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te the Chinese will take is easily predicted。〃
 The overall problem was that the Chinese had strategic; if not tactical; surprise。 The former was a political exercise; and like Hitler in 1941; the Chinese had pulled it off。 At least Bondarenko would have tactical warning; which was more than Stalin had allowed his Red Army。 He also expected to have freedom of maneuver; because also unlike Stalin; his President Grushavoy would be thinking with his brain instead of his balls。 With freedom of maneuver Bondarenko would have the room to play a mobile war with his enemy; denying the Chinese a chance at decisive engagement; allowing hard contact only when it served his advantage。 Then he'd be able to wait for reinforcements to give him a chance to fight a set…piece battle on his own terms; at a place and time of his choosing。
 〃How good are the Chinese; really; Pavel?〃
 〃The People's Liberation Army has not engaged in large…scale bat operations for over fifty years; since the Korean War with the Americans; unless you cite the border clashes we had with them in the late '60s and early '70s。 In that case; the Red Army dealt with them well; but to do that we had massive firepower; and the Chinese were only fighting for limited objectives。 They are trained largely on our old model。 Their soldiers will not have the ability to think for themselves。 Their discipline is worse than draconian。 The smallest infraction can result in summary execution; and that makes for obedience。 At the operational level; their general officers are well…trained in theoretical terms。 Qualitatively; their weapons are roughly the equal of ours。 With their greater funding; their training levels mean that their soldiers are intimately familiar with their weapons and rudimentary tactics;〃 Zhdanov told the assembled staff。 〃But they are probably not our equal in operational…maneuver thinking。 Unfortunately; they do have numbers going for them; and quantity has a quality all its own; as the NATO armies used to say of us。 What they will want to do; and what I fear they will; is try to roll over us quickly…just crush us and move on to their political and economic objectives as quickly as possible。〃
 Bondarenko nodded as he sipped his tea。 This was mad; and the maddest part of all was that he was playing the role of a NATO mander from 1975…maybe a German one; which was truly insane… faced with adverse numbers; but blessed; as the Germans had not been; with space to play with; and Russians had always used space to their advantage。 He leaned forward:
 〃Very well。 rades; we will deny them the opportunity for decisive engagement。 If they cross the border; we will fight a maneuver war。 We will sting and move。 We will hurt them and withdraw before they can counterattack。 We will give them land; but we will not give them blood。 The life of every single one of our soldiers is precious to us。 The Chinese have a long way to go to their objectives。 We will let them go a lot of that way; and we will bide our time and husband our men and equipment。 We will make them pay for what they take; but we will not…we must not…give them the chance to catch our forces in decisive battle。 Are we understood on that?〃 he asked his staff。 〃When in doubt; we will run away and deny the enemy what he wants。 When we have what we need to strike back; we will make him wish he never heard of Russia; but until then; let him chase his butterflies。〃
 〃What of the border guards?〃 Aliyev asked。
 〃They will hurt the Chinese; and then they will pull out。 rades; I cannot emphasize this enough: the life of every single private soldier is important to us。 Our men will fight harder if they know we care about them; and more than that; they deserve our care and solicitude。 If we ask them to risk their lives for their country; their country must be loyal to them in return。 If we achieve that; they will fight like tigers。 The Russian soldier knows how to fight。 We must all be worthy of him。 You are all skilled professionals。 This will be the most important test of our lives。 We must all be equal to our task。 Our nation depends on us。 Andrey Petrovich; draw up some plans for me。 We are authorized to call up reserves。 Let us start doing that。 We have hectares of equipment for them to use。 Unlock the gates and let them start drawing gear; and God permit the officers assigned to those cadres are worthy of their men。 Dismissed。〃 Bondarenko stood and walked out; hoping his declamation had been enough for the task。
 But wars were not won by speeches。
 Ghosts of Horrors Past
 President Grushavoy arrived in Warsaw with the usual pomp and circumstance。 A good actor; Ryan saw; watching the arrival on TV。 You never would have guessed from his face that his country was looking at a major war。 Grushavoy passed the same receiving line; doubtless posed of the same troops Ryan had eyeballed on his arrival; made a brief but flowery arrival speech citing the long and friendly history shared by Poland and Russia (conveniently leaving out the equally long and less…than…friendly parts); then got into a car for the city; acpanied; Ryan was glad to see; by Sergey Nikolay'ch Golovko。 In the President's hand was a fax from Washington outlining what the Chinese had in the way of war assets to turn loose on their northern neighbors; along with an estimate from the Defense Intelligence Agency on what they called the 〃correlation of forces;〃 which; Jack remembered; was a term of art used by the Soviet army of old。 Its estimate of the situation was not especially favorable。 Almost as bad; America didn't have much with which to help the Russians。 The world's foremost navy was of little direct use in a land war。 The United States Army had a division and a half of heavy troops in Europe; but that was thousands of miles from the expected scene of action。 The Air Force had all the mobility it needed to project force anywhere on the globe; and that could give anyone a serious headache; but airplanes could not by themselves defeat an army。 No; this would be largely a Russian show; and the Russian army; the fax said; was in terrible shape。 The DIA had some good things to say about the senior Russian mander in theater; but a smart guy with a 。22 against a dumb one with a machine gun was still at a disadvantage。 So; he hoped the Chinese would be taken aback by this days news; but CIA and States estimate of that possibility was decidedly iffy。
 〃Scott?〃 Ryan asked his Secretary of State。
 〃Jack; I can't say。 This ought to discourage them; but we can't be sure how tight a corner they think they are in。 If they think they're trapped; they might still lash out。〃
 〃God damn it; Scott; is this the way nations do business?〃 Jack demanded。 〃Misperceptions? Fears? Outright stupidity?〃
 Adler shrugged。 〃It's a mistake to think a chief of government is any smarter than the rest of us; Jack。 People make decisions the same way; regardless of how big and smart they are。 It es down to how they perceive the question; and how best they can serve their own needs; preserve their own personal well…being。 Remember that we're not dealing with clergymen here。 They don't have much in the way of consciences。 Our notion of right 
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