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 〃Prepare the post for destruction!〃 he ordered。
 〃Now?〃 the gunner asked incredulously。
 〃Now!〃 the lieutenant ordered。 〃Set it up!〃
 There was a drill for this; and they'd practiced it。 The loader took a demolition charge and set it among the racked shells。 The electrical cable was in a spool; which he played out。 The gunner ignored this; cranking the turret right to fire his coaxial machine gun at some approaching soldiers; then turning rapidly the other way to strike at those who'd used his reaction to the others' movement for cover to move themselves。 Komanov stepped down from the cupola seat and looked around。 There was his bed; and the table at which they'd all eaten their food; and the toilet room and the shower。 This bunker had bee home; a place of both fort and work; but now they had to surrender it to the Chinese。 It was almost inconceivable; but it could not be denied。 In the movies; they'd fight to the death here; but fighting to the death was a lot more fortable for actors who could start a new film the next week。
 〃e on; Sergeant;〃 he ordered his gunner; who took one last long burst before stepping down and heading toward the escape tunnel。
 Komanov counted off the men as they went; then headed out。 He realized he hadn't phoned his intentions back to Regiment; and he hesitated; but; no; there wasn't time for that now。 He'd radio his action from the moving BTR。
 The tunnel was low enough that they had to run bent over; but it was also lit; and there was the outer door。 When the reserve gunner opened it; they were greeted by the much louder sound of falling shells。
 〃You fucking took long enough;〃 a thirtyish sergeant snarled at them。 〃e on!〃 he urged; waving them to his BTR…60。
 〃Wait。〃 Komanov took the twist…detonator and attached the wire ends to the terminals。 He sheltered behind the concrete abutment that contained the steel door and twisted the handle once。
 The demolition charge was ten kilograms of TNT。 It and the stored shells created an explosion that roared out of the escape tunnel with a sound like the end of the world; and on the far side of the hill the heavy turret of the never…finished JS…3 tank rocketed skyward; to the amazed pleasure of the Chinese infantrymen。 And with that; Komanov's job was done。 He turned and followed his men to board the eight…wheeled armored personnel carrier。 It was ensconced on a concrete pad under a grass…covered concrete roof that had prevented anyone from seeing it; and now it raced down the hill to the north and safety。
 〃Bugging out;〃 the sergeant told the major; tapping the TV screen taking the feed from Marilyn Monroe。 〃This bunch just blew up their gun turret。 That's the third one to call it a day。〃
 〃Surprised they lasted this long;〃 General Wallace said。 Sitting still in a bat zone was an idea entirely foreign to him。 He'd never done fighting while moving slower than four hundred knots; and he considered that speed to be practically standing still。
 〃I bet the Russians will be disappointed;〃 the major said。 〃When do we get the downlink to Chabarsovil?〃
 〃Before lunch; sir。 We're sending a team down to show them how to use it。〃
 The BTR was in many ways the world's ultimate SUV; with eight driving wheels; the lead four of which turned with the steering wheel。 The reservist behind that wheel was a truck driver in civilian life; and knew how to drive only with his right foot pressed to the floor; Komanov decided。 He and his men bounced inside like dice in a cup; saved from head injury only by their steel helmets。 But they didn't plain。 Looking out of the rifle…firing ports; they could see the impact of Chinese artillery; and the quicker they got away from that; the better they'd all feel。
 〃How was it for you?〃 the lieutenant asked the sergeant manding the vehicle。
 〃Mainly we were praying for you to be a coward。 What with all those shells falling around us。 Thank God for whoever built that garage we were hidden in。 At least one shell fell directly on it。 I nearly shit myself;〃 the reservist reported with refreshing candor。 They were municating in face…to…face shouts。
 〃How long to regimental headquarters?〃
 〃About ten minutes。 How many did you get?〃
 〃Maybe two hundred;〃 Komanov thought; rather generously。 〃Never saw a tank。〃
 〃They're probably building their ribbon bridges right now。 It takes a while。 I saw a lot of that when I was in Eighth Guards Army in Germany。 Practically all we practiced was crossing rivers。 How good are they?〃
 〃They're not cowards。 They advance under fire even when you kill some of them。 What happened to our artillery?〃
 〃Wiped out; artillery rockets; came down like a blanket of hail; rade Lieutenant; crump;〃 he replied with a two…handed gesture。
 〃Where is our support?〃
 〃Who the fuck do you think we are?〃 the sergeant asked in reply。 They were all surprised when the BRT skidded to an unwarned stop。 〃What's happening?〃 he shouted at the driver。
 〃Look!〃 the man said in reply; pointing。
 Then the rear hatches jerked open and ten men scrambled in; making the interior of the BTR as tight as a can of fish。
 〃rade Lieutenant!〃 It was Ivanov from Five Zero。
 〃What happened?〃
 〃We took a shell on the hatch;〃 he replied; and the bandages on his face told the truth of the tale。 He was in some pain; but happy to be moving again。 〃Our BTR took a direct hit on the nose; killed the driver and wrecked it。〃
 〃I've never seen shelling like this; not even in exercises in Germany and the Ukraine;〃 the BTR sergeant said。 〃Like the war movies; but different when you're really in it。〃
 〃Da;〃 Komanov agreed。 It was no fun at all; even in his bunker; but especially out here。 The sergeant lit up a cigarette; a Japanese one; and held on to the overhead grip to keep from rattling around too much。 Fortunately; the driver knew the way; and the Chinese artillery abated; evidently firing at random target sets beyond visual range of their spotters。
 It's started; Jack;〃 Secretary of Defense Bretano said。 〃I want to release our people to start shooting。〃
 〃Who; exactly?〃
 〃Air Force; fighter planes we have in theater; to start。 We have AWACS up and working with the Russians already。 There's been one air battle; a little one; already。 And we're getting feed from reconnaissance assets。 I can cross…link them to you if you want。〃
 〃Okay; do that;〃 Ryan told the phone。 〃And on the other issue; okay; turn 'em loose;〃 Jack said。 He looked over at Robby。
 〃Jack; it's what we pay 'em for; and believe me; they don't mind。 Fighter pilots live for this sort of thing…until they see what happens; though they mainly never do。 They just see the broke airplane; not the poor shot…up bleeding bastard inside; trying to eject while he's still conscious;〃 Vice President Jackson explained。 〃Later on; a pilot may think about that a little。 I did。 But not everyone。 Mainly you get to paint a kill on the side of your aircraft; and we all want to do that。〃
 Okay; people; we are now in this fight;〃 Colonel Bronco Winters told his assembled pilots。 He'd gotten four kills over Saudi the previous year; downing those poor dumb rugheaded gomers who flew for the country that had brought biological warfare to his own nation。 O
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