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uld remain where it was; for inspection by intelligence officers; or destruction by explosives…carrying engineer troops who came behind the tanks in their HMMWVs。 Some resistance was offered by the Chinese soldiers; but only by the dumb ones; and never for long。 Even those with man…portable anti…tank weapons rarely got close enough to use them; and those few who popped up from Wolfholes only scratched the paint on the tanks; and usually paid for their foolishness with their lives。 At one point; a battalion of infantry did launch a deliberate attack; supported by mortars that forced the tank and Bradley crews to button up and reply with organized fire。 Five minutes of 155…mm fire and a remorseless advance by the Bradleys; spitting fire from their chain guns and through the firing ports for the mounted infantry inside; made them look like fire…breathing dragons; and these dragons were not a sign of good luck for the Chinese soldiers。 That battalion evaporated in twenty minutes; along with its dedicated but doomed mander。
 Intact enemy armored vehicles were rarely seen by the advancing First Brigade。 Where it went; Apache attack helicopters had gone before; looking for targets for their Hellfire missiles; and killing them before the ground troops could get close。 All in all; it was a perfect military operation; totally unfair in the balance of forces。 It wasn't the least bit sporting; but a battlefield is not an Olympic stadium; and there were no uniformed officials to guard the supposed rules of fair play。
 The only exciting thing was the appearance of a Chinese army helicopter; and two Apaches blazed after it and destroyed it with air…to…air missiles; dropping it in the Amur River close to the floating bridges; which were now empty of traffic but not yet destroyed。
 〃What have you learned; Wei?〃 Marshal Luo asked; when he emerged from the conference room he'd used for his nap。
 〃The picture is still unclear in some respects; rade Minister;〃 the general answered。
 〃Then tell me what is clear;〃 Luo ordered。
 〃Very well。 At sea; we have lost a number of ships。 This evidently includes our ballistic missile submarine and its escorting hunter submarine; cause unknown; but their emergency beacons deployed and transmitted their programmed messages starting at about zero…two…hundred hours。 Also lost are seven surface warships of various types from our South Sea Fleet。 Also; seven fleet bases were attacked by American aircraft; believed to be naval carrier aircraft; along with a number of surface…to…air missile and radar sites on the southeastern coast。 We've succeeded in shooting down a number of American aircraft; but in a large fighter battle; we took serious losses to our fighter regiments in that region。〃
 〃Is the American navy attacking us?〃 Luo asked。
 〃It appears that they are; yes;〃 General Wei answered; choosing his words with care。 〃We estimate four of their aircraft carriers; judging by the number of aircraft involved。 As I said; reports are that we handled them roughly; but our losses were severe as well。〃
 〃What are their intentions?〃 the minister asked。
 〃Unclear。 They've done serious damage to a number of bases; and I doubt we have a single surface ship surviving at sea。 Our navy personnel have not had a good day;〃 Wei concluded。 〃But that is not really a matter of importance。〃
 〃The attack on the missile submarine is;〃 Luo replied。 〃That is an attack on a strategic asset。 That is something we must consider。〃 He paused。 〃Go on; what else?〃
 〃General Qi of Sixty…fifth Army is missing and presumed dead; along with all of his senior staff。 We've made repeated attempts to raise him by radio; with no result。 The 191st Infantry Division was attacked last night by heavy forces of unknown identity。 They sustained heavy losses due to artillery and aircraft; but two of their regiments report that they are holding their positions。 The 735th Guards Infantry Regiment evidently took the brunt of the attack; and reports from there are fragmentary。
 〃The most serious news is from Harbin and Bei'an。 Enemy aircraft attacked all of the railroad bridges in both cities; and all of them took damage。 Rail traffic north has been interrupted。 We're trying now to determine how quickly it might be reestablished。〃
 〃Is there any good news?〃 Marshal Luo asked。
 〃Yes; rade Minister。 General Peng and his forces are getting ready now to resume their attack。 We expect to have the Russian gold field in our control by midday;〃 Wei answered; inwardly glad that he didn't have to say what had happened to the logistical train behind Peng and his 34th Shock Army。 Too much bad news could get the messenger killed; and he was the messenger。
 〃I want to talk to Peng。 Get him on the phone;〃 Luo ordered。
 〃Telephone lines have been interrupted briefly; but we do have radio contact with him;〃 Wei told his superior。
 〃Then get me Peng on the radio;〃 Luo repeated his order。
 〃What is it; Wa?〃 Peng asked。 Couldn't he even take a piss without interruption?
 〃Radio; it's the Defense Minister;〃 his operations officer told him。
 〃Wonderful;〃 the general groused; heading back to his mand track as he buttoned his fly。 He ducked to get inside and lifted the microphone。 〃This is General Peng。〃
 〃This is Marshal Luo。 What is your situation?〃 the voice asked through the static。
 〃rade Marshal; we will be setting off in ten minutes。 We have still not made contact with the enemy; and our reconnaissance has seen no sizable enemy formations in our area。 Have you developed any intelligence we can use?〃
 〃Be advised we have aerial photography of Russian mechanized units to your west; probably division strength。 I would advise you to keep your mechanized forces together; and guard your left flank。〃
 〃Yes; rade Marshal; I am doing that;〃 Peng assured him。 The real reason he stopped every day was to allow his divisions to close up; keeping his fist tight。 Better yet; 29th Type A Group Army was right behind his if he needed support。 〃I remend that 43rd Army be tasked to flank guard。〃
 〃I will give the order;〃 Luo promised。 〃How far will you go today?〃
 〃rade Marshal; I will send a truckload of gold back to you this very evening。 Question: What is this I've heard about damage to our line of supply?〃
 〃There was an attack last night on some railroad bridges in Harbin and Bei'an; but nothing we can't fix。〃
 〃Very well。 rade Marshal; I must see to my dispositions。〃
 〃Carry on; then。 Out。〃
 Peng set the microphone back in its holder。 〃Nothing he can't fix; he says。〃
 〃You know what those bridges are like。 You'd need a nuclear weapon to hurt them;〃 Colonel Wa Cheng…Gong observed confidently。
 〃Yes; I would agree with that。〃 Peng stood; buttoned his tunic; and reached for a mug of morning tea。 〃Tell the advance guard to prepare to move out。 I'm going up front this morning; Wa。 I want to see this gold mine for myself。〃
 〃How far up front?〃 the operations officer asked。
 〃With the LEAD elements。 A good officer leads from the front; and I want to see how our people move。 Our reconnaissance screen hasn't detected anything; has it?〃
 〃Well; no; rade General; but…〃
 〃But what?〃 Peng demanded。
 〃But a prudent mander leaves le
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