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ating。 Mike Reilly was one of them。 He'd also been assistant head of the SWAT team in his first field division in Kansas City before moving over to the chess players in the OC … Organized Crime … department。 It made him feel a little naked to walk around without his trusty S&W 1076 automatic; but that was life in the FBI's diplomatic service; the agent told himself。 What the hell; the vodka was good here; and he was developing a taste for it。 For that his diplomatic license plates helped。 The local cops were pretty serious about giving tickets out。 It was a pity they still had so much to learn about major criminal investigations。
 〃So; our pimp friend was probably the primary target; Oleg?〃
 〃Yes; I think that is likely; but not entirely certain yet。〃 He shrugged。 〃But we'll keep the Golovko angle open。 After all;〃 Provalov added; after a long sip of his glass; 〃it will get us lots of powerful cooperation from other agencies。〃
 Reilly had to laugh at that。 〃Oleg Gregoriyevich; you know how to handle the bureaucratic part of the job。 I couldn't do that better myself!〃 Then he waved to the bartender。 He'd spring for the next round。
 The Internet had to be the best espionage invention ever made; Mary Patricia Foley thought。 She also blessed the day that she'd personally remended Chester Nomuri to the Directorate of Operations。 That little Nisei had some beautiful moves for an officer still on the short side of thirty。 He'd done superb work in Japan; and had volunteered in a heartbeat for Operation GENGHIS in Beijing。 His cover job at Nippon Electric pany could hardly have been better suited to the mission requirements; and it seemed that he'd waltzed into his niche like Fred Astaire on a particularly good day。 The easiest part of all; it seemed; was getting the data out。
 Six years before; CIA had gone to Silicon Valley … undercover; of course … and missioned a modern manufacturer to set up a brief production run of a very special modem。 In fact; it seemed to many to be a sloppy one; since the linkup time it used was four or five seconds longer than was the usual。 What you couldn't tell was that the last four seconds weren't random electronic noise at all; but rather the mating of a special encryption system; which when caught on a phone tap sounded just like random noise anyway。 So; all Chester had to do was set up his message for transmission and punch it through。 To be on the safe side; the messages were super…encrypted with a 256…bit system specially made at the National Security Agency; and the double…encipherment was so plex that even NSA's own bank of superputers could only crack it with difficulty and after a lot of expensive time。 After that; it was just a matter of setting up a www…dot…something domain through an easily available public vendor and a local ISP … Internet Service Provider … with which the world abounded。 It could even be used on a direct call from one puter to another … in fact; that was the original application; and even if the opposition had a hardwire phone tap; it would take a mathematical genius plus the biggest and baddest superputer that Sun Microsystems made even to begin cracking into the message。
 Lian Ming; Mary Pat read; secretary to。。。 to him; eh? Not a bad potential source。 The most charming part of all was that Nomuri included the sexual possibilities implicit in the recruitment。 The kid was still something of an innocent; he'd probably blushed writing this; the Deputy Director (Operations) of the Central Intelligence Agency thought to herself; but he'd included it because he was so damned honest in everything he did。 It was time to get Nomuri a promotion and a raise。 Mrs。 Foley made the appropriate note on a Post…it for attachment to his file。 James Bond…san; she thought with an internal chuckle。 The easiest part was the reply: Approved; proceed。 She didn't even have to add the 〃with caution〃 part。 Nomuri knew how to handle himself in the field; which was not always the rule for young field officers。 Then she picked up the phone and called her husband on the direct line。
 〃Yeah; honey?〃 the Director of Central Intelligence said。
 Ed Foley knew that wasn't a question his wife asked lightly。 〃Not too busy for you; baby。 e on down。〃 And hung up。
 The CIA Director's office is relatively long and narrow; with floor…to…ceiling windows overlooking the woods and the special…visitors' parking lot。 Beyond that are the trees overlooking the Potomac Valley and the George Washington Parkway; and little else。 The idea of anyone's having a direct line of sight into any part of this building; much less the Office of the Director; would have been the cause of serious heartburn for the security pukes。 Ed looked up from his paperwork when his wife came in and took the leather chair across from his desk。
 〃Something good?〃
 〃Even better than Eddie's marks at school;〃 she replied with a soft; sexy smile she reserved for her husband alone。 And that had to be pretty good。 Edward Foley; Jr。; was kicking ass up at Rensselaer Polytechnic in New York; and a starter on their hockey team; which damned near always kicked ass itself in the NCAA。 Little Ed might earn a place on the Olympic team; though pro hockey was out。 He'd make too much money as a puter engineer to waste his time in so pedestrian a pursuit。 〃I think we may have something here。〃
 〃Like what; honey?〃
 〃Like the executive secretary to Fang Gan;〃 she replied。 〃Nomuri's trying to recruit her; and he says the prospects are good。〃
 〃GENGHIS;〃 Ed observed。 They ought to have picked a different name; but unlike most CIA operations; the name for this one hadn't been generated by a puter in the basement。 The fact of the matter was that this security measure hadn't been applied for the simple reason that nobody had ever expected anything to e of it。 CIA had never gotten any kind of agent into the PRC government。 At least not above the rank of captain in the People's Liberation Army。 The problems were the usual ones。 First; they had to recruit an ethnic Chinese; and CIA hadn't had much success at that; next; the officer in question had to have perfect language skills; and the ability to disappear into the culture。 For a variety of reasons; none of that had ever happened。 Then Mary Pat had suggested trying Nomuri。 His corporation did a lot of business in China; after all; and the kid did have good instincts。 And so; Ed Foley had signed off on it; not really expecting much to result。 But again his wife's field instincts had proven superior to his。 It was widely believed that Mary Pat Foley was the best field officer the Agency had had in twenty years; and it looked as if she was determined to prove that。 〃How exposed is Chet?〃
 His wife had to nod her concern at that one。 〃He's hanging out there; but he knows how to be careful; and his munications gear is the best we have。 Unless they brute…force him; you know; just pick him up because they don't like his haircut; he ought to be pretty safe。 Anyway …〃 She handed over the munication from Beijing。
 The DCI read it three times before handing it back。 〃Well; if he wants to get laid … it's not good fieldcraft; honey。 Not good to get that involved with your agent …〃
 〃I kn
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