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 before your new software … and it's from a Beatles song I heard on the radio once。 'We all live in a yellow submarine;' something like that。 I listened to the radio a lot back then; when I was first studying English。 I spent half an hour looking up submarines in the dictionary and then the encyclopedia; trying to find out why a ship was painted yellow。 Ahh!〃 Her hands flew up in the air。
 The encryption key! Nomuri tried to hide his excitement。 〃Well; it must be a lot of folders。 You've been his secretary for a lot of time;〃 he said casually。
 〃Over four hundred documents。 I keep them by number instead of making up new names for them。 Today was number four hundred eighty…seven; as a matter of fact。〃
 Holy shit; Nomuri thought; four hundred eighty…seven puter documents of inside…the…Politburo conversations。 This makes a gold mine look like a toxic waste dump。
 〃What exactly do they talk about? I've never met a senior government functionary;〃 Nomuri explained。
 〃Everything!〃 she answered; finishing her own cigarette。 〃Who's got ideas in the Politburo; who wants to be nice to America; who wants to hurt them … everything you can imagine。 Defense policy。 Economic policy。 The big one lately is how to deal with Hong Kong。 'One Country; Two Systems' has developed problems with some industrialists around Beijing and Shanghai。 They feel they are treated with less respect than they deserve … less than they get in Hong Kong; that is … and they are unhappy about it。 Fang's one of the people trying to find a promise to make them happy。 He might。 He's very clever at such things。〃
 〃It must be fascinating to see such information … to really know what's going on in your country!〃 Nomuri gushed。 〃In Japan; we never know what the zaibatsu and the MITI people are doing … ruining the economy; for the most part; the fools。 But because nobody knows; no action is ever taken to fix things。 Is it the same here?〃
 〃Of course!〃 She lit another smoke; getting into the conversation; and hardly noticing that it wasn't about love anymore。 〃Once I studied my Marx and my Mao。 Once I believed in it all。 Once I even trusted the senior ministers to be men of honor and integrity; and totally believed the things they taught me in school。 But then I saw how the army has its own industrial empire; and that empire keeps the generals rich and fat and happy。 And I saw how the ministers use women; and how they furnish their apartments。 They've bee the new emperors。 They have too much power。 Perhaps a woman could use such power without being corrupted; but not a man。〃
 Feminism's made it over here; too? Nomuri reflected。 Maybe she was too young to remember Mao's wife; Jiang Qing; who could have given corruption lessons to the court of Byzantium。
 〃Well; that is not a problem for people like us。 And at least you get to see such things; and at least you get to know it。 That makes you even more unique; Ming…chan;〃 Nomuri suggested; tracing the palm of his hand over her left nipple。 She shivered right on mand。。
 〃You think so?〃
 〃Of course。〃 A kiss this time; a nice lingering one; while his hand stroked her body。 He was so close。 She had told him of all the information she had … she'd even given him the fucking encryption key! So her 'puter was wired into the phone system … that meant he could call in to it; and with the right software he could go snooping around her hard drive; and with the encryption key he could lift things right off; and cross…load them right to Mary Pat's desk。 Damn; first I get to fuck a Chinese citizen; and then I can fuck their whole country。 It didn't get much better than this; the field spook decided; with a smile at the ceiling。
 Penetration Agent
 Well; he left the prurient parts out this time; Mary Pat saw when she lit up her puter in the morning。 Operation SORGE was moving right along。
 Whoever this Ming girl was; she talked a little too much。 Odd。 Hadn't the MSS briefed all the executive secretaries about this sort of thing? Probably…it would have been a remarkable oversight if they hadn't…but it also seemed likely that of the well…known reasons for mitting treason and espionage (known as MICE: Money; Ideology; Conscience; and Ego); this one was Ego。 Young Miss Ming was being used sexually by her Minister Fang; and she didn't much like it; and that made perfect sense to Mary Patricia Foley。 A woman only had so much to give; and to have it taken coercively by a man of power wasn't something calculated to make a woman happy…though ironically the powerful man in question probably thought he was honoring her with his biological attention。 After all; was he not a great man; and was she not a peasant? The thought was good for a snort as she took a sip of morning seventh…floor coffee。 It didn't matter what culture or race; men were all the same; weren't they? So many of them thought from the dick instead of the brain。 Well; it was going to cost this one dearly; the Deputy Director (Operations) concluded。
 Ryan saw and heard the PDB; the President's Daily Brief; every day。 It covered intelligence information developed by CIA; was prepared late every night and printed early every morning; and there were less than a hundred copies; almost all of which were shredded and burned later in the day of delivery。 A few copies; maybe three or four; were kept as archives; in case the electronic files somehow got corrupted; but even President Ryan didn't know where the secure…storage site was。 He hoped it was carefully guarded; preferably by Marines。
 The PDB didn't contain everything; of course。 Some things were so secret that even the President couldn't be trusted。 That was something Ryan accepted with remarkable equanimity。 Sources' names had to remain secret; even from him; and methods were often so narrowly technical that he'd have trouble understanding the technology used anyway。 But even some of the 〃take;〃 the information obtained by the CIA through nameless sources and overly intricate methods; was occasionally hidden from the Chief Executive; because some information had to e from a certain limited number of sources。 The intelligence business was one in which the slightest mistake could end the life of a priceless asset; and while such things had happened; nobody had ever felt good about it…though to some politicians; it had been a matter of infuriating indifference。 A good field spook viewed his agents as his own children; whose lives were to be protected against all hazards。 Such a point of view was necessary。 If you didn't care that much; then people died…and with their lost lives went lost information; which was the whole point of having a clandestine service in the first place。
 〃Okay; Ben;〃 Ryan said; leaning back in his chair and flipping through the PDB pages。 〃What's interesting?〃
 〃Mary Pat has something happening in China。 Not sure what it is; though。 She's keeping these cards pretty close。 The rest of today's document you can get on CNN。〃
 Which was; depressingly; not infrequently the case。 On the other hand; the world was fairly sedate; and penetrating information wasn't all that necessary。。; or apparently so; Ryan corrected himself。 You could never tell。 He'd learned th
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