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hem if they press us too hard。〃
 〃Threaten the Americans with nuclear arms?〃 Fang asked。 〃Is that wise? They know of our weapons; surely。 An overt threat against a powerful nation is most unwise。〃
 〃They must know that there are lines they may not cross;〃 Zhang insisted。 〃They can hurt us; yes; but we can hurt them; and this is one weapon against which they have no defense; and their sentimentality for their people works for us; not them。 It is time for America to regard us as an equal; not a minor country whose power they can blithely ignore。〃
 〃I repeat; rade;〃 Fang said; 〃that would be a most unwise act。 When someone points a gun at your head; you do not try to frighten him。〃
 〃Fang; you have been my friend for many years; but in this you are wrong。 It is we who hold that pistol now。 The Americans only respect strength controlled by resolve。 This will make them think。 Luo; are the missiles ready for launch?〃
 The Defense Minister shook his head。 〃No; yesterday we did not agree to ready them。 To do so takes about two hours…to load them with fuel。 After that; they can be kept in a ready condition for about forty…eight hours。 Then you defuel them; service them…it takes about four hours to do that…and you can refuel them again。 We could easily maintain half of them in a ready…launch condition indefinitely。〃
 〃rades; I think it is in our interest to ready the missiles for flight。〃
 〃No!〃 Fang countered。 〃That will be seen by the Americans as a dangerous provocation; and provoking them this way is madness!〃
 〃And we should have Shen remind the Americans that we have such weapons; and they do not;〃 Zhang went on。
 〃That invites an attack on us!〃 Fang nearly shouted。 〃They do not have rockets; yes; but they have other ways of attacking us; and if we do that now; when a war is already under way; we guarantee a response。〃
 〃I think not; Fang;〃 Zhang replied。 〃They will not gamble millions of their citizens against all of ours。 They have not the strength for such gambling。〃
 〃Gambling; you say。 Do we gamble with the life of our country? Zhang; you are mad。 This is lunacy;〃 Fang insisted。
 〃I do not have a vote at this table;〃 Qian observed。 〃But I have been a Party member all of my adult life; and I have served the People's Republic well; I think。 It is our job here to build a country; not destroy it。 What have we done here? We've turned China into a thief; a highway robber…and a failed highway robber at that! Luo has said it。 We have lost our play for riches; and now we must adjust to that。 We can recover from the damage we have done to our country and its people。 That recovery will require humility on our part; not blustering defiance。 To threaten the Americans now is an act of weakness; not strength。 It's the act of an impotent man trying to show off his gau。 It will be seen by them as a foolish and reckless act。〃
 〃If we are to survive as a nation…if we are to survive as the rulers of a powerful China;〃 Zhang countered; 〃we must let the Americans know that they cannot push us farther。 rades; make no mistake。 Our lives lie on this table。〃 And that focused the discussion。 〃I do not suggest that we launch a nuclear strike on America。 I propose that we demonstrate to America our resolve; and if they press us too far; then we will punish them…and the Russians。 rades; I propose that we fuel up our missiles; to place them in a ready posture; and then have Shen tell the Americans that there are limits beyond which we cannot be pushed without the gravest possible consequences。〃
 〃No!〃 Fang retorted。 〃That is tantamount to the threat of nuclear war。 We must not do such a thing!〃
 〃If we do not; then we are all doomed;〃 said Tan Deshi of the Ministry of State Security。 〃I am sorry; Fang; but Zhang is correct here。 Those are the only weapons with which we can hold the Americans back。 They will be tempted to strike at them…and if they do 。。。〃
 〃If they do; then we must use them; because if they take those weapons away from us; then they can strike us at will; and destroy all we have built in sixty years;〃 Zhang concluded。 〃I call a vote。〃
 Suddenly and irrationally; Fang thought; the meeting had struck out on a path with no logic or direction; leading to disaster。 But he was the only one who saw this; as for the first time in his life he took a stand against the others。 The meeting finally broke up。 The Politburo members drove directly home。 None of them passed through Tiananmen Square on the way; and all of them fell rapidly asleep。
 There were twenty…five UH…60A Blackhawks and fifteen Apaches on the ramp。 Every one had stubby wings affixed to the fuselage。 Those on the Blackhawks were occupied with fuel tanks。 The Apaches had both fuel and rockets。 The flight crews were grouped together; looking at maps。
 Clark took the LEAD。 He was dressed in his black Ninja gear; and a soldier directed him and Kirillin…he was in the Snowflake camouflage used by Russian airborne troops…to Colonel Boyle。
 〃Howdy; Dick Boyle。〃
 〃I'm John Clark; and this is Lieutenant General Yuriy Kirillin。 I'm RAINBOW;〃 John explained。 〃He's Spetsnaz。〃
 Boyle saluted。 〃Well; I'm your driver; gentlemen。 The objective is seven hundred sixteen miles away。 We can just about make it with the fuel we're carrying; but we're going to have to tank up on the way back。 We're doing that right here〃…he pointed to a spot on the navigation chart…〃hilltop west of this little town named Chicheng。 We got lucky。 Two C…130s are going to do bladder drops for us。 There will be a fighter escort for top cover; F…15s; plus some F…l6s to go after any radars along the way; and when we get to about here; eight F…117s are going to trash this fighter base at Anshan。 That should take care of any Chinese fighter interference。 Now; this missile base has an associated security force; supposed to be battalion strength; in barracks located here〃…this time it was a satellite photo…〃and five of my Apaches are going to take that place down with rockets。 The others will be flying direct support。 The only other question is; how close do you want us to put you on these missile silos?〃
 〃Land right on top of the bastards;〃 Clark told him; looking over at Kirillin。
 〃I agree; the closer the better。〃
 Boyle nodded。 〃Fair enough。 The helicopters all have numbers on them indicating the silo they're flying for。 I'm flying LEAD; and I'm going right to this one here。〃
 〃That means I go with you;〃 Clark told him。
 〃How many?〃
 〃Ten plus me。〃
 〃Okay; your chem gear's in the aircraft。 Suit up; and we go。 Latrine's that way;〃 Boyle pointed。 It would be better for every man to take a piss before the flight began。 〃Fifteen minutes。〃
 Clark went that way; and so did Kirillin。 Both old soldiers knew what they needed to do in most respects; and this one was as vital as loading a weapon。
 〃Have you been to China before; John?〃
 〃Nope。 Taiwan once; long ago; to get screwed; blued; and tattooed。〃
 〃No chance for that on this trip。 We are both too old for this; you know。〃
 〃I know;〃 Clark said; zipping himself up。 〃But you're not going to sit back here; are you?〃
 〃A Leader must be with his men; Ivan Timofeyevich。〃
 〃That is true; Yuriy。 Good luck。〃
 〃They will no
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