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f sat down and began to fill a pipe。 Bond took a cigarette and lit it。
 Colonel Smithers looked exactly like someone who would be called Colonel Smithers。 He had obviously been a colonel; probably on the staff; and he had the smooth; polished; basically serious mien that fitted his name。 But for his hornrimmed glasses; he might have been an efficient; not very well…fed courtier in a royal household。
 Bond felt boredom gathering in the corners of the room。 He said encouragingly; 'It seems that you are to tell me all about gold。〃
 'So I understand。 I had a note from the Governor。 I gather I need keep nothing from you。 Of course you understand' …Colonel Smithers looked over Bond's right shoulder …'that most of what I shall have to say will be confidential。' The eyes swept quickly across Bond's face。
 Bond's face was stony。
 Colonel Smithers felt the silence that Bond had intended he should feel。 He looked up; saw that he had put his foot in it; and tried to make amends。 'Obviously I needn't have mentioned the point。 A man with your training。。。'
 Bond said; 'We all think our own secrets are the only ones that matter。 You're probably right to remind me。 Other people's secrets are never quite as important as one's own。 But you needn't worry。 I shall discuss things with my chief but with no one else。'
 'Quite; quite。 Nice of you to take it that way。 In the Bank one gets into the habit of being over…discreet。 Now then;' Colonel Smithers scurried for cover into his subject。 'This business of gold。 I take it it's not a matter you've thought about a great deal?'
 'I know it when I see it。'
 'Aha; yes … well now; the great thing to remember about gold is that it's the most valuable and most easily marketable modity in the world。 You can go to any town in the world; almost to any village; and hand over a piece of gold and get goods or services in exchange。 Right?' Colonel Smithers's voice had taken on a new briskness。 His eyes were alight。 He had his lecture pat。 Bond sat back。 He was prepared to listen to anyone who was master of his subject; any subject。 'And the next thing to remember;' Colonel Smithers held up his pipe in warning; 'is that gold is virtually untrace…able。 Sovereigns have no serial numbers。 If gold bars have Mint marks stamped on them the marks can be shaved off or the bar can be melted down and made into a new bar。 That makes it almost impossible to check on the whereabouts of gold; or its origins; or its movements round the world。 In England; for instance; we at the Bank can only count the gold in our own vaults;'in the vaults of other banks and at the Mint; and make a rough guess at the amounts held by the jewellery trade and the pawnbroking fraternity。'
 'Why are you so anxious to know how much gold there is in England?'
 'Because gold and currencies backed by gold are the foundation of our international credit。 We can only tell what the true strength of the pound is; and other countries can only tell it; by knowing the amount of valuta we have behind our currency。 And my main job; Mr Bond' … Colonel Smithers's bland eyes had bee unexpectedly sharp … 'is to watch for any leakage of gold out of England … out of anywhere in the sterling area。 And when I spot a leakage; an escape of gold towards some country where it can be exchanged more profitably than at our official buying price; it is my job to put the CID Gold Squad on to the fugitive gold and try to get it back into our vaults; plug the leak and arrest the people responsible。 And the trouble is; Mr Bond' …Colonel Smithers gave a forlorn shrug of the shoulders …'that gold attracts the biggest; the most ingenious criminals。 They are very hard; very hard indeed; to catch。'
 'Isn't all this only a temporary phase? Why should this shortage of gold go on? They seem to be digging it out of Africa fast enough。 Isn't there enough to go round? Isn't it just like any other black market that disappears when the supplies are stepped up; like the penicillin traffic after the war?'
 'I'm afraid not; Mr Bond。 It isn't quite as easy as that。 The population of the world is increasing at the rate of five thousand four hundred every hour of the day。 A small percentage of those people bee gold hoarders; people who are frightened of currencies; who like to bury some sovereigns in the garden or under the bed。 Another percentage needs gold fillings for their teeth。 Others need gold…rimmed spectacles; jewellery; engagement rings。 All these new people will be taking tons of gold off the market every year。 New industries need gold wire; gold plating; amalgams of gold。 Gold has extraordinary properties which are being put to new uses every day。 It is brilliant; malleable; ductile; almost unalterable and more dense than any of the mon metals except platinum。 There's no end to its uses。 But it has two defects。 It isn't hard enough。 It wears out quickly; leaves itself on the linings of our pockets and in the sweat of our skins。 Every year; the world's stock is invisibly reduced by friction。 I said that gold has two defects。' Colonel Smithers looked sad。 'The other and by far the major defect is that it is the talisman of fear。 Fear; Mr Bond; takes gold out of circulation and hoards it against the evil day。 In a period of history when every tomorrow may be the evil day; it is fair enough to say that a fat proportion of the gold that is dug out of one corner of the earth is at once buried again in another corner。'
 Bond smiled at Colonel Smithers's eloquence。 This man lived gold; thought gold; dreamed gold。 Well; it was an interesting subject。 He might just as well wallow in the stuff。 In the days when Bond had been after the diamond smugglers he had had first to educate himself in the fascination; the myth of the stones。 He said; 'What else ought I to know before we get down to your immediate problem?'
 'You're not bored? Well; you were suggesting that gold production was so vast nowadays that it ought to take care of all these various consumers。 Unfortunately that is not so。 In fact the gold content of the world is being worked out。 You may think that large areas of the world have still to be explored for gold。 You would be mistaken。 Broadly speaking; there only remains the land under the sea and the sea itself; which has a notable gold content。 People have been scratching the surface of the world for gold for thousands of years。 There were the great gold treasures of Egypt and Mycenae; Montezuma and the Incas。 Croesus and Midas emptied the Middle Eastern territories of gold。 Europe was worked for it … the valleys of the Rhine and the Po; Malaga and the plains of Granada。 Cyprus was emptied; and the Balkans。 India got the fever。 Ants ing up from under the earth carrying grains of gold led the Indians to their alluvial fields。 The Romans worked Wales and Devon and Cornwall。 In the Middle Ages there were the finds in Mexico and Peru。 These were followed by the opening up of the Gold Coast; then called Negro…land; and after that came the Americas。 The famous gold rushes of the Yukon and Eldorado; and the rich strikes at Eureka sounded off the first modern Gold Age。 Meanwhile; in Australia; Bendigo and Ballarat had e into production; and the Russian deposits at Lena and i
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