Miss Galore with a dozen pale…faced nurses who waited with eyes bent as if they stood beside an open grave。 Without makeup; their exotic hair…do's tucked into dark blue Red Cross caps; they had been well rehearsed。 They were giving an excellent performance … dutiful; merciful; dedicated to the relief of human suffering。
 When the Superintendent saw Goldfinger and his party approaching he hurried up。 T》r Gold?' his face was grave。 'I'm afraid the news ing through isn't too good。 Guess it'll all be in the papers tonight。 All trains held at Louisville; no reply from the depot at Fort Knox。 But we'll get you through all right。 God Almighty; Doctor! What's going on down there? People ing through from Louisville are talking about the Russians spraying something from the air。 Of course' … the Superintendent looked keenly at Goldfinger …'I'm not believing that kind of stuff。 But what is it? Food poisoning?'
 Goldfinger's face was solemn。 He said in a kindly voice; 'My friend; that's what we've got to find out。 That's why we're being rushed down。 If you want me to make a guess; but mark you it's only a guess; it's a form of sleeping sickness … trypanosomiasis we call it。'
 'That so?' the Superintendent was impressed by the sound of the malady。 'Well; believe you me; Doctor; we're all mighty proud of you and your folks of the Emergency Force。' He held out his hand; Goldfinger took it。 'Best of luck; Doc; and now; if you'll get your men and the nurses on board; I'll have this train on its way just as quick as may be。'
 'Thank you; Superintendent。 My colleagues and I will not forget your services。' Goldfinger gave a short bow。 His contingent moved on。
 Bond found himself in a Pullman with Tilly Masterton across the aisle and the Koreans and Germans all around them。 Goldfinger was in the front of the car talking cheerfully with his satraps。 Miss Pussy Galore strolled by。 She ignored the upturned face of Tilly Masterton but gave Bond the usual searching glance。 There was a banging of doors being closed。 Pussy Galore stopped and rested an arm on the back of the seat in front of Bond。 She looked down at him。 'Hullo; Handsome。 Long time no see。 Uncle doesn't seem to let you off the lead much。'
 Bond said; 'Hullo; Beautiful。 That outfit suits you fine。 I'm feeling rather faint。 How about doing a bit of nursing?〃
 The deep violet eyes examined him carefully。 She said softly; 'You know what; Mister Bond? I got a feeling there's something phoney about you。 I got instincts; see? Just what are you and that doll' … she jerked her head back …'doing in this outfit?'
 'We do all the work。'
 The train began to move。 Pussy Galore straightened herself。 She said; 'Mebbe you do。 But if any little thing goes wrong with this caper; for my money it'll be Handsome who knows why。 Get me?'
 She didn't wait for Bond's answer; but moved on down and joined the Chiefs of Staff meeting。
 It was a confused; busy night。 Appearances had to be kept up before the inquisitive; sympathetic eyes of the conductors。 Last…minute conferences up and down the train had to wear the appearance of serious medical conclaves … no cigar smoking; no swearing; no spitting。 Jealousies and petition between the gangs had to be kept under rigid control。 The cold superiority of the Mafia; particularly vis…a…vis Jack Strap and his soft; easy living crowd from the West; might have led to gunplay if the chiefs hadn't been ready for trouble and constantly on the lookout for it。 All these minor psychological factors had been foreseen by Goldfinger and prepared for。 The women from the Cement Mixers were carefully segregated; there was no drinking and the gang chiefs kept their men occupied with further exact briefings; dummy exercises with maps and lengthy discussions about their escape plans with the gold。 There was casual spying on each other's plans and Goldfinger was often called in to judge who should have which routes to the Mexican border; to the desert; to Canada。 To Bond it was amazing that a hundred of the toughest crooks in America; on edge with excitement and greed; could be kept as quiet as they were。 It was Goldfinger who had achieved the miracle。 Apart from the calm; dangerous 。quality of the man; it was the minuteness of the planning and the confidence he exuded that calmed the battle nerves and created some sort of a team…spirit among the rival mobs。
 As the iron gallop of the train stretched itself out through the flat lands of Pennsylvania; gradually the passengers fell into an uneasy; troubled sleep。 But not Goldfinger or Oddjob。 They remained awake and watchful and soon Bond gave up any idea he might have had of using one of his hidden knives on Odd job and making a bid for freedom when the train slowed through a station or on an up…gradient。
 Bond dozed fitfully; wondering; imagining; puzzling over the Superintendent's words。 The Superintendent had certainly thought they were the truth; knew that Fort Knox was in emergency。 Was his news from Louisville the truth or part of the giant cover plan that would be necessary to get every member of the conspiracy in the bag? If it was a cover plan; how meticulously had it been prepared? Would someone slip up? Would there be some ghastly bungle that would warn Goldfinger in time? Or if the news was true; if the poison had been successful; what did there remain for Bond to do?
 Bond had made up his mind on one score。 Somehow; in the excitement of H…Hour; he would get close to Goldfinger and cut his throat with one of his hidden knives。 How much would that achieve apart from an act of private vengeance? Would Goldfinger's squad accept another man's order to arm the warhead and fire it? Who would be strong enough; cool enough to take over? Mr Solo? 。Probably。 The operation would perhaps be half successful; they would get away with plenty of gold … except Goldfinger's men who would be lost without him to lead them。 And in the meantirne; whatever else Bond could not do; had sixty thousand people already died? Was there anything he coul
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