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and west toward his corner office。
 〃Crap;〃 Ryan breathed; as he flipped to the briefing papers for the Secretary of the Interior。 Smokey Bear's owner。 Also custodian of the national parks; which the President only got to see on the Discovery Channel; on such nights as he had free time to switch the TV on。
 There wasn't much to be said for the clothing people wore in this place; Nomuri thought again; except for one thing。 When you undid the buttons and found the Victoria's Secret stuff underneath; well; it was like having a movie switch from black…and…white to Technicolor。 This time Ming allowed him to do her buttons; then slide the jacket down her arms; and then get her trousers off。 The panties looked particularly inviting; but then; so did her entire body。 Nomuri scooped her up in his arms and kissed her passionately before dropping her on the bed。 A minute later; he was beside her。
 〃So; why were you late?〃
 She made a face。 〃Every week Minister Fang meets with other ministers; and when he es back; he has me transcribe the notes of the meetings so that he has a record of everything that was said。〃
 〃Oh; do you use my new puter for that?〃 The question concealed the quivering Jesus! he felt throughout his body on hearing Ming's words。 This girl could be one hell of a source! Nomuri took a deep breath and resumed his poker face of polite disinterest。
 〃Of course。〃
 〃Excellent。 It's equipped with a modem; yes?〃
 〃Of course; I use it every day to retrieve Western news reports and such from their media web sites。〃
 〃Ah; that is good。〃 So; he'd taken care of business for the day; and with that job done; Nomuri leaned over for a kiss。
 〃Before I came into the restaurant; I put the lipstick on;〃 Ming explained。 〃I don't wear it at work。〃
 〃So I see;〃 the CIA officer replied; repeating the initial kiss; and extending it in time。 Her arms found their way around his neck。 The reason for her lateness had nothing to do with a lack of affection。 That was obvious now; as his hands started to wander also。 The front…closure on the bra was the smartest thing he'd done。 Just a flick of thumb and forefinger and it sprang open; revealing both of her rather cute breasts; two more places for his hand to explore。 The skin there was particularly silky。。。 and; he decided a few seconds later; tasty as well。
 This resulted in an agreeable moan and squirm of pleasure from his。。。 what? Friend? Well; okay; but not enough。 Agent? Not yet。 Lover would do for the moment。 They'd never talked at The Farm about this sort of thing; except the usual warnings not to get too close to your agent; lest you lose your objectivity。 But if you didn't get a little bit close; you'd never recruit the agent; would you? Of course; Chester knew that he was far more than a little bit close at the moment。
 Whatever her looks; she had delightful skin; and his fingertips examined it in great detail as his eyes smiled into hers; with the occasional kiss。 And her body wasn't bad at all。 A nice shape even when she stood。 A little too much waist; maybe; but this wasn't Venice Beach; and the hourglass figure; however nice it might look in pictures; was just that; a picture look。 Her waist was smaller than her hips; and that was enough for the moment。 It wasn't as though she'd be walking down the ramp at some New York fashion show; where the models looked like boys anyway。 So; Ming is not now and would never be a supermodel … deal with it; Chet; the officer told himself。 Then it was time to put all the CIA stuff aside。 He was a man; dressed only in boxer shorts; next to a woman; dressed only in panties。 Panties large enough maybe to make a handkerchief; though orange…red wouldn't be a good color for a man to pull from his back pocket; especially; he added to himself with a smile; in some artificial silk fabric。
 〃Why do you smile?〃 Ming asked。
 〃Because you are pretty;〃 Nomuri replied。 And so she was; now; with that particular smile on her face。 No; she'd never be a model; but inside every woman was the look of beauty; if only they would let it out。 And her skin was first…class; especially her lips; coated with after…work lipstick; smooth and greasy; yet making his lips linger even so。 Soon their bodies touched almost all over; and a warm; fortable feeling it was; so nicely she fit under one arm; while his left hand played and wandered。 Ming's hair didn't tangle much。 She could evidently brush it out very easily; it was so short。 Her underarms; too; were hairy; like many Chinese women's; but that only gave Nomuri something else to play with; teasing and pulling a little。 That evidently tickled her。 Ming giggled playfully and hugged him tighter; then relaxed to allow his hand to wander more。 As it passed her navel; she lay suddenly still; relaxing herself in some kind of invitation。 Time for another kiss as his fingertips wandered farther; and there was humor in her eyes now。 What game could this be。。。?
 As soon as his hands found her panties; her bottom lifted off the mattress。 He sat up halfway and pulled them down; allowing her left foot to kick them into the air; where the red…orange pants flew like a mono…colored RAINBOW; and then …
 〃Ming!〃 he said in humorous accusation。
 〃I've heard that men like this;〃 she said with a sparkle and a giggle。
 〃Well; it is different;〃 Nomuri replied; as his hands traced over skin even smoother than the rest of her body。 〃Did you do this at work?〃
 A riotous laugh now: 〃No; fool! This morning at my apartment! In my own bathroom; with my own razor。〃
 〃Just wanted to make sure;〃 the CIA officer assured her。 Damn; isn't this something。 Then her hand moved to do to him much the same as he was doing to her。
 〃You are different from Fang;〃 her voice told him in a playful whisper。
 〃Oh? How so?〃
 〃I think the worst thing a woman can say to a man is 'Are you in yet?' One of the other secretaries said that to Fang once。 He beat her。 She came into work the next day with black eyes … he made her e in … and then the next night。。。 well; he had me to bed;〃 she admitted; not so much with shame as embarrassment。 〃To show what a man he still is。 But I knew better than to say that to him。 We all do; now。〃
 〃Will you say that to me?〃 Nomuri asked with a smile and another kiss。

 〃Oh; no! You are a sausage; not a string bean!〃 Ming told him enthusiastically。
 It wasn't the most elegant pliment he'd ever had; but it sufficed for the moment; Nomuri thought。
 〃Do you think it's time for the sausage to find a home?〃
 〃Oh; yes!〃
 As he rolled on top; Nomuri saw two things under him。 One was a girl; a young woman with the usual female drives; which he was about to answer。 The other was a potential agent; with access to political intelligence such as an experienced case officer only dreamed about。 But Nomuri wasn't an experienced case officer。 He was still a little wet behind the ears; and so he didn't know what was impossible。 He'd have to worry about his potential agent; because if he ever recruited her successfully; her life would be in the gravest danger。。。 he thought about what would happen; how her face would change as the bullet entered her brain。。。 but; no; it was too ugly。 With an effort; Nomuri forced
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