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 〃That's a little worrisome;〃 Robby observed。
 〃Get Ben to give you a plete brief…in on this。 What's your day look like?〃 the President asked。
 〃Sierra…square; Delta…square。〃 It was their personal code: SSDD … same shit; different day。 〃I have a meeting of the Space Council across the street in twenty minutes。 Then tonight I have to fly down to Mississippi for a speech tomorrow morning at Ole Miss。〃
 〃You taking the wheel?〃 Ryan asked。
 〃Hey; Jack; the one good thing about this damned job is that I get to fly again。〃 Jackson had insisted on getting rated on the VC…20B that he most often flew around the country on official trips under the code name 〃Air Force Two。〃 It looked very good in the media; and it was also the best possible therapy for a fighter pilot who missed being in control of his aircraft; though it must have annoyed the Air Force flight crew。 〃But it's always to shit details you don't want;〃 he added with a wink。
 〃It's the only way I could get you a pay raise; Robby。 And nice quarters; too;〃 he reminded his friend。
 〃You left out the flight pay;〃 responded Vice Admiral R。 J。 Jackson; USN; retired。 He paused at the door and turned。 〃What does that attack say about the situation over there in Russia?〃
 Jack shrugged。 〃Nothing good。 They just can't seem to get ahead of things; can they?〃
 〃I guess;〃 the Vice President agreed。 〃Problem is; how the hell do we help them?〃
 〃I haven't figured that one out yet;〃 Jack admitted。 〃And we have enough potential economic problems on our horizon; with Asia sliding down the tubes。〃
 〃That's something I have to learn; this economic shit;〃 Robby admitted。
 〃Spend some time with George Winston;〃 Ryan suggested。 〃It's not all that hard; but you have to learn a new language to speak。 Basis points; derivatives; all that stuff George knows it pretty good。〃
 Jackson nodded。 〃Duly noted; sir。〃
 〃 'Sir'? Where the hell did that e from; Rob?〃

 〃You still be the National mand Authority; oh great man;〃 Robby told him with a grin and a lower…Mississippi accent。 〃I just be da XO; which means Ah gits all the shit details。〃
 〃So; think of this as PCO School; Rob; and thank God you have a chance to learn the easy way。 It wasn't like that for me …〃
 〃I remember; Jack。 I was here as J…3; remember? And you did okay。 Why do you think I allowed you to kill my career for me?〃
 〃You mean it wasn't the nice house and the drivers?〃
 The Vice President shook his head。 〃And it wasn't to be a first…black; either。 I couldn't say 'no' when my President asks; even if it's a turkey like you。 Later; man。〃
 〃See ya at lunch; Robby;〃 Jack said as the door closed。
 〃Mr。 President; Director Foley on Three;〃 the speakerphone announced。
 Jack lifted the secure phone and punched the proper button。 〃Morning; Ed。〃
 〃Hi; Jack; we have some more on Moscow〃
 〃How'd we get it?〃 Ryan asked first; just to have a way of evaluating the information he was about to receive。
 〃Intercepts;〃 the Director of Central Intelligence answered; meaning that the information would be fairly reliable。 munications intelligence was the most trusted of all; because people rarely lied to one another over the radio or telephone。 〃It seems this case has a very high priority over there; and the militiamen are talking very freely over their radios。〃
 〃Okay; what do you got?〃
 〃Initial thinking over there is that Rasputin was the main target。 He was pretty big; making a ton of money with his female。。。 employees;〃 Ed Foley said delicately; 〃and trying to branch out into other areas。 Maybe he got a little pushy with someone who didn't like being pushed。〃
 You think so?〃 Mike Reilly asked。
 〃Mikhail Ivan'ch; I am not sure what I think。 Like you; I am not trained to believe in coincidences;〃 replied Lieutenant Oleg Provalov of the Moscow Militia。 They were in a bar which catered to foreigners; which was obvious from the quality of the vodka being served。
 Reilly wasn't exactly new to Moscow。 He'd been there fourteen months; and before that had been the Assistant Special Agent in Charge of the New York office of the FBI … but not for Foreign Counter…Intelligence。 Reilly was an OC…Organized Crime…expert who'd spent fifteen busy years attacking the Five Families of the New York Mafia; more often called LCN by the FBI; for La Cosa Nostra。 The Russians knew this; and he'd established good relations with the local cops; especially since he'd arranged for some senior militia officers to fly to America to participate in the FBI's National Academy Program; essentially a Ph。D。 course for senior cops; and a degree highly prized in American police departments。
 〃You ever have a killing like this in America?〃
 Reilly shook his head。 〃No; you can get regular guns pretty easy at home; but not anti…tank weapons。 Besides; using them makes it an instant Federal case; and they've learned to keep away from us as much as they can。 Oh; the wiseguys have used car bombs;〃 he allowed; 〃but just to kill the people in the car。 A hit like this is a little too spectacular for their tastes。 So; what sort of guy was Avseyenko?〃
 A snort; and then Provalov almost spat the words out: 〃He was a pimp。 He preyed on women; had them spread their legs; and then took their money。 I will not mourn his passing; Mishka。 Few will; but I suppose it leaves a vacuum that will be filled in the next few days。〃
 〃But you think he was the target; and not Sergey Golovko?〃
 〃Golovko? To attack him would be madness。 The chief of such an important state organ? I don't think any of our criminals have the balls for that。〃
 Maybe; Reilly thought; but you don't start off a major investigation by making assumptions of any kind; Oleg Gregoriyevich。 Unfortunately; he couldn't really say that。 They were friends; but Provalov was thin…skinned; knowing that his police department did not measure up well against the American FBI。 He'd learned that at Quantico。 He was doing the usual right now; rattling bushes; having his investigators talk to Avseyenko's known associates to see if he'd spoken about enemies; disputes; or fights of one sort or another; checking with informants to see if anyone in the Moscow underworld had been talking about such things。
 The Russians needed help on the forensic side; Reilly knew。 At the moment they didn't even have the dump truck。 Well; there were a few thousand of them; and that one might have been stolen without its owner/operator even knowing that it had been missing。 Since the shot had been angled down; according to eyewitnesses; there would be little if any launch signature in the load area to help ID the truck; and they needed the right truck in order to recover hair and fibers。 Of course; no one had gotten the tag number; nor had anyone been around with a camera during rush hour … well; so far。 Sometimes a guy would show up a day or two later; and in major investigations you played for breaks … and usually the break was somebody who couldn't keep his mouth shut。 Investigating people who knew how to stay silent was a tough way to earn a living。 Fortunately; the criminal mind wasn't so circumspect … except for the smart ones; and Moscow; Reilly had learned; had more than a few of them。
 There were two kind
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