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 〃I understand that; Gus。 I will present your position to the President;〃 the Chairman promised。
 〃Do that; will ya?〃 Wallace killed the transmission; wondering what the hell the lotus…eaters in Washington were thinking about; assuming they were thinking at all。 He had a plan; and he thought it was a pretty good systematic one。 His Dark Star drones had given him all the tactical intelligence he needed。 He knew what targets to hit; and he had enough ordnance to do the hitting; or at least to start doing it。 If they let me; Wallace thought。
 Well; it wasn't a plete waste;〃 Marshal Luo said。 〃We got some pictures of what the Russians are doing。〃
 〃And what's that?〃 Zhang asked。
 〃They're moving one or two…probably two…divisions northeast from their rail assembly point at Chita。 We have good aerial pictures of them。〃
 〃And still nothing in front of our forces?〃
 Luo shook his head。 〃Our reconnaissance people haven't seen anything more than tracks in the ground。 I have to assume there are Russians in those woods somewhere; doing reconnaissance of their own; but if so; they're light forces who're working very hard to keep out of the way。 We know they've called up some reserves; but they haven't shown up either。 Maybe their reservists didn't report。 Morale in Russia is supposed to be very low; Tan tells us; and that's all we've really seen。 The men we captured are very disheartened because of their lack of support; and they didn't fight all that well。 Except for the American airplanes; this war is going extremely well。〃
 〃And they haven't attacked our territory yet?〃 Zhang wanted to be clear on that。
 Another shake of the head。 〃No; and I can't claim that they're afraid to do it。 Their fighter aircraft are excellent; but to the best of our knowledge they haven't even attempted a photo…reconnaissance mission。 Maybe they just depend on satellites now。 Certainly those are supposed to be excellent sources of information for them。〃
 〃And the gold mine?〃
 〃We'll be there in thirty…six hours。 And at that point we can make use of the roads their own engineers have been building to exploit the mineral finds。 From the gold mine to the oil fields…five to seven days; depending on how well we can run supplies up。〃
 〃This is amazing; Luo;〃 Zhang observed。 〃Better than my fondest hopes。〃
 〃I almost wish the Russians would stand and fight somewhere; so that we could have a battle and be done with it。 As it is; my forces are stringing out somewhat; but only because the lead elements are racing forward so well。 I've thought about slowing them down to maintain unit integrity; but…〃
 〃But speed works for us; doesn't it?〃 Zhang observed。
 〃Yes; it would seem to;〃 the Defense Minister agreed。 〃But one prefers to keep units tightly grouped in case there is some contact。 However; if the enemy is running; one doesn't want to give him pause to regroup。 So; I'm giving General Peng and his division's free rein。〃
 〃What forces are you facing?〃
 〃We're not sure。 Perhaps a regiment or so could be ahead of us; but we see no evidence of it; and two more regiments are trying to race ahead of us; or attack our flank; but we have flank security out to the west; and they've seen nothing。〃
 Bondarenko hoped that someday he'd meet the team that had developed this American Dark Star drone。 Never in history had a mander possessed such knowledge as this; and without it he would have been forced to mit his slender forces to battle just to ascertain what stood against him。 Not now。 He probably had a better feel for the location of the advancing Chinese than their own mander did。
 Better yet; the leading regiment of the 201st Motor Rifle Division was only a few kilometers away; and the leading formation was the division's steel fist; its independent tank regiment of ninety…five T…80U main…battle tanks。
 The 265th was ready for the reinforcement; and its mander; Yuriy Sinyavskiy; proclaimed that he was tired of running away。 A career professional soldier and mechanized infantryman; Sinyavskiy was a profane; cigar…chomping man of forty…six years; now leaning over a map table in Bondarenko's headquarters。
 〃This; this is my ground; Gennady Iosifovich;〃 he said; stabbing at the point with his finger。 It was just five kilometers north of the Gogol Gold Field; a line of ridges twenty kilometers across; facing open ground the Chinese would have to cross。 〃And put the Two…Oh…First's tanks just here on my right。 When we stop their advance guard; they can blow in from the west and roll them up。〃
 〃Reconnaissance shows their leading division is strung out somewhat;〃 Bondarenko told him。
 It was a mistake made by every army in the world。 The sharpest teeth of any field force are its artillery; but even self…propelled artillery; mounted on tracks for cross…country mobility; can't seem to keep up with the mechanized forces it is supposed to support。 It was a lesson that had even surprised the Americans in the Persian Gulf; when they'd found their artillery could keep up with the leading tank echelons only with strenuous effort; and across flat ground。 The People's Liberation Army had tracked artillery; but a lot of it was still the towed variety; and was being pulled behind trucks that could not travel cross…country as well as the tracked kind。
 General Diggs observed the discussion; which his rudimentary Russian could not quite keep up with; and Sinyavskiy spoke no English; which really slowed things down。
 〃You still have a lot of bat power to stop; Yuriy Andreyevich;〃 Diggs pointed out; waiting for the translation to get across。
 〃If we cannot stop them pletely; at least we can give them a bloody nose〃 was the belated reply。
 〃Stay mobile;〃 Diggs advised。 〃If I were this General Peng; I'd maneuver east…the ground is better suited for it…and try to wrap you up from your left。〃
 〃We will see how maneuver…minded they are;〃 Bondarenko said for his subordinate。 〃So far all they have done is drive straight forward; and I think they are being placent。 See how they are stretched out; Marion。 Their units are too far separated to provide mutual support。 They are in a pursuit phase of warfare; and that makes them disorganized; and they have little air support to warn them of what lies ahead。 I think Yuriy is right: This is a good place for a stand。〃
 〃I agree it's good ground; Gennady; just don't marry the place; okay?〃 Diggs warned。
 Bondarenko translated that for his subordinate; who answered back in machine…gun Russian around his cigar。
 〃Yuriy says it is a place for a fucking; not a wedding。 When will you join your mand; Marion?〃
 〃My chopper's on the way in now; buddy。 My cavalry screen is at the first fuel depot; with First Brigade right behind。 We should be in contact in a day and a half or so。〃
 They'd already discussed Diggs's plan of attack。 First Armored would assemble northwest of Belogorsk; fueling at the last big Russian depot; then leap out in the darkness for the Chinese bridgehead。 Intelligence said that the PLA's 65th Type…B Group Army was there now; digging in to protect the left shoulder of their break…in。 Not a mechanized force; it was still a lot for a single division to chew on。 If the Chinese plan of attack 
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