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a field mand…a field division; that is; a big…city field office。 I've met him once; just to say hello。 Gus has a very good service rep。〃
 〃Reputation; Oleg。 He's well regarded by the field agents。 But like I said; that's the muscle end of the Bureau。 I've always been with the chess players。〃
 〃Investigations; you mean。〃
 Reilly nodded。 〃That's right。 It's what the FBI is supposed to be all about; but the outfit's mutated a bit over the years。〃 The American paused。 〃So; you're covering this Suvorov/Koniev guy real tight?〃 Reilly asked; to recenter the discussion。
 〃My men have orders to be discreet; but yes; we will keep a close eye on him; as you say。〃
 〃You know; if he really is working with the Chinese spooks 。 。 。 do you think they might want to kill that Golovko guy?〃
 〃I do not know; but we must regard that as a real possibility。〃
 Reilly nodded; thinking this would make an interesting report to send to Washington; and maybe discuss with the CIA station chief as well。
 〃I want the files for everyone who ever worked with him;〃 Sergey Nikolay'ch ordered。 〃And I want you to get me his personal file。〃
 〃Yes; rade Chairman;〃 Major Shelepin replied; with a bob of the head。
 The morning briefing; delivered by a colonel of the militia; had pleased neither the SVR Chairman nor his principal bodyguard。 In this case; for a change; the legendarily slow Russian bureaucracy had been circumvented; and the information fast…tracked to those interested in it。 That included the man whose life might have been spared accidentally after all。
 〃And we will set up a special…action group to work with this Provalov child。〃
 〃Of course; rade Chairman。〃
 It was strange; Sergey Nikolay'ch thought; how rapidly the world could change。 He vividly remembered the morning of the murder…it was not the sort of thing a man could forget。 But after the first few days of shock and attendant fear; he'd allowed himself to relax; to believe that this Avseyenko had been the real target of an underworld rub out…an archaic American term he liked…and that his own life had never been directly threatened。 With the acceptance of that belief; the entire thing had bee like driving past an ordinary traffic accident。 Even if some unfortunate motorist had been killed there at the side of the road; you just dismissed it as an irrelevance; because that sort of thing couldn't happen to you in your own expensive official car; not with Anatoliy driving。 But now he'd begun to wonder if perhaps his life had been spared by accident。 Such things were not supposed to occur…there shouldn't have been any need for them。
 Now he was more frightened than he'd been that bright Moscow morning; looking down from his window at the smoking wreck on the pavement。 It meant that he might be in danger still; and he dreaded that prospect as much as the next man。
 Worse still; his hunter might well be one of his own; a former KGB officer with connections to Spetsnaz; and if he were in contact with the Chinese。。。
 。。。 But why would the Chinese wish to end his life? For that matter; why would the Chinese wish to perform any such crime in a foreign land? It was beyond imprudent。
 None of this made any sense; but as a career intelligence officer; Golovko had long since shed the illusion that the world was supposed to make sense。 What he did know was that he needed more information; and at least he was in a very good place to seek it out。 If he wasn't as powerful as he might once have been; he was still powerful enough for his own purposes; Golovko told himself。
 He didn't try to e to the ministry very often。 It was just a routine security measure; but a sensible one。 Once you recruited an agent; you didn't want to hang out with him or her for fear of promise。 That was one of the things they taught you at The Farm。 If you promised one of your agents; you might have trouble sleeping at night; because CIA was usually active in countries where the Miranda warning was delivered by a gun or knife or fist; or something just as bad…as unpleasant as a police state could make it; and that; the instructors had told his class; could be pretty fuckin' unpleasant。 Especially in a case like this; he was intimate with this agent; and breaking away from her could cause her to stop her cooperation; which; Langley had told him; was pretty damned good; and they wanted more of it。 Erasing the program he'd had her input on her machine would be difficult for a CalTech…trained genius; but you could acplish the same thing by clobbering the whole hard drive and reinstalling new files over the old ones; because the valuable little gopher file was hidden in the system software; and a write…over would destroy it as surely as the San Francisco Earthquake。
 So; he didn't want to be here; exactly; but he was a businessman; in addition to being a spook; and the client had called him in。 The girl two desks away from Ming had a puter problem; and he was the NEC rep for the ministry offices。
 It turned out to be a minor problem…you just couldn't turn some women loose on puters。 It was like loosing a four…year…old in a gun shop; he thought; but didn't dare say such things aloud in these liberated times; even here。 Happily; Ming hadn't been in sight when he'd e in。 He'd walked over to the desk with the problem and fixed it in about three minutes; explaining the error to the secretary in simple terms she was sure to understand; and which would now make her the office expert for an easily replicated problem。 With a smile and a polite Japanese bow; he'd made his way to the door; when the door to the inner office opened; and Ming came out with her Minister Fang behind her; looking down at some papers。
 〃Oh; hello; Nomuri…san;〃 Ming said in surprise; as Fang called the name 〃Chai;〃 and waved to another of the girls to follow him in。 If Fang saw Nomuri there; he didn't acknowledge it; simply disappeared back into his private office。
 〃Hello; rade Ming;〃 the American said; speaking in English。 〃Your puter operates properly?〃 he asked formally。
 〃Yes; it does; thank you。〃
 〃Good。 Well; if you experience a problem; you have my card。〃
 〃Oh; yes。 You are well settled in to Beijing now?〃 she asked politely。
 〃Yes; thank you; I am。〃
 〃You should try Chinese food instead of sticking to the food of your homeland; though; I admit; I have developed a taste lately for Japanese sausage;〃 she told him; and everyone else in the room; with a face that would have done Amarillo Slim proud。
 For his part; Chester Nomuri felt his heart not so much skip a beat as stop entirely for about ten seconds; or so it seemed。 〃Ah; yes;〃 he had to say in reply; as soon as he got breath back in his lungs。 〃It can be very tasty。〃
 Ming just nodded and went to her desk and back to work。 Nomuri nodded and bowed politely to the office and made his departure as well; then headed down the corridor immediately for a men's room; the need to urinate urgent。 Sweet Jesus。 But that was one of the problems with agents They sometimes got off on their work the way a drug addict got off on the immediate rush when the chemical hit his system; and they'd tickle the dragon with their new and playful enthusiasm just t
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