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ppened when they got caught was their problem; not his。 〃So; what's the story?〃
 〃This Suvorov。 We can't find him。 Mishka; it is as if he doesn't exist。〃
 〃Really?〃 It both was and was not a surprise to Reilly。 The former; because Russia; like many European societies; kept track of people in ways that would have started a Second American Revolution。 The cops here were supposed to know where everybody lived; a carryover from the Bad Old Days when KGB had kept a third of the population as informers on the other two…thirds。 It was an unmon situation for the local cops not to be able to find someone。
 The situation was not surprising; however; because if this Suvorov mutt really was a former KGB officer; then he'd been expertly trained to disappear; and that sort of adversary didn't just die of the dumbs; like most American and Russian hoods did。 Nor would he die from talking too much。 Your average criminals acted…well; like criminals。 They bragged too much; and to the wrong people; other criminals for the most part; who had the loyalty of rattlesnakes and would sell out a 〃friend〃 as readily as taking a piss。 No; this Suvorov guy; if he was who and what the informants said he was; was a pro; and they made interesting game for interesting hunts; and usually long hunts at that。
 But you always got them in the end; because the cops never stopped looking; and sooner or later; he'd make a mistake; maybe not a big one; but big enough。 He wouldn't be hanging with his former buds in KGB; people who would help keep him hidden; and would only talk among themselves and then not much。 No; he was in a different milieu now; not a friendly one; not a safe one; and that was just too damned bad。 Reilly had occasionally felt a certain sympathy for a criminal; but never for a killer。 There were some lines you just couldn't cross。
 〃He has dived into a hole and then covered it up from inside;〃 the Russian said; with some frustration。
 〃Okay; what do we know about him?〃
 Provalov related what he'd just learned。 〃They say they will be asking whores if they might know him。〃
 〃Good call。〃 Reilly nodded。 〃I bet he likes the high…end ones。 Like our Miss Tanya; maybe。 You know; Oleg; maybe he knew Avseyenko。 Maybe he knows some of his girls。〃
 〃That is possible。 I can have my men check them out as well。〃
 〃Can't hurt;〃 the FBI agent agreed; waving to the bartender for a couple of refills。 〃You know; buddy; you've got yourself a real investigation happening here。 I kinda' wish I was on your force to help out。〃
 〃You enjoy this?〃
 〃Bet your ass; Oleg。 The harder the case; the more thrilling the chase。 And it feels real good at the end when you bag the bastards。 When we convicted Gotti; damn if we didn't have one big party in Manhattan。 The Teflon Don;〃 Reilly said; hoisting his glass; and telling the air; 〃Hope you like it in Marion; boy。〃
 〃This Gotti; he killed people; yes?〃 Provalov asked。
 〃Oh; yeah; some himself; and others he gave the orders。 His number one boy; Salvatore Gravano…Sammy the Bull; they called him…turned government witness and helped make the case for us。 So then we put Sammy in the witness…protection program; and the mutt starts dealing drugs again down in Arizona。 So; Sammy's back inside。 The dummy。〃
 〃They all are; as you say; criminals;〃 Provalov pointed out。
 〃Yeah; Oleg; they are。 They're too stupid to go straight。 They think they can outsmart us。 And y'know; for a while they do。 But sooner or later。。 。〃 Reilly took a sip and shook his head。
 〃Even this Suvorov; you think?〃
 Reilly smiled for his new friend。 〃Oleg; do you ever make a mistake?〃
 The Russian grunted。 〃At least once a day。〃
 〃So; why do you think they're any smarter than you are?〃 the FBI agent asked。 〃Everybody makes mistakes。 I don't care if he's driving a garbage truck or President of the fucking United States。 We all fuck up every so often。 It's just part of being human。 Thing is; if you recognize that fact; you can make it a lot further。 Maybe this guy's been well trained; but we all have weaknesses; and we're not all smart enough to acknowledge them; and the smarter we are; the less likely we are to acknowledge them。〃
 〃You are a philosopher;〃 Provalov said with a grin。 He liked this American。 They were of a kind; as though the gypsies had switched babies at birth or something。
 〃Maybe; but you know the difference between a wise man and a fool?〃
 〃I am sure you will tell me。〃 Provalov knew how to spot pontification half a block away; and the one approaching had flashing red lights on the roof。
 〃The difference between a wise man and a fool is the magnitude of his mistakes。 You don't trust a fool with anything important。〃 The vodka was making him wax rhapsodic; Reilly thought。 〃But a wise man you do; and so the fool doesn't have the chance to make a big screw up; while a wise man does。 Oleg; a private can't lose a battle; but a general can。 Generals are smart; right? You have to be real smart to be a doc; but docs kill people by accident all the time。 It is the nature of man to make mistakes; and brains and training don't matter a rat…fuck。 I make 'em。 You make 'em。〃 Reilly hoisted his glass again。 〃And so does rade Suvorov。〃 It'll be his dick; Reilly thought。 If he likes to play with hookers; it'll be his dick that does him in。 Tough luck; bro。 But he wouldn't be the first to follow his dick into trouble; Reilly knew。 He probably wouldn't be the last; either。
 〃So did it all work?〃 Ming asked。
 〃Hhhhhh?〃 Nomuri responded。 This was strange。 She was supposed to be in the afterglow period; his arm still around her; while they both smoked the usual after…sex cigarette。
 〃I did what you wished with my puter。 Did it work?〃
 〃I'm not sure;〃 Nomuri tried as a reply。 〃I haven't checked。〃
 〃I do not believe that!〃 Ming responded; laughing。 〃I have thought about this。 You have made me a spy!〃 she said; followed by a giggle。
 〃I did what?〃
 〃You want me to make my puter accessible to you; so you can read all my notes; yes?〃
 〃Do you care?〃 He'd asked her that once before; and gotten the right answer。 Would it be true now? She'd sure as hell seen through his cover story。 Well; that was no particular surprise; was it? If she weren't smart; she'd be useless as a penetration agent。 But knowing what she was。。; how patriotic was she? Had he read her character right? He didn't let his body tense next to hers; remarkably enough。 Nomuri congratulated himself for mastering another lesson in the duplicity business。
 A moment's contemplation; then: 〃No。〃
 Nomuri tried not to let his breath out in too obvious an expression of relief。
 〃Well; then you need not concern yourself。 From now on; you will do nothing at all。〃
 〃Except this?〃 she asked with yet another giggle。
 〃As long as I continue to please you; I suppose!〃
 〃Master Sausage!〃
 〃Your sausage pleases me greatly;〃 Ming explained; resting her head on his chest。
 And that; Chester Nomuri thought; was sufficient to the moment。
 The Smelting of Gold
 Pavel Petrovich Gogol could believe his eyes; but only because he'd seen the whole Red Army armored corps on the move in the Western Ukraine and Polan
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