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he bombs should fail to destroy their targets…headed for the loop siding near the Amur used by tank cars。 This was; oddly enough; not nearly as badly hit as the bridges; since the deep…penetrating bombs went too far into the ground to create much of surface craters; though some train cars were upset; and one of them caught fire。 All in all; it had been a routine mission for the F…117s。 Attempts to engage them with the SAM batteries in the two cities failed because the aircraft never appeared on the search…radar screens; and a missile launch was not even attempted。
 The bell went off again; and the ELF message printed up as EQT SPEC OP; or 〃execute special operation〃 in proper English。 Tucson was now nine thousand yards behind Sierra…Eleven; and fifteen from Sierra…Twelve。
 〃We're going to do one fish each。 Firing order Two; One。 Do we have a solution light?〃 the captain asked。
 〃Valid solutions for both fish;〃 the weapons officer replied。
 〃Ready Tube Two。〃
 〃Tube Two is ready in all respects; tube flooded; outer door is open; sir。〃
 〃Very well; Match generated bearings and 。 。 。 shoot!〃
 The handle was turned on the proper console。 〃Tube Two fired electrically; sir。〃 Tucson shuddered through her length with the sudden explosion of pressed air that ejected the weapon into the seawater。
 〃Unit is running hot; straight; and normal; sir;〃 Sonar reported。
 〃Very well; ready Tube One;〃 the captain said next。
 〃Tube One is ready in all respects; tube is flooded; outer door is open;〃 Weps announced again。
 〃Very well。 Match generated bearings and shoot!〃 This mand came as something of an exclamation。 The captain figured he owed it to the crew; which was at battle stations; of course。
 〃Tube One fired electrically; sir;〃 the petty officer announced after turning the handle again; with exactly the same physical effect on the ship。
 〃Unit Two running hot; straight; and normal; sir;〃 Sonar said again。 And with that; the captain took the five steps to the Sonar Room。
 〃Here we go; Cap'n;〃 the leading sonarman said; pointing to the glass screen with a yellow grease pencil。
 The nine thousand yards' distance to 406 translated to four and a half nautical miles。 The target was traveling at a depth of less than a hundred feet; maybe transmitting to its base on the radio or something; and steaming along at a bare five knots; judging by the blade count。 That worked out to a running time of just under five minutes for the first target; and then another hundred sixty seconds or so to the second one。 The second shot would probably get a little more plicated than the first。 Even if they failed to hear the Mark 48 ADCAP torpedo ing; a deaf man could not miss the sound of 800 pounds of Torpex going off underwater three miles away; and he'd try to maneuver; or do something more than break out the worry beads and say a few Hail Maos; or whatever prayer these people said。 The captain leaned back into the attack center。
 〃Reload ADCAP into Tube Two; and a Harpoon into Tube One。〃
 〃Aye; Cap'n;〃 the Weapons Officer acknowledged。
 〃Where's that frigate?〃 he asked the lead sonarman。
 〃Here; sir; Luda…class; an old clunker; steam…powered; bearing two…one…six; tooling along at about fourteen knots; by blade count。〃
 〃Time on Unit Two;〃 the skipper called。
 〃Minute twenty seconds to impact; sir。〃 The captain looked at the display。 If Sierra…Eleven had sonarmen on duty; they weren't paying much attention to the world around them。 That would change shortly。
 〃Okay; go active in thirty seconds。〃
 〃Aye; aye。〃
 On the sonar display; the torpedo was dead on the tone line from 406。 It seemed a shame to kill a submarine when you didn't even know its name 。。。
 〃Going active on Unit Two;〃 Weps called。
 〃There it is; sir;〃 the sonarman said; pointing to a different part of the screen。 The ultrasonic sonar lit up a new line; and fifteen seconds later…
 …〃Sierra…Eleven just kicked the gas; sir; look here; cavitation and blade count is going up; starting a turn to starboard 。 。 。 ain't gonna matter; sir;〃 the sonarman knew from the display。 You couldn't outmaneuver a …48。
 〃What about…Twelve?〃
 〃He's heard it; too; Cap'n。 Increasing speed and…〃 The sonarman flipped his headphones off。 〃Yeow! That hurt。〃 He shook his head hard。 〃Unit impact on Sierra…Eleven; sir。〃
 The captain picked up a spare set of headphones and plugged them in。 The sea was still rumbling。 The target's engine sounds had stopped almost at once…the visual display confirmed that; though the sixty…hertz line showed her generators were still…no; they stopped; too。 He heard and saw the sound of blowing air。 Whoever he was; he was trying to blow ballast and head for the roof; but without engine power 。 。 。 no; not much of a chance of that; was there? Then he shifted his eyes to the visual track of Sierra…Twelve。 The fast…attack had been a little more awake; and was turning radically to port; and really kicking on the power。 His plant noise was way up; as was his blade count 。 。 。 and he was blowing ballast tanks; too 。 。 。 why?
 〃Time on Unit One?〃 the captain called。
 〃Thirty seconds for original plot; probably a little longer now。〃
 Not much longer; the skipper thought。 The ADCAP was motoring along on the sunny side of sixty knots this close to the surface 。 。 。 Weps went active on it; and the fish was immediately in acquisition。 A well…trained crew would have fired off a torpedo of their own; just to scare their attacker off; and maybe escape if the first fish missed…not much of a play; but it cost you nothing to do it; and maybe got you the satisfaction of having pany arrive in hell right after you knocked on the door 。 。 。 but they didn't even get a decoy off。 They must have all been asleep 。 。 。 certainly not very awake 。 。 。 not very alert 。 。 。 didn't they know there was a war going on 。 。 。 ? Twenty…five seconds later; they found out the hard way; when another splotch appeared on the sonar display。
 Well; he thought; two for two。 That was pretty easy。 He stepped back into the attack center and lifted a microphone。 〃Now hear this。 This is the captain speaking。 We just launched two fish on a pair of Chim submarines。 We won't be seeing either one of them anymore。 Well done to everybody。 That is all。〃 Then he looked over at his munications officer: 〃Prepare a dispatch to CINCLANT。 'Four Zero six destroyed at 。。。 Twenty…Two…Fifty…Six Zulu along with escorting SSN。 Now engaging Frigate。' Send that off when we get to antenna depth。〃
 〃Yes; sir。〃
 〃Tracking party; we have a frigate bearing two…one…six。 Let's get a track on him so we can Harpoon his ass。〃
 〃Aye; sir;〃 said the lieutenant manning the tracking plot。
 It was approaching six in the evening in Washington; where everybody who was somebody was watching TV; but not the mercial kind。 The Dark Star feeds were going up on encrypted satellite links; and being distributed around Washington over dedicated military fiber…optic lines。 One of those; of course; led to the White House Situation Room。
 〃Holy God;〃 Ryan said。 〃It's like some kind of fucking video game。 How long have we had this capability?〃
 〃It's pretty new; Jack; and yeah;〃 the Vice President agreed; 〃it is kind of 
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