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d; he thought。 And maybe this was the last country in the world that really was red。。。 wouldn't Mao be proud。。。?
 Where are you?
 Well; whoever from the MSS might be watching; if he had any doubts about what Nomuri was doing; they'd damned sure know he was waiting for a woman; and if anything his stress would look like that of a guy bewitched by the woman in question。 And spooks weren't supposed to be bewitched; were they?
 What are you worrying about that for; asshole; just because you might notget laid tonight?
 Twenty…three minutes late。 He stubbed out one cigarette and lit another。 If this was a mechanism women used to control men; then it was an effective one。
 James Bond never had these problems; the intelligence officer thought。 Mr。 Kiss…Kiss Bang…Bang was always master of his women … and if anyone needed proof that Bond was a character of fiction; that was sure as hell it!
 As it turned out; Nomuri was so entranced with his thoughts that he didn't see Ming e in。 He felt a gentle tap on his back; and turned rapidly to see …
  … she wore the radiant smile; pleased with herself at having surprised him; the beaming dark eyes that crinkled at the corners with the pleasure of the moment。
 〃I am so sorry to be late;〃 she said rapidly。 〃Fang needed me to transcribe some things; and he kept me in the office late。〃
 〃I must talk to this old man;〃 Nomuri said archly; hauling himself erect on the barstool。
 〃He is; as you say; an old man; and he does not listen very well。 Perhaps age has impeded his hearing。〃
 No; the old fucker probably doesn't want to listen; Nomuri didn't say。 Fang was probably like bosses everywhere; well past the age when he looked for the ideas of others。
 〃So; what do you want for dinner?〃 Nomuri asked; and got the best possible answer。
 〃I'm not hungry。〃 With sparkles in the dark eyes to affirm what she did want。 Nomuri tossed off the last of his drink; stubbed out his cigarette; and walked out with her。
 So?〃 Ryan asked。
 〃So; this is not good news;〃 Arnie van Damm replied。
 〃I suppose that depends on your point of view。 When will they hear arguments?〃
 〃Less than two months; and that's a message; too; Jack。 Those good 'strict…constructionist' justices you appointed are going to hear this case; and if I had to bet; I'd wager they're hot to overturn Roe。 〃
 Jack settled back in his chair and smiled up at his Chief of Staff。 〃Why is that bad; Arnie?〃
 〃Jack; it's bad because a lot of the citizens out there like to have the option to choose between abortion or not。 That's why。 'Pro choice' is what they call it; and so far it's the law。〃
 〃Maybe that'll change;〃 the President said hopefully; looking back down at his schedule。 The Secretary of the Interior was ing in to talk about the national parks。
 〃That is not something to look forward to; damn it! And it'll be blamed on you!〃
 〃Okay; if and when that happens; I will point out that I am not a justice of the United States Supreme Court; and stay away from it entirely。 If they decide the way I … and I guess you … think they will; abortion bees a legislative matter; and the legislature of the 'several states;' as the Constitution terms them; will meet and decide for themselves if the voters want to be able to kill their unborn babies or not … but; Arnie; I've got four kids; remember。 I was there to see them all born; and be damned if you are going to tell me that abortion is okay!〃 The fourth little Ryan; Kyle Daniel; had been born during Ryan's Presidency; and the cameras had been there to record his face ing out of the delivery room; allowing the entire nation … and the world; for that matter … to share the experience。 It had bumped Ryan's approval rating a full fifteen points; pleasing Arnie very greatly at the time。
 〃God damn it; Jack; I never said that; did I?〃 van Damm demanded。 〃But you and I do objectionable things every so often; don't we? And we don't deny other people the right to do such things; too; do we? Smoke; for example?〃 he added; just to twist Ryan's tail a little。
 〃Arnie; you use words as cleverly as any man I know; and that was a good play。 I'll give you that。 But there's a qualitative difference between lighting up a goddamned cigarette and killing a living human being。〃
 〃True; if a fetus is a living human being; which is something for theologians; not politicians。〃
 〃Arnie; it's like this。 The pro…abortion crowd says that whether or not a fetus is human is beside the point because it's inside a woman's body; and therefore her property to do with as she pleases。 Fine。 It was the law in the Roman Republic and Empire that a wife and children were property of the paterfamilias; the head of the family; and he could kill them anytime he pleased。 You think we should go back to that?〃
 〃Obviously not; since it empowers men and dis…empowers women; and we don't do things like that anymore。〃
 〃So; you've taken a moral issue and degraded it to what's good politically and what's bad politically。 Well; Arnie; I am not here to do that。 Even the President is allowed to have some moral principles; or am I supposed to check my ideas of right and wrong outside the door when I show up for work in the morning?〃
 〃But he's not allowed to impose it on others。 Moral principles are things you keep on the inside; for yourself。〃
 〃What we call law is nothing more or less than the public's collective belief; their conviction of what right and wrong is。 Whether it's about murder; kidnapping; or running a red light; society decides what the rules are。 In a democratic republic; we do that through the legislature by electing people who share our views。 That's how laws happen。 We also set up a constitution; the supreme law of the land; which is very carefully considered because it decides what the other laws may and may not do; and therefore it protects us against our transitory passions。 The job of the judiciary is to interpret the laws; or in this case the constitutional principles embodied in those laws; as they apply to reality。 In Roe versus Wade; the Supreme Court went too far。 It legislated; it changed the law in a way not anticipated by the drafters; and that was an error。 All a reversal of Roe will do is return the abortion issue to the state legislatures; where it belongs。〃
 〃How long have you been thinking about that speech?〃 Arnie asked。 Ryan's turn of phrase was too polished for extemporaneous speech。
 〃A little while;〃 the President admitted。
 〃Well; when that decision es through; be ready for a firestorm;〃 his Chief of Staff warned。 〃I'm talking demonstrations; TV coverage; and enough newspaper editorials to paper the walls of the Pentagon; and your Secret Service people will worry about the additional danger to your life; and your wife's life; and your kids。 If you think I'm kidding; ask them。〃
 〃That doesn't make any sense。〃
 〃There's no law; federal; state; or local; which pels the world to be logical; Jack。 The people out there depend on you to keep the fucking weather pleasant; and they blame you when you don't。 Deal with it。〃 With that; an annoyed Chief of Staff headed out and west toward his corner office。
 〃Crap;〃 Ryan breathed; as he flipped to the briefing papers fo
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