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ide with a smile; and sipped some instant coffee from a MRE pack…the extra caffeine was about the only thing keeping him up at the moment。 But the puter was doing most of the work; and it showed the Chinese reconnaissance tracks moving north。
 〃Son of a bitch;〃 Captain Aleksandrov breathed。 He'd heard about Gogol's wolf pelts on state radio; but he hadn't seen the TV coverage; and the sight took his breath away。 Touching one; he halfway expected it to be cold and stiff like wire; but; no; it was like the perfect hair of a perfect blonde 。 。 。
 〃And who might you be?〃 The old man was holding a rifle and had a decidedly gimlet eye。
 〃I am Captain Fedor Il'ych Aleksandrov; and I imagine you are Pavel Petrovich Gogol。〃
 A nod and a smile。 〃You like my furs; rade Captain?〃
 〃They are unlike anything I have ever seen。 We have to take these with us。〃
 〃Take? Take where? I'm not going anywhere;〃 Pasha said。
 〃rade Gogol; I have my orders…to get you away from here。 Those orders e from Headquarters Far East mand; and those orders will be obeyed; Pavel Petrovich。〃
 〃No Chink is going to chase me off my land!〃 His old voice thundered。
 〃No; rade Gogol; but soldiers of the Russian Army will not leave you here to die。 So; that is the rifle you killed Germans with?〃
 〃Yes; many; many Germans;〃 Gogol confirmed。
 〃Then e with us; and maybe you can kill some yellow invaders。〃
 〃Who exactly are you?〃
 〃Reconnaissance pany mander; Two…Six…Five Motor Rifle Division。 We've been playing hide…and…seek with the Chinks for four long days; and now we're ready to do some real fighting。 Join us; Pavel Petrovich。 You can probably teach us a few things we need to know。〃 The young handsome captain spoke in his most reasonable and respectful tones; for this old warrior truly deserved it。 The tone turned the trick。
 〃You promise me I will get to take one shot?〃
 〃My word as a Russian officer; rade;〃 Aleksandrov pledged; with a bob of his head。
 〃Then I e。〃 Gogol was already dressed for it…the heat in his cabin was turned off。 He shouldered his old rifle and an ammunition pack containing forty rounds…he'd never gone into the field with more than that…and walked to the door。 〃Help me with my wolves; boy; will you?〃
 〃Gladly; Grandfather。〃 Then Aleksandrov found out how heavy they were。 But he and Buikov managed to toss them inside their BRM; and the driver headed off。
 〃Where are they?〃
 〃About ten kilometers back。 We've been in visual contact with them for days; but they've pulled us back。 Away from them。〃
 〃To save you; you old fool;〃 Buikov observed with a laugh。 〃And to save these pelts。 These are too good to drape over the body of some Chinese strumpet!〃
 〃I think; Pasha…I am not sure;〃 the captain said; 〃but I think it's time for our Chinese guests to get a proper Russian wele。〃
 〃Captain; look!〃 the driver called。
 Aleksandrov lifted his head out the big top hatch and looked forward。 A senior officer was waving to him to e forward more quickly。 Three minutes later; they halted alongside him。
 〃You are Aleksandrov?〃
 〃Yes; rade General!〃 the young man confirmed to the senior officer。
 〃I am General Sinyavskiy。 You've done well; boy。 e out here and talk to me;〃 he ordered in a gruff voice that was not; however; unkind。
 Aleksandrov had only once seen his senior mander; and then only at a distance。 He was not a large man; but you didn't want him as a physical enemy in a small room。 He was chewing on a cigar that had gone out seemingly hours before; and his blue eyes blazed。
 〃Who is this?〃 Sinyavskiy demanded。 Then his face changed。 〃Are you the famous Pasha?〃 he asked more respectfully。
 〃Senior Sergeant Gogol of the Iron and Steel Division;〃 the old man said with great dignity; and a salute which Sinyavskiy returned crisply。
 〃I understand you killed some Germans in your day。 How many; Sergeant?〃
 〃Count for yourself; rade General;〃 Gogol said; handing his rifle over。
 〃Damn;〃 the general observed; looking at the notches; like those on the pistol of some American cowboy。 〃I believe you really did it。 But bat is a young man's game; Pavel Petrovich。 Let me get you to a place of safety。〃
 Gogol shook his head。 〃This captain promised me one shot; or I would not have left my home。〃
 〃Is that a fact?〃 The manding general of 265th Motor Rifle looked around。 〃Captain Aleksandrov; very well; we'll give our old rade his one shot。〃 He pointed to a place on the map before him。 〃This should be a good spot for you。 And when you can; get him the hell away from there;〃 Sinyavskiy told the young man。 〃Head back this way to our lines。 They'll be expecting you。 Boy; you've done a fine job shadowing them all the way up。 Your reward will be to see how we greet the bastards。〃
 〃Behind the reconnaissance element is a large force。〃
 〃I know。 I've been watching them on TV for a day and a half; but our American friends have cut off their supplies。 And we will stop them; and we will stop them right here。〃
 Aleksandrov checked the map reference。 It looked like a good spot with a good field of fire; and best of all; an excellent route to run away on。 〃How long?〃 he asked。
 〃Two hours; I should think。 Their main body is catching up with the screen。 Your first job is to make their screen vehicles disappear。〃
 〃Yes; rade General; that we can do for you!〃 the captain responded with enthusiasm。
 Sunrise found Marion Diggs in a strangely bizarre environment。 Physically; the surroundings reminded him of Fort Carson; Colorado; with its rolling hills and patchy pine woods; but it was unlike America in its lack of paved roads or civilization; and that explained why the Chinese had invaded here。 With little civilian population out here; there was no infrastructure or population base to provide for the area's defense; and that had made things a lot easier for John Chinaman。 Diggs didn't mind it; either。 It was like his experience in the Persian Gulf…no nonbatants to get in the way…and that was good。
 But there were a lot of Chinese to get in the way。 Mike Francisco's First Brigade had debauched into the main logistics area for the Chinese advance。 The ground was carpeted with trucks and soldiers; but while most of them were armed; few were organized into cohesive tactical units; and that made all the difference。 Colonel Miguel Francisco's brigade of four battalions had been organized for bat with the infantry and tank battalions integrated into unified battalion task groups of mixed tanks and Bradleys; and these were sweeping across the ground like a harvesting machine in Kansas in August。 If it was painted green; it was shot。
 The monstrous Abrams main…battle tanks moved over the rolling ground like creatures from Jurassic Park…alien; evil; and unstoppable; their gun turrets traversing left and right…but without firing their main guns。 The real work was being done by the tank manders and their M2 。50 machine guns; which could turn any truck into an immobile collection of steel and canvas。 Just a short burst into the engine made sure that the pistons would never move again; and the cargo in the back would remain where it was; for inspection by intelligence officers; or destruction by explosives…carry
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