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ression 〃a billion〃。 I use the word in the sense of one thousand million。 Do I make myself clear?'
 A TUG hooted on the river。 Another answered。 A flurry of engine noises receded。
 Mr Jed Midnight; on Bond's right; cleared his throat。 He said emphatically; 'Mister Gold; or whatever your name is; don't you worry about definitions。 A billion dollars is a lot of money whichever way you say it。 Keep talking。'
 Mr Solo raised slow black eyes and looked across the table at Goldfinger。 He said; 'Is very moch money; yess。 But how moch your cut; mister?'
 'Five billion。'
 Jack Strap from Las Vegas gave a short boisterous laugh。 'Listen fellers; what's a few billion between friends。 If Mister … er … Whoosis can lead me to a billion dollars I'll be glad to slip him a fin or even maybe a mega…fin for his trouble。 Don't let's be small…minded about this; huh?'
 Mr Helmut Springer tapped his monocle on the gold brick in front of him。 Everyone looked towards him。 'Mister … ah …Gold。' It was the grave voice of the family lawyer。 'These are big figures you mention。 As I understand it; a total of some eleven billion dollars is involved。'
 Mr Goldfinger said with precision; 'The exact figure will be nearer fifteen billion。 For convenience I referred only to the amounts I thought it would be possible for us to carry away。'
 A sharp excited giggle came from Mr Billy Ring。
 'Quite; quite; Mr Gold。' Mr Springer screwed his monocle back into his eye to observe Goldfinger's reactions。 'But quantities of bullion or currency to that amount are to be found gathered together in only three depositories in the United States。 They are the Federal Mint in Washington; the Federal Reserve Bank in New York City; and Fort Knox in Kentucky。 Do you intend that we should … er … 〃knock off' one of these? And if so which?'
 'Fort Knox。'
 Amidst the chorus of groans; Mr Midnight said resignedly; 'Mister; I never met any guy outside Hollywood that had what you've got。 There if'scalled 〃vision〃。 And vision; mister; is a talent for mistaking spots before the eyes for fabulous projects。 You should have a talk with your head…shrinker or get yourself Miltownized。' Mr Midnight shook his head sorrowfully。 'Too bad。 That billion sure felt good while I had it。'
 Miss Pussy Galore said in a deep; bored voice; 'Sorry mister; none of my set of bent pins could take that kind of piggy…bank。' She made to get up。
 Goldfinger said amiably; 'Now hear me through; gentlemen and … er … madam。 Your reaction was not unexpected。 Let me put it this way: Fort Knox is a bank like any other bank。 But it is a much bigger bank and its protective devices are correspondingly stronger and more ingenious。 To penetrate them will require corresponding strength and ingenuity。 That is the only novelty in my project … that it is a big one。 Nothing else。 Fort Knox is no more impregnable than other fortresses。 No doubt we all thought the Brink organization was unbeatable until half a dozen determined men robbed a Brink…armoured car of a million dollars back in 1950。 It is impossible to escape from Sing Sing and yet men have found ways of escaping from it。 No; no; gentlemen。 Fort Knox is a myth like other myths。 Shall I proceed to the plan?'
 Billy Ring hissed through his teeth; like a Japanese; when he talked。 He said harshly; 'Listen; shamus; mebbe ya didn't know it; but the Third Armoured is located at Fort Knox。 If that's a myth; why don't the Russkis e and take the
 United States the next time they have a team over here playing ice…hockey?'
 Goldfinger smiled thinly。 'If I may correct you without weakening your case; Mr Ring; the following is the order of battle of the military units presently quartered at Fort Knox。 Of the Third Armoured Division; there is only the Spearhead; but there are also the 6th Armoured Cavalry Regiment; the 15th Armour Group; the 160th Engineer Group and approximately half a division from all units of the United States Army currently going through the Armoured Replacement Training Centre and Military Human Research Unit No 1。 There is also a considerable body of men associated with Continental Armoured mand Board No 2; the Army Maintenance Board and various activities connected with the Armoured Centre。 In addition there is a police force consisting of twenty officers and some four hundred enlisted men。 In short; out of a total population of some sixty thousand; approximately twenty thousand are bat troops of one sort or another。'
 'And who's going to say boo to them?' jeered Mr Jack Strap through his cigar。 Without waiting for an answer he disgustedly tore the tattered stump out of his mouth and mashed it to fragments in the ash…tray。
 Next to him Miss Pussy Galore sucked her teeth sharply with the incisiveness of a parrot spitting。 She said; 'Go buy yourself some better smokes; Jacko。 That thing smells like burning wrestlers' trunks。'
 'Shove it; Puss;' said Mr Strap inelegantly。
 Miss Galore was determined to have the last word。 She said sweetly; 'Know what; Jacko? I could go for a he…man like you。 Matter of fact I wrote a song about you the other day。 Care to hear its title? It's called 〃If I had to do it all over again; I'd do it all over you〃。'
 A bray of laughter came from Mr Midnight; a high giggle from Mr Ring。 Goldfinger tapped lightly for order。 He said patiently; 'Now hear me through; please; gentlemen。' He got up and walked to the blackboard and pulled a roll map down over it。 It was a detailed town map of Fort Knox including the Godman Army Airfield and the roads and railway tracks leading into the town。 The mittee members on the right of the table swivelled their chairs。 Goldfinger pointed to the Bullion Depository。 It was down on the left…hand corner en closed in a triangle formed by the Dixie Highway; Bullion Boulevard and Vine Grove Road。 Goldfinger said; 'I will show you a detailed plan of the depository in just a moment。' He paused。 'Now; gentlemen; allow me to point out the main features of this fairly straightforward township。 Here' … he ran his finger from the top centre of the map down through the town and out beyond the Bullion Depository … 'runs the line of the Illinois Central Railroad from Louisville; thirty…five miles to the north; through the town and on to Elizabeth…town eighteen miles to the south。 We are not concerned with Brandenburg Station in the centre of the town; but with this plex of sidings adjoining the Bullion Vault。 That is one of the loading and unloading bays for the bullion from the Mint in Washington。 Other methods of transport to the vault; which are varied in no particular rotation for security reasons; are by truck convoy down the Dixie Highway or by freight plane to Godman Airfield。 As you can see; the vault is isolated from these routes and stands alone without any natural cover whatsoever in the centre of approximately fifty acres of grassland。 Only one road leads to the vault; a fifty…yard driveway through heavily armed gates on Bullion Boulevard。 Once inside the armoured stockade; the trucks proceed on to this circular road which runs round the vault to the rear entrance where the bullion is unloaded。 That circular road; gentlemen; 
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