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e was prepared to do his stint。 Gosh; what a crew! Even the Mafia had e in。 How had Goldfinger persuaded them all to e? And who in heaven's name was Miss Pussy Galore?
 Bond had the copies finished by two o'clock。 He went into the girl's room and gave them to her together with a shorthand notebook and pencils。 He also read her Goldfinger's note。 He said; 'You'd better get these names in your head。 They probably won't be hard to identify。 We can ask if we get stuck。 I'll go and get into my formal dress。〃 He smiled at her。 'Twenty minutes to go。'
 She nodded。
 Walking down the corridor behind Oddjob; Bond could hear the sounds of the river … the slapping of water on the piles below the warehouse; the long mournful hoot of a ferry clearing her way; the distant thump of diesels。 Somewhere beneath his feet a truck started up; revved and then growled away presumably towards the West Side Highway。 They must be on the top tier of the long two…tiered building。 The grey paint in the corridor smelled new。 There were no side doors。 Light came from bowls in the ceiling。 They reached the end。 Oddjob knocked。 There was the sound of a Yale key being turned and two lots of bolts being pulled and they walked through and into a large bright sunlit room。 The room was over the end of the warehouse and a wide picture window; filling most of the facing wall; framed the river and the distant brown muddle of Jersey City。 The room had been dressed for the conference。 Goldfinger sat with his back to the window at a large round table with a green baize cloth; carafes of water; yellow scratch…pads and pencils。 There were nine fortable armchairs and on the scratch…pads in front of six of them were small oblong white parcels sealed with red wax。 To the right; against the wall; was a long buffet table gleaming with silver and cut glass。 Champagne stood in silver coolers and there was a row of other bottles。 Among the various foods Bond noticed two round five…pound tins of Beluga caviar and several terrines of foie gras。 On the wall opposite the buffet hung a blackboard above a table on which there were papers and one large oblong carton。
 Goldfinger watched them e towards him across the thick wine…red carpet。 He gestured to the chair on his left for Tilly Masterton and to the one on the right for Bond。 They sat down。
 'The agenda?' Goldfinger took the copies; read the top one and handed them back to the girl。 He gave a circular wave of the hand and she got up and distributed the copies round the table。 He put his hand beneath the table and pressed a hidden bell。 The door at the back of the room opened。 One of the Koreans came in and stood waiting。 'Is everything ready?' The man nodded。 'You understand that no one is to e into this room but the people on your list? Good。 Some of them; perhaps all; will bring a panion。 The panions will remain in the anteroom。 See that they have everything they wish。 The cards are there and the dice? Oddjob。' Gold…finger glanced up at the Korean who had remained behind Bond's chair。 'Go and take up your position。 What is the signal?' Oddjob held up two fingers。 'Right。 Two rings on the bell。 You may go。 See that all the staff carry out their duties to perfection。'
 Bond said casually; 'How many staff have you got?'
 'Twenty。 Ten Koreans and ten Germans。 They are all excellent men; hand picked。 Much goes on in this building。 It is like below…decks in a man…of…war。' Goldfinger laid his hands flat on the table in front of him。 'And now; your duties。 Miss Masterton; you will take notes of any practical points that arise; anything that is likely to require action by me。 Do not bother with the argument and chatter。 Right?'
 Bond was glad to see that Tilly Masterton now looked bright and businesslike。 She nodded briskly; 'Certainly。'
 'And; Mr Bond; I shall be interested in any reactions you may have to the speakers。 I know a great deal about all these people。 In their own territories they are paramount chiefs。 They are only here because I have bribed them to e。 They know nothing of me and I need to persuade them that I know what I am talking about and will lead them to success。 Greed will do the rest。 But there may be one or more who wish to back out。 They will probably reveal themselves。 In their cases I have made special arrangements。 But there may be doubtful ones。 During the talk; you will scribble with your pencil on this agenda。 Casually you will note with a plus or a minus sign opposite the names whether you consider each one for or against the project。 I shall be able to see what sign you have made。 Your views may be useful。 And do not forget; Mr Bond; that one traitor among them; one backslider; and we could quickly find ourselves either dead or in prison for life。'
 〃Who is this Pussy Galore from Harlem?'
 'She is the only woman who runs a gang in America。 It is a gang of women。 I shall need some women for this operation。 She is entirely reliable。 She was a trapeze artiste。 She had a team。 It was called 〃Pussy Galore and her Abrocats〃。' Gold…finger did not smile。 '〃Die team was unsuccessful; so she trained them as burglars; cat burglars。 It grew into a gang of outstanding ruthlessness。 It is a Lesbian organization which now calls itself 'The Cement Mixers'。 Even the big American gangs respect them。 She is a remarkable woman。'
 A buzzer sounded very softly beneath the table。 Goldfinger straightened himself。 The door at the end of the room opened briskly and five men came in。 Goldfinger rose in his chair and ducked his head in wele。 He said; 'My name is Gold。 Will you please be seated。'
 There was a careful murmur。 Silently the men closed round the table; pulled out chairs and sat down。 Five pairs of eyes looked coldly; warily at Goldfinger。 Goldfinger sat down。 He said quietly; 'Gentlemen; in the parcels before you you will find one twenty…four…carat gold bar; value fifteen thousand dollars。 I thank you for the courtesy of your attendance。 The agenda is self…explanatory。 Perhaps; while we wait for Miss Galore; I could run through your names for the information of my secretaries; Mr Bond here; and Miss Masterton。 No notes will be made of this meeting; except on action you may wish me to take; and I can assure you there are no microphones。 Now then; Mr Bond; on your right is Mr Jed Midnight of the Shadow Syndicate operating out of Miami and Havana。'
 Mr Midnight was a big; good…living man with a jovial face but slow careful eyes。 He wore a light blue tropical suit over a white silk shirt ornamented with small green palm trees。 The plicated gold watch on his wrist must have weighed nearly half a pound。 He smiled tautly at Bond and said; 'Howdo。'
 'Then we have Mr Billy Ring who controls the famous Chicago 〃Machine〃。'
 Bond thought he had never seen anyone who was less of a 'Billy'。 It was a face out of a nightmare and; as the face turned towards Bond; it knew it was; and watched Bond for his reactions。 It was a pale; pear…shaped; baby face with downy skin and a soft thatch of straw…coloured hair; but the eyes; which should have been pale blue; were a tawny brown。 The whites showed all round the pupils and gave a mesmeric quality to the hard thoughtful stare; unsoftened by a tic in the right eyel
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