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 The problem was politics。 The state enforced its will with ruthlessness。 She knew what could happen; the syringe filled with formaldehyde stabbed into the baby's head at the very moment of birth。 In China; it was state policy。 For the Yangs; it was premeditated; cold…blooded murder; and they were determined not to lose a second child; who; the Reverend Yu had told them; was a gift from God Himself。
 And there was a way。 If you delivered the baby at home without medical assistance; and if the baby took its first breath; then the state would not kill it。 There were some things even the government of the People's Republic quailed at; and the killing of a living; breathing human infant was one of them。 But until it took that breath; it was of no more consequence than a piece of meat in a market。 There were even rumors that the Chinese government was selling organs from the aborted newborns on the world's tissue market; to be used for medical purposes; and that was something the Yangs were able to believe。
 So; their plan was for Lien…Hua to deliver the child at home; after which they would present their state with afait acpli…and eventually have it baptized by Reverend Yu。 To this end; Mrs。 Yang had kept herself in good physical shape; walking two kilometers every day; eating sensibly; and generally doing all the things the government…published booklets told expectant mothers to do。 And if anything went badly wrong; they'd go to Reverend Yu for counsel and advice。 The plan enabled Lien…Hua to deal with the stress…in fact it was a heart…rending terror…of her unauthorized condition。
 〃Well ?〃 Ryan asked。
 〃Rutledge has all the right talents; and we've given him the instructions he needs。 He ought to carry them out properly。 Question is; will the Chinese play ball。〃
 〃If they don't; things bee harder for them;〃 the President said; if not coldly; then with some degree of determination。 〃If they think they can bully us; Scott; it's time they found out who the big kid in the playground is。〃
 〃They'll fight back。 They've taken out options on fourteen Boeing 777s…just did that four days ago; remember?
 That's the first thing they'll chop if they don't like us。
 That's a lot of money and a lot of jobs for Boeing in
 Seattle;〃 SecState warned。
 〃I never have been real big on blackmail; Scott。 Besides; that's a classic case of penny…wise; pound…foolish。 If we cave because of that; then we lose ten times the money and ten times the jobs elsewhere…okay; they won't be all in one place; and so the TV news guys won't be able to point their cameras; and so they won't do the real story; just the one that can fit on half…inch tape。 But I'm not in here to keep the goddamned media happy。 I'm here to serve the people to the best of my ability; Scott。 And that's by…God going to happen;〃 POTUS promised his guest。
 〃I don't doubt it; Jack;〃 Adler responded。 〃Just remember that it won't play out quite the way you want it to。〃
 〃It never does; but if they play rough; it's going to cost them seventy billion dollars a year。 We can afford to do without their products。 Can they afford to do without our money?〃 Ryan asked。
 Secretary Adler was not totally fortable with the way the question was posed。 〃I suppose we'll have to wait and see。〃
 〃So; what did you develop last night?〃 Reilly asked。 He'd be late to his embassy office; but his gut told him that things were breaking loose in the RPG Case…that was how he thought of it…and Director Murray had a personal interest in the case; because the President did; and that made it more important than the routine bullshit on Reilly's desk。
 〃Our Chinese friend…the one in the men's room; that is…is the Third Secretary at their mission。 Our friends across town at SVR have suspected that he is a member of their Ministry for State Security。 He's not regarded as a particularly bright diplomat by the Foreign Ministry…ours; that is。〃
 〃That's how you cover a spook;〃 Reilly agreed。 〃A dumb cookie…pusher。 Okay; so he's a player〃
 〃I agree; Mishka;〃 Provalov said。 〃Now; it would be nice to know who passed what to whom。〃
 〃Oleg Gregoriyevich〃…Reilly liked the semiformal Russian form of address…〃if I'd been standing right there and staring; I might not have been able to tell。〃 That was the problem dealing with real professionals。 They were as good at that maneuver as a Vegas dealer was with a deck of Bicycles。 You needed a good lens and a slow…motion camera to be sure; and that was a little bulky for work in the field。 But they'd just proved; to their satisfaction at least; that both men were active in the spook business; and that was a break in the case any way you sliced it。 〃ID the girl?〃
 〃Yelena Ivanova Dimitrova。〃 Provalov handed the folder across。 〃Just a whore; but; of course; a very expensive one。
 Reilly flipped it open and scanned the notes。 Known prostitute specializing in foreigners。 The photo of her was unusually flattering。
 〃You came in early this morning?〃 Reilly asked。 He must have; to have all this work done already。
 〃Before six;〃 Oleg confirmed。 The case was being more exciting for him as well。 〃In any case; Klementi Ivan'ch kept her all night。 She left his apartment and caught a taxi home at seven…forty this morning。 She looked happy and satisfied; according to my people。〃
 That was good for a chuckle。 She didn't leave her trick until after Oleg hit the office? That must have affected his attitude somewhat; Reilly thought; with an inward grin。 It sure as hell would have affected his。 〃Well; good for our subject。 I expect he won't be getting too much of that in a few months;〃 the FBI agent thought aloud; hoping it would make his Russian colleague a little happier about life。
 〃One can hope;〃 Provalov agreed coldly。 〃I have four men watching his apartment。 If he leaves and appears to be heading away for a while; I will try to get a team into his apartment to plant some electronic surveillance。〃
 〃They know how to be careful?〃 Reilly asked。 If this Suvorov mutt was as trained as they thought; he'd leave telltales in his apartment that could make breaking in dicey。
 〃They are KGB…trained also。 One of them helped catch a French intelligence officer back in the old times。 Now; I have a question for you;〃 the Russian cop said。
 〃What do you know of a special counterterrorist group based in England?〃
 〃The 'Men of Black;' you mean?〃
 Provalov nodded。 〃Yes。 Do you know anything about them?〃
 Reilly knew he had to watch his words; even though he knew damned little。 〃Really; I don't know anything more than what I've seen in the papers。 It's some sort of multinational NATO group; part military and part police; I think。 They had a good run of luck last year。 Why do you ask?〃
 〃A request from on high; because I know you。 I've been told that they are ing to Moscow to assist in training our people…Spetsnaz groups with similar tasks;〃 Oleg explained。
 〃Really? Well; I've never been in the muscle end of the Bureau; just in a local SWAT team once。 Gus Werner probably knows a lot about them。 Gus runs the new Counter…Terrorism Division at Headquarters。 Before that; Gus ran HRT and had a field mand…a fiel
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