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 〃Luo; yes; we discussed the possibility。 But you fired them without consulting with us?〃 Zhang demanded。 Such decisions were always collegial; never unilateral。
 〃What choice did I have; Zhang?〃 Marshal Luo asked in reply。 〃Had I hesitated a moment; there would have been none left to fire。〃
 〃I see;〃 the voice on the phone said。 〃What is happening now?〃
 〃The missiles are flying。 The first should hit their first targets;
 Moscow and Leningrad; in about ten minutes。 I had no choice; Zhang。 I could not allow them to disarm us pletely。〃
 Zhang could have sworn and screamed at the man; but there was no point in that。 What had happened had happened; and there was no sense expending intellectual or emotional energy on something he could not alter。 〃Very well。 We need to meet。 I will assemble the Politburo。 e to the Council of Ministers Building at once。 Will the Americans or Russians retaliate?〃
 〃They cannot strike back in kind。 They have no nuclear missiles。 An attack by bombers would take some hours;〃 Luo advised; trying to make it sound like good news。
 At his end of the connection; Zhang felt a chill in his stomach that rivaled liquid helium。 As with many things in life; this one… contemplated theoretically in a fortable conference room…was something very different now that it had turned into a most unfortable reality。 And yet…was it? It was a thing too difficult to believe。 It was too unreal。 There were no outward signs…you'd at least expect thunder and lightning outside the windows to acpany news like this; even a major earthquake; but it was merely early morning; not yet seven o'clock。 Could this be real?
 Zhang padded across his bedroom; switched on his television; and turned it to CNN…it had been turned off for most of the country; but not here; of course。 His English skills were insufficient to translate the rapid…fire words ing over the screen now。 They were showing Washington; D。C。; with a camera evidently atop the CNN building there… wherever that was; he had not the faintest idea。 It was a black American speaking。 The camera showed him standing atop a building; microphone in hand like black plastic ice cream; speaking very; very rapidly… so much so that Zhang was catching only one word in three; and looking off to the camera's left with wide; frightened eyes。
 So; he knows what is ing there; doesn't he? Zhang thought; then wondered if he would see the destruction of the American capital via American news television。 That; he thought; would have some entertainment value。
 〃Look!〃 the reporter said; and the camera twisted to see a smoke trail race across the sky…
 … What the hell is that? Zhang wondered。 Then there was another 。 。 。 and more besides 。 。 。 and the reporter was showing real fear now。 。 。
 。。。 it was good for his heart to see such feelings on the face of an American; especially a black American reporter。 Another one of those monkeys had caused his country such great harm; after all。。。
 So; now he'd get to see one incinerated 。。。 or maybe not。 The camera and the transmitter would go; too; wouldn't they? So; just a flash of light; maybe; and a blank screen that would be replaced by CNN headquarters in Atlanta 。 。 。
 。。。 more smoke trails。 Ah; yes; they were surface…to…air missiles 。。。 could such things intercept a nuclear missile? Probably not; Zhang judged。 He checked his watch。 The sweep hand seemed determined to let the snail win this race; it jumped so slowly from one second to the next; and Zhang felt himself watching the display on the TV screen with anticipation he knew to be perverse。 But America had been his country's principal enemy for so many years; had thwarted two of his best and most skillfully laid plans…and now he'd see its destruction by means of one of its very own agencies; this cursed medium of television news; and though Tan Deshi claimed that it was not an organ of the American government; surely that could not be the case。 The Ryan regime in Washington must have a very cordial relationship with those minstrels; they followed the party line of the Western governments so fawningly。 。 。
 。 。 。 two more smoke trails 。 。 。 the camera followed them and 。 。 。 what was that? Like a meteor; or the landing light of a mercial aircraft; a bright light; seemingly still in the sky…no; it was moving; unless that was the fear of the cameraman showing…oh; yes; that was it; because the smoke trails seemed to seek it out。 。 。 but not quite closely enough; it would seem 。。 。 and so; farewell; Washington; Zhang Han Sen thought。 Perhaps there'd be adverse consequences for the People's Republic; but he'd have the satisfaction of seeing the death of…
 …what was that? Like a bursting firework in the sky; a shower of sparks; mainly heading down 。 。 。 what did that mean 。 。 。 ?
 It was clear sixty seconds later。 Washington had not been blotted from the map。 Such a pity; Zhang thought。 。 。 especially since there would be consequences 。 。 。 With that; he washed and dressed and left for the Council of Ministers Building。
 Dear God;〃 Ryan breathed。 The initial emotions of denial and elation were passing now。 The feelings were not unlike those following an auto accident。 First was disbelief; then remedial action that was more automatic than considered; then when the danger was past came the whiplash after…fear; when the psyche started to examine what had passed; and what had almost been; and fear after survival; fear after the danger was past; brought on the real shakes。 Ryan remembered that Winston Churchill had remarked that there was nothing more elating than rifle fire that had missed…〃to be shot at without result〃 was the exact quote the President remembered。 If so; Winston Spencer Churchill must have had ice water in his cardiovascular system; or he enjoyed braggadocio more than this American President did。
 〃Well; I hope that was the only one;〃 Captain Blandy observed。
 〃Better be; Cap'n。 We be out of missiles;〃 Chief Leek said; lighting up another smoke in accordance with the Presidential amnesty。
 〃Captain;〃 Jack said when he was able to; 〃every man on this ship gets promoted one step by Presidential Order; and USS Gettysburg gets a Presidential Unit Citation。 That's just for starters; of course。 Where's a radio? I need to talk to KNEECAP。〃
 〃Here; sir。〃 A sailor handed him a phone receiver。 〃The line's open;
 〃You're still Vice President;〃 SWORDSMAN told TOMCAT。
 〃For now; I suppose。 Christ; Jack; what the hell were you trying to do?〃
 〃I'm not sure。 It seemed like the right idea at the time。〃 Jack was seated now; both holding the phone in his hand and cradling it between cheek and shoulder; lest he drop it on the deck。 〃Is there anything else ing in?〃
 〃NORAD says the sky is clear…only one bird got off。 Targeted on us。 Shit; the Russians still have dedicated ABM batteries all around Moscow。 They probably could have handled it better than us。〃 Jackson paused。 〃We're calling in the Nuclear Emergency Search Team from Rocky Mountain Arsenal to look for hot spots。 DOD has people coordinating with the D。C。 police 。 。 。 Jesus; Jack; that was just a little intense; y'know?〃
 〃Yeah; it was that way here; too。 Now what?〃 th
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