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did most of the talking; and the other four listened intently; and nods started。
 Yefremov of the Federal Security Service kept his distance。 He was senior enough that he could no longer guarantee that his face was unknown; and had to trust the more junior men to get in close; their earpieces removed and radio transmitters turned off; wishing they could read lips like the people in spy movies。
 For Pavel Georgiyevich Yefremov; the question was; what to do now? Arrest them all and risk blowing the case…or merely continue to shadow; and risk having them go forward 。 。 。 and perhaps acplish the mission?
 The question would be answered by one of the four contacts。 He was the oldest of them; about forty; a Spetsnaz veteran of Afghanistan with the Order of the Red Banner to his name。 His name was Igor Maximov。 He held up his hand; rubbing forefinger and thumb; and; getting the answer to his question; he shook his head and politely took his leave。 His departure was a cordial one; and his personal two…man shadow team followed him to the nearest Metro station while the others continued talking。
 On learning this; Yefremov ordered him picked up。 That was done when he got off the Metro train five kilometers away at the station near his flat; where he lived with his wife and son。 The man did not resist and was unarmed。 Docile as a lamb; he acpanied the two FSS officers to their headquarters。
 〃Your name is Maximov; Igor Il'ych;〃 Yefremov told him。 〃You met with your friend Suvorov; Klementi Ivan'ch; to discuss participation in a crime。 We want to hear your version of what was discussed。〃
 〃rade Yefremov; I met some old friends for coffee this morning and then I left。 Nothing in particular was discussed。 I do not know what you are talking about。〃
 〃Yes; of course;〃 the FSS man replied。 〃Tell me; do you know two former Spetsnaz men like yourself; Amalrik and Zimyanin?〃
 〃I've heard the names; but I don't know the faces。〃
 〃Here are the faces。〃 Yefremov handed over the photos from the Leningrad Militia。 〃They are not pleasant to look upon。〃
 Maximov didn't blanch; but he didn't look at the photos with affection either。 〃What happened to them?〃
 〃They did a job for your rade; Suvorov; but he was evidently displeased with how they went about it; and so; they went swimming in the River Neva。 Maximov; we know that you were Spetsnaz。 We know that you earn your living today doing illegal things; but that is not a matter of concern to us at the moment。 We want to know exactly what was said at the coffee shop。 You will tell us this; the easy way or the hard way。 The choice is yours。〃 When he wanted to; Yefrernov could e on very hard to his official guests。 In this case; it wasn't difficult。 Maximov was not a stranger to violence; at least on the giving side。 The receiving side was something he had no wish to learn about。
 〃What do you offer me?〃
 〃I offer you your freedom in return for your cooperation。 You left the meeting before any conclusions were reached。 That is why you are here。 So; do you wish to speak now; or shall we wait a few hours for you to change your mind?〃
 Maximov was not a coward…Spetsnaz didn't have many of those; in Yefremov's experience…but he was a realist; and realism told him that he had nothing to gain by noncooperation。
 〃He asked me and the others to participate in a murder。 I presume it will be a difficult operation; otherwise why would he need so many men? He offers for this twenty thousand euros each。 I decided that my time is more valuable than that。〃
 〃Do you know the name of the target?〃
 Maximov shook his head。 〃No。 He did not say。 I did not ask。〃
 〃That is good。 You see; the target is President Grushavoy。〃 That got a reaction; as Maximov's eyes flared。
 〃That is state treason;〃 the former Spetsnaz sergeant breathed; hoping to convey the idea that he'd never do such a thing。 He learned fast。
 〃Yes。 Tell me; is twenty thousand euros a good price for a murder?〃
 〃I would not know。 If you want me to tell you that I have killed for money; no; rade Yefremov; I will not say that。〃
 But you have; and you'd probably participate in this one if the price went high enough。 In Russia; E20;000 was a considerable sum。 But Yefremov had much bigger fish to fry。 〃The others at the meeting; what do you know of them?〃
 〃All are Spetsnaz veterans。 Ilya Suslov and I served together east of Qandahar。 He's a sniper; a very good one。 The others; I know them casually; but I never served with them。〃 Sniper。 Well; those were useful; and President Grushavoy appeared in public a lot。 He was scheduled to have an outdoor rally the very next day; in fact。 It was time to wrap this up。
 〃So; Suvorov spoke of a murder for hire?〃
 〃Yes; he did。〃
 〃Good。 We will take your statement。 You were wise to cooperate; Igor Il'ych。〃 Yefremov had a junior officer lead him away。 Then he lifted his phone。 〃Arrest them all;〃 he told the field mander。
 〃The meeting broke up。 We have all of them under surveillance。 Suvorov is en route back to his flat with one of the three。〃
 〃Well; assemble the team and arrest them both。〃
 〃Feeling better?〃 Colonel Aliyev asked。 〃What time is it?〃
 〃Fifteen…forty; rade General;〃 Colonel Aliyev replied。 〃You slept for thirteen hours。 Here are some dispatches from Moscow。〃
 〃You let me sleep that long?〃 the general demanded; instantly angry。
 〃The war has not begun。 Our preparations; such as they are; are progressing; and there seemed no sense in waking you。 Oh; we have our first set of reconnaissance photos。 Not much better than the American ones we had faxed to us。 Intelligence has firmed up its estimate。 It's not getting any better。 We have support now from an American ELINT aircraft; but they tell us that the Chinese aren't using their radios; which is not a surprise。〃
 〃God damn it; Audrey!〃 the general responded; rubbing his unshaven face with both hands。
 〃So; court…martial me after you've had your coffee。 I got some sleep; too。 You have a staff。 I have a staff; and I decided to let them do their jobs while we slept;〃 the operations officer said defiantly。
 〃What of the Never Depot?〃
 〃We have a total of one hundred eighty tanks operating with full crews。 Shorter on the infantry ponent and artillery; but the reservists seem to be functioning with some degree of enthusiasm; and the 265th
 Motor Rifle is starting to act like a real division for the first time。〃 Aliyev walked over a mug of coffee with milk and sugar; the way Bondarenko preferred it。 〃Drink; Gennady Iosifovich。〃 Then he pointed to a table piled with buttered bread and bacon。
 〃If we live; I will see you promoted; Colonel。〃
 〃I've always wanted to be a general officer。 But I want to see my children enter university; too。 So; let's try to stay alive。〃
 〃What of the border troops?〃
 〃I have transport assigned to each post…where possible; two sets of transport。 I've sent some of the reservists in BTRs to make sure they have a little protection against the artillery fire when they pull out。 We have a lot of guns in the photos from the M…5; rade General。 And fucking mountains of shells。 But the border troops have ample protection; and the orders have gone out so that they will not need per
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