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them for that。〃
 〃Great;〃 the Vice President muttered。 A lifelong USN sailor; he didn't like depending on anything except people who spoke American and wore Navy Blue。
 〃If the variables were fully in our favor; the Chinese wouldn't be thinking about this operation as seriously as they evidently are。〃 Which was about as obvious as the value of a double play with the bases loaded and one out in the bottom of the ninth。
 〃The problem;〃 George Winston told them; 〃is that the prize is just too damned inviting。 It's like the bank doors have been left open over a three…day weekend; and the local cops are on strike。〃
 〃Jack keeps saying that a war of aggression is just an armed robbery writ large;〃 Jackson told them。
 〃That's not far off;〃 SecTreas agreed。 Professor Weaver thought the parison overly simplistic; but what else could you expect of people like these?
 〃We can warn them off when we start seeing preparations on our overheads;〃 Ed Foley proposed。 〃Mickey; when will we start seeing that?〃
 〃Conceivably; two days。 Figure a week for them to get ramped up。 Their forces are pretty well in theater already; and it's just a matter of getting them postured…putting them all near their jump…off points。 Then doing the final approach march will happen; oh; thirty…six hours before they start pulling the strings on their field guns。〃
 〃And Ivan can't stop them?〃
 〃At the border? Not a chance;〃 the general answered; with an emphatic shake of the head。 〃They'll have to play for time; trading land for time。 The Chinese have a hell of a long trip to get the oil。 That's their weakness; a huge flank to protect and a god…awful vulnerable logistics train。 I'd look out for an airborne assault on either the gold or the oil fields。 They don't have much in the way of airborne troops or airlift capacity; but you have to figure they'll try it anyway。 They're both soft targets。〃
 〃What can we send in?〃
 〃First thing; a lot of air assets; fighters; fighter…bombers; and every aerial tanker we can scrape up。 We may not be able to establish air superiority; but we can quickly deny it to them; make it a fifty…fifty proposition almost at once; and then start rolling their air force back。 Again it's a question of numbers; Robby; and a question of how well their flyers are trained。 Probably better than the Russians; just because they have more hours on the stick; but technically the Russians actually have generally better aircraft; and probably better doctrine…except they haven't had the chance to practice it。〃
 Robby Jackson wanted to grumble that the situation had too many unknowns; but if there hadn't been; as Mickey Moore had just told him; the Chinese wouldn't be leaning on their northern border。 Muggers went after little old ladies with their Social Security money; not cops who had just cashed their paychecks on the way home from work。 There was much to be said for carrying a gun on the street; and as irrational as street crime or war…starting might be; those who did it were somewhat reflective in their choices。
 Scott Adler hadn't slept at all on the flight; as he'd played over and over in his mind the question of how to stop a war from starting。 That was the primary mission of a diplomat; wasn't it? Mainly he considered his shortings。 As the prime foreign…affairs officer of his country; he was supposed to know…he was paid to know…what to say to people to deflect them from irrational actions。 At base that could mean telling them; Do this and the full power and fury of America will descend on you and ruin your whole day。 Better to cajole them into being reasonable; because in reasonableness was their best salvation as a nation in the global village。 But the truth was that the Chinese thought in ways that he could not replicate within his own mind; and so he wasn't sure what to say to make them see the light。 The worst part of all was that he'd met this Zhang guy in addition to Foreign Minister Shen; and all he knew for sure was that they did not look upon reality as he did。 They saw blue where he saw green; and he couldn't understand their strange version of green well enough to explain it into blue。 A small voice chided him for possible racism; but this situation was too far gone for political correctness。 He had a war to stop; and he didn't know how。 He ended up staring at the bulkhead in front of his fortable glove…leather seat and wishing it was a movie screen。 He felt like seeing a movie now; something to get his mind off the hamster wheel that just kept turning and turning。 Then he felt a tap on his shoulder; and turned to see his President; who motioned him to the circular staircase to the upper level。 Again they chased two Air Force municators off their seats。
 〃Thinking over the newest SORGE?〃
 〃Yep。〃 EAGLE nodded。
 〃Any ideas?〃
 The head moved in a different plane now。 〃No。 Sorry; Jack; but it just isn't there。 Maybe you need a new SecState。〃
 Ryan grunted。 〃No; just different enemies。 The only thing I see is to tell them we know what they're up to; and that they'd better stop。〃
 〃And when they tell us to shove it up our collective ass; then what?〃
 〃You know what we need right now?〃 SWORDSMAN asked。
 〃Oh; yeah; a couple hundred Minuteman or Trident missiles would work just fine to show them the light。 Unfortunately 。 。 。〃
 〃Unfortunately; we did away with them to make the world a safer place。 Oops;〃 Ryan concluded。
 〃Well; we have the bombs and the aircraft to deliver them; and…〃
 〃No!〃 Ryan hissed。 〃No; God damn it; I will not initiate a nuclear war in order to stop a conventional one。 How many people do you want me to kill?〃
 〃Easy; Jack。 It's my job to present options; remember? Not to advocate them…not that one anyway。〃 He paused。 〃What did you think of Auschwitz?〃
 〃It's the stuff of nightmares…wait a minute; your parents; right?〃
 〃My father…Belzec in his case; and he lucked out and survived。〃
 〃Does he talk about it?〃
 〃Never。 Not a single word; even to his rabbi。 Maybe a pshrink。 He went to one for a few years; but I never knew what for。〃
 〃I can't let anything like that happen again。 To stop that…yeah; to stop that;〃 Ryan speculated aloud; 〃yeah; I might drop a B…83。〃
 〃You know the lingo?〃
 〃A little。 I got briefed in a long time ago; the names for the hardware stuck in my mind。 Funny thing; I've never had nightmares about that。 Well; I've never read into the SIOP…Single Integrated Operation Plan; the cookbook for ending the world。 I think I'd eat a gun before I did that。〃
 〃A whole lot of presidents had to think those things over;〃 Adler pointed out。
 〃Before my time; Scott; and they never expected them to happen anyway。 They all figured they'd smart their way through it。 'Til Bob Fowler came along and damned near stumbled into calling in the codes。 That was some wild Sunday night;〃 Ryan said; remembering。
 〃Yeah; I know the story。 You kept your head screwed on straight。 Not many others did。〃
 〃Yeah。 And look where it got me;〃 POTUS observed with a grim chuckle。 He looked out a window。 They were over land now; probably Labrador; lots of green and lakes; and few straight lines to show the hand of man on the land。 〃What do we do; Scott?〃
 〃We try to warn them off
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