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rd post; each for two men; and those were disposed of in a matter of seconds with cannon fire。 Then the Apaches climbed to higher altitude and circled slowly; each over a pair of missile silos; looking for anything moving; but seeing nothing。
 BANDIT SIX; Colonel Dick Boyle; flared his Blackhawk three feet over Silo #1; as it was marked on his satellite photo。
 〃Go!〃 the co…pilot shouted over the inter。 The RAINBOW troopers jumped down just to the cast of the actual hole itself; the 〃Chinese hat〃 steel structure; which looked like an inverted blunt ice cream cone; prohibited dropping right down on the door itself。
 The base mand post was the best…protected structure on the entire post。 It was buried ten meters underground; and the ten meters was solid reinforced concrete; so as to survive a nuclear bomb's exploding within a hundred meters; or so the design supposedly promised。 Inside was a staff of ten; manded by Major General Xun Qing…Nian。 He'd been a Second Artillery (the Chinese name for their strategic missile troops) officer since graduating from university with an engineering degree。 Only three hours before; he'd supervised the fueling of all twelve of his CSS…4 intercontinental ballistic missiles; which had never happened before in his memory。 No explanation had e with that order; though it didn't take a rocket scientist…which he was; by profession… to connect it with the war under way against Russia。
 Like all members of the People's Liberation Army; he was a highly disciplined man; and always mindful of the fact that he had his country's most valuable military assets under his personal control。 The alarm had been raised by one of the silo…guard posts; and his staff switched on the television cameras used for site inspection and surveillance。 They were old cameras; and needed lights; which were switched on as well。
 〃What the fuck!〃 Chavez shouted。 〃Turn the lights off!〃 he ordered over his radio。
 It wasn't demanding。 The light standards weren't very tall; nor were they very far away。 Chavez hosed one with his MP…10; and the lights went out; thank you。 No other lasted for more than five seconds at any of the silos。
 〃We are under attack;〃 General Xun said in a quiet and disbelieving voice。 〃We are under attack;〃 he repeated。 But he had a drill for this。 〃Alert the guard force;〃 he told one NCO。 〃Get me Beijing;〃 he ordered another。
 At Silo #1; Paddy Connolly ran to the pipes that led to the top of the concrete box that marked the top of the silo。 To each he stuck a block of position B; his explosive of choice。 Into each block he inserted a blasting cap。 Two men; Eddie Price and Hank Patterson; knelt close by with their weapons ready for a response force that was nowhere to be seen。
 〃Fire in the hole!〃 Patterson shouted; running back to the other two。 There he skidded down to the ground; sheltered behind the concrete; and twisted the handle on his detonator。 The two pipes were blown apart a millisecond later。
 〃Masks!〃 he told everyone on the radio 。 。 。 but there was no vapor ing off the fueling pipes。 That was good news; wasn't it?
 〃e on!〃 Eddie Price yelled at him。 The three men; guarded now by two others; looked for the metal door into the maintenance entrance for the silo。
 〃Ed; we're on the ground; we're on the ground;〃 Clark was saying into his satellite phone; fifty yards away。 〃The barracks are gone; and there's no opposition on the ground here。 Doing our blasting now。 Back to you soon。 Out。〃
 〃Well; shit;〃 Ed Foley said in his office; but the line was now dead。
 〃What?〃 It was an hour later in Beijing; and the sun was up。 Marshal Luo; having just woken up after not enough sleep following the worst day he'd known since the Cultural Revolution; had a telephone thrust into his hands。 〃What is this?〃 he demanded of the phone。
 〃This is Major General Xun Qing…Nian at Xuanhua missile base。 We are under attack here。 There is a force of men on the ground over our heads trying to destroy our missiles。 I require instructions!〃
 〃Fight them off!〃 was the first idea Luo had。
 〃The defense battalion is dead; they do not respond。 rade Minister; what do I do?〃
 〃Are your missiles fueled and ready for launch?〃
 Luo looked around his bedroom; but there was no one to advise him。 His country's most priceless assets were now about to be ripped from his control。 His mand wasn't automatic。 He actually thought first; but in the end; it wouldn't matter how considered his decision was。
 〃Launch your missiles;〃 he told the distant general officer。
 〃Repeat your mand;〃 Luo heard。
 〃Launch your missiles!〃 his voice boomed。 〃Launch your missiles NOW!〃
 〃By your mand;〃 the voice replied。
 〃Fuck;〃 Sergeant Connolly said。 〃This is some bloody door!〃 The first explosive block had done nothing more than scorch the paint。 This time he attached a hollow…charge to the upper and lower hinges and backed off again。 〃This one will do it;〃 he promised as he trailed the wires back。
 The crash that followed gave proof to his words。 When next they looked in; the door was gone。 It had been hurled inward; must have flown into the silo like a bat out of…
 …〃Bloody hell!〃 Connolly turned。 〃Run! RUN!〃
 Price and Patterson needed no encouragement。 They ran for their lives。 Connolly caught them reaching for his protective hood as he did so; not stopping until he was over a hundred yards away。
 〃The bloody missile's fueled。 The door ruptured the upper tank。 It's going to blow!〃
 〃Shit! Team; this is Price; the missiles are fueled; I repeat the missiles are fueled。 Get the fucking hell away from the silo!〃
 The proof of that came from Silo #8; off to Price's south。 The concrete structure that sat atop it surged into the air; and under it was a volcanic blast of fire and smoke。 Silo #1; theirs; did the same; a gout of flame going sideways out of the open service door。
 The infrared signature was impossible to miss。 Over the equator; a DSP satellite focused in on the thermal bloom and cross…loaded the signal to Sunnyvale; California。 From there it went to NORAD; the North American Aerospace Defense mand; dug into the sub…basement level of Cheyenne Mountain; Colorado。 〃Launch! Possible launch at Xuanhua!〃 〃What's that?〃 asked CINC…NORAD。
 〃We got a bloom; a huge…two huge ones at Xuanhua;〃 the female captain announced。 〃Fuck; there's another one。〃
 〃Okay; Captain; settle down;〃 the four…star told her。 〃There's a special op taking that base down right now。 Settle down; girl。〃
 In the control bunker; men were turning keys。 The general in mand had never really expected to do this。 Sure; it was a possibility; the thing he'd trained his entire career for; but; no; not this。 No。 Not a chance。
 But someone was trying to destroy his mand…and he did have his orders; and like the automaton he'd been trained to be; he gave the orders and turned his mand key。
 The Spetsnaz people were doing well。 Four silos were now disabled。 One of the Russian teams managed to crack the maintenance door on their first try。 This team; General Kirillin's own; sent its technical genius inside; and he found the missile's guidance module and blew it apart with gunfire。 It would 
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