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) rebirth。 The Men of Black were just too scary to mess with。 Muggers; after all; went after the little old ladies who'd just cashed their Social Security checks; not the armed cop on the corner。 In this; criminals were just being rational。 A little old lady can't resist a mugger very effectively; but a cop carries a gun。
 〃I expect our Russian friends will keep a lid on it。〃
 〃I think we can depend on that; Jack;〃 Ed Foley agreed。
 〃Any reason not to do it?〃
 Ryan could hear the DCI shift in his seat。 〃I never have been keen on giving 'methods' away to anybody; but this isn't an intelligence operation per se; and most of it they could get from reading the right books。 So; I guess we can allow it。〃
 〃Approved;〃 the President said。
 Ryan imagined he could see the nod at the other end。
 〃Okay; the reply will go out today。〃
 With a copy to Hereford; of course。 It arrived on John's  desk before closing time。 He summoned Al Stanley and handed it to him。
 〃I suppose we're being famous; John。〃
 〃Makes you feel good; doesn't it?〃 Clark asked distastefully。 Both were former clandestine operators; and if there had been a way to keep their own supervisors from knowing their names and activities; they would have found it long before。
 〃I presume you will go yourself。 Whom will you take to Moscow with you?〃
 〃Ding and Team…2。 Ding and I have been there before。 We've both met Sergey Nikolay'ch。 At least this way he doesn't see all that many new faces。〃
 〃Yes; and your Russian; as I recall; is first…rate。〃
 〃The language school at Monterey is pretty good;〃 John said; with a nod。
 〃How long do you expect to be gone?〃
 Clark looked back down at the fax and thought it over for a few seconds。 〃Oh; not more than。。。 three weeks;〃 he said aloud。 〃Their Spetsnaz people aren't bad。 We'll set up a training group for them; and after a while; we can probably invite them here; can't we?〃
 Stanley didn't have to point out that the SAS in particular; and the British Ministry of Defense in general; would have a conniption fit over that one; but in the end they'd have to go along with it。 It was called diplomacy; and its principles set policy for most of the governments in the world; whether they liked it or not。
 〃I suppose we'll have to; John;〃 Stanley said; already hearing the screams; shouts; and moans from the rest of the camp; and Whitehall。
 Clark lifted his phone and hit the button for his secretary; Helen Montgomery。 〃Helen; could you please call Ding and ask him to e over? Thank you。〃
 〃His Russian is also good; as I recall。〃
 〃We had some good teachers。 But his accent is a little southern。〃
 〃And yours?〃
 〃Leningrad…well; St。 Petersburg now; I guess。 Al; do you believe all the changes?〃
 Stanley took a seat。 〃John; it is all rather mad; even today; and it's been well over ten years since they took down the red flag over the Spaskiy gate。〃
 Clark nodded。 〃I remember when I saw it on TV; man。 Flipped me out。〃
 〃Hey; John;〃 a familiar voice called from the door。 〃Hi; Al。〃
 〃e in and take a seat; my boy。〃
 Chavez; simulated major in the SAS; hesitated at the 〃my boy〃 part。 Whenever John talked that way; something unusual was about to happen。 But it could have been worse。 〃Kid〃 was usually the precursor to danger; and now that he was a husband and a father; Domingo no longer went too far out of his way to look for trouble。 He walked to Clark's desk and took the offered sheets of paper。
 〃Moscow?〃 he asked。
 〃Looks like our mander…in…Chief has approved it。〃
 〃Super;〃 Chavez observed。 〃Well; it's been a while since we met Mr。 Golovko。 I suppose the vodka's still good。〃
 〃It's one of the things they do well;〃 John agreed。
 〃And they want us to teach them to do some other things?〃
 〃Looks that way。〃
 〃Take the wives with us?〃
 〃No。〃 Clark shook his head。 〃This one's all business。〃
 〃Have to work that out。 Probably a week or so。〃
 〃Fair enough。〃
 〃How's the little guy?〃
 A grin。 〃Still crawling。 Last night he started pulling himself up; standing; like。 Imagine he'll start walking in a few days〃。
 〃Domingo; you spend the first year getting them to walk and talk。 The next twenty years you spend getting them to sit down and shut up;〃 Clark warned。
 〃Hey; pop; the little guy sleeps all the way through the night; and he wakes up with a smile。 Damned sight better than I can say for myself; y'know?〃 Which made sense。 When Domingo woke up; all he had to look forward to was the usual exercises and a five…mile run; which was both strenuous and; after a while; boring。
 Clark had to nod at that。 It was one of the great mysteries of life; how infants always woke up in a good mood。 He wondered where; in the course of years; one lost that。
 〃The whole team?〃 Chavez asked。
 〃Yeah; probably。 Including BIG BIRD;〃 RAINBOW SIX added。
 〃Did he clean your clock today; too?〃 Ding asked。
 〃Next time I shoot against that son of a bitch; I want it right after the morning run; when he's a little shaky;〃 Clark said crossly。 He just didn't like to lose at much of anything; and certainly not something so much a part of his identity as shooting a handgun。
 〃Mr。 C; Ettore just isn't human。 With the MP; he's good; but not spectacular; but with that Beretta; he's like Tiger Woods with a pitching wedge。 He just lays 'emdead。〃
 〃I didn't believe it until today。 I think maybe I ought to have eaten lunch over at the Green Dragon。〃
 〃I hear you; John;〃 Chavez agreed; deciding not to ment on his father…in…law's waist。 〃Hey; I'm pretty good with a pistol; too; remember。 Ettore blew my ass away by three whole points。〃
 〃The bastard took me by one;〃 John told his Team…2 mander。 〃First man…on…man match I've lost since Third SOG。〃 And that was thirty years in the past; against his mand…master…chief; for beers。 He'd lost by two points; but beat the master…chief three straight after that; Clark remembered with pride。
 〃Is that him?〃 Provalov asked。
 〃We don't have a photograph;〃 his sergeant reminded him。 〃But he fits the general description。〃 And he was walking to the right car。 Several cameras would be snapping now to provide the photos。
 They were both in a van parked half a block from the apartment building they were surveilling。 Both men were using binoculars; green; rubber…coated military…issue。
 The guy looked about right。 He'd e off the building's elevator; and had left the right floor。 It had been established earlier in the evening that one Ivan Yurievich Koniev lived on the eighth floor of this upscale apartment building。 There had not been time to question his neighbors; which had to be done carefully; in any case。 There was more than the off…chance that this Koniev/Suvorov's neighbors were; as he was reputed to be; former KGB; and thus asking them questions could mean alerting the subject of their investigation。 This was not an ordinary subject; Provalov kept reminding himself。
 The car the man got into was a rental。 There was a private automobile registered to one Koniev; Ian Yurievich; at this address; a Mercedes C…class; and who was to say what other cars he might own under another identity? Provalov was sure he'd have more of those; and they'd all be very
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