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 〃You will not try。 You will do it; Pasha;〃 Shablikov told him; like a schoolmaster demanding homework from an underachieving child。
 It is already under way;〃 Zhang told his Premier。
 〃I trust this one will go more smoothly than its two predecessors;〃 the Premier replied dryly。 The risks attached to this operation were inparably greater。 Both previous times; with Japan's attempt to drastically alter the Pacific Rim equation; and Iran's effort to create a new nation from the ashes of the Soviet Union; the People's Republic had not done anything; just。。。 encouraged; behind the scenes。 This venture; though; was different。 Well; one could not really expect great things to happen on the cheap; could one?
 〃I … we have been unlucky。〃
 〃Perhaps so。〃 A casual nod as he switched papers on his desk。
 Zhang Han San's blood went a little cold at that。 The Premier of the People's Republic was a man known for his detachment; but he'd always regarded his Minister Without Portfolio with a certain degree of warmth。 Zhang was one of the few whose advice the Premier usually heeded。 As indeed today the advice would be heeded; but without any feeling on the part of the senior official。
 〃We have exposed nothing and we have lost nothing;〃 Zhang went on。
 The head didn't e up。 〃Except that there is now an American ambassador in Taipei。〃 And now there was talk of a mutual…defense treaty whose only purpose was to place the American navy between the two countries; regular port visits; perhaps even a permanent base (to be built entirely; most certainly; from Taiwanese money) whose only purpose; the Americans would innocently say; was merely to be a replacement for Subic Bay in the Philippines。 The economy on Taiwan had exploded after the renewal of full U。S。 diplomatic recognition; with an influx of massive new capital investments from all over the world。 Much of that money would … and should … have e to the PRC; except for the change in Americas outlook。
 But the American President Ryan had taken his action entirely on his own; so the intelligence services claimed; contrary to political and diplomatic advice in Washington … though the American Secretary of State; that Adler man; had reportedly supported Ryan's foolish decision。
 Zhang's blood temperature dropped another degree or so。 Both of his plans had gone almost as he'd calculated they should; hadn't they? In neither case had his country risked anything of consequence … oh; yes; they'd lost a few fighter aircraft the last time around; but those things and their pilots regularly crashed to no purpose anyway。 Especially in the case of Taiwan; the People's Republic had acted responsibly; allowing Secretary Adler to shuttle directly back and forth between Beijing and its wayward province across the Formosa Strait; as though giving them legitimacy … something obviously not intended by the PRC; but rather as a convenience to aid the American in his peacemaking task; so as to appear more reasonable to the Americans。。。 and so; why had Ryan done it? Had he guessed Zhang's play? That was possible; but it was more likely that there was a leak; an informer; a spy this close to the summit of political power in the People's Republic。 The counterintelligence agencies were examining the possibility。 There were few who knew what emerged from his mind and his office; and all of them would be questioned; while technical people checked his telephone lines and the very walls of his office。 Had he; Zhang; been in error? Certainly not! Even if his Premier felt that way。。。 Zhang next considered his standing with the Politburo。 That could have been better。 Too many of them regarded him as an adventurer with too great an access to the wrong ear。 It was an easy thing to whisper; since they'd be delighted to reap the profits from his policy successes; and only slightly less delighted to pull away from him if things went awry。 Well; such were the hazards of having reached the summit of policy…making in a country such as his。
 〃Even if we wished to crush Taiwan; unless we opted for nuclear weapons; it would require years and vast amounts of treasure to construct the means to make it possible; and then it would be a vast risk to little profit。 Better that the People's Republic should grow so successful economically that they e begging to us to be let back into the family home。 They are not powerful enemies; after all。 They are scarcely even a nuisance on the world stage。〃 But for some reason; they were a specific nuisance to his Premier; Zhang reminded himself; like some sort of personal allergy that marked and itched his sensitive skin。
 〃We have lost face; Zhang。 That is enough for the moment。〃
 〃Face is not blood; Xu; nor is it treasure。〃
 〃They have ample treasure;〃 the Premier pointed out; still not looking at his guest。 And that was true。 The small island of Taiwan was immensely rich from the industrious effort of its mainly ethnic…Chinese inhabitants; who traded nearly everything to nearly everywhere; and the restoration of American diplomatic recognition had increased both their mercial prosperity and their standing on the world stage。 Try as he might; wish as he might; Zhang could not discount either of those things。
 What had gone wrong? he asked himself again。 Were not his plays brilliantly subtle ones? Had his country ever overtly threatened Siberia? No。 Did even the People's Liberation Army's leadership know what the plans were? Well; yes; he had to admit to himself; some did; but only the most trusted people in the operations directorate; and a handful of senior field manders … the ones who would have to execute the plans if the time ever came。 But such people knew how to keep secrets; and if they talked to anyone。。。 but they wouldn't; because they knew what happened to people who spoke of things best left unspoken in a society such as theirs; and they knew that the very air had ears at their level of 〃trust。〃 They hadn't even mented on the draft plans to anyone; just made the usual adjustments in the technical arrangements; as senior officers always tended to do。 And so; perhaps some file clerks had the ability to examine the plans; but that was exceedingly unlikely as well。 Security in the PLA was excellent。 The soldiers; from private to the lower general ranks; had no more freedom than a machine bolted to the factory floor; and by the time they reached senior rank they'd mainly forgotten how to think independently; except perhaps in some technical matters; like which sort of bridge to build over a particular river。 No; to Zhang they might as well have been machines; and were just as trustworthy。
 Back to the original question: Why had that Ryan fellow reestablished relations with the 〃Republic of China〃? Had he guessed anything about the Japan and Iran initiatives? The incident with the airliner had certainly looked like the accident it was supposed to simulate; and afterward the PRC had invited the American navy to e to the area and 〃keep the peace;〃 as they liked to put it; as though peace were something you could place in a metal box and guard。 In reality it was the other way 'round。 War was the animal you kept in a cage; and then released when the time suited。
 Had this
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