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 〃Yeah; George; good kid; going places if he stays in。〃
 〃He won't。 puter panies are already trying to recruit him。 Shit; paq offered him three hundred big ones last week。〃
 〃That's a living wage;〃 Chief Leek mented。 〃What did Dennis say?〃
 〃He said no。 I told him to hold out for half a mil。〃 Matson laughed as he reached for some coffee。
 〃What d'ya think; Dr。 Gregory? The kid worth that kinda money in the 'puter business?〃
 〃If he can do really good code; maybe;〃 Al replied; making a mental note to check out this Lieutenant Olson himself。 TRW always had room for talent。 Dartmouth was known for its puter science department。 Add field experience to that; and you had a real candidate for the ongoing SAM project。 〃Okay; if you insert the chip; what happens?〃
 〃Then you change the range of the radar。 You know how it works; the RF energy goes out forever on its own; but we only accept signals that bounce back within a specific time gate。 This〃…Senior Chief Leek held up a floppy disk with a hand…printed label on it…〃changes the gate。 It extends the effective rage of the SPY out to; oh; two thousand kilometers。 Damned sight farther than the missiles'll go。 I was on Port Royal out at Kwajalein five years ago doing a theater…missile test; and we were tracking the inbound from the time it popped over the horizon all the way in。〃
 〃You hit it?〃 Gregory asked with immediate interest。
 Leek shook his head。 〃Guidance…fin failure on the bird; it was an early Block…IV。 We got within fifty meters; but that was a cunt hair outside the warhead's kill perimeter; and they only allowed us one shot; for some reason or other nobody ever told me about。 Shiloh got a kill the next year。 Splattered it with a skin…skin kill。 The video of that one is a son of a bitch;〃 the senior chief assured his guest。
 Gregory believed it。 When an object going one way at fourteen thousand miles per hour got hit by something going the other way at two thousand miles per hour; the result could be quite impressive。 〃First…round hit?〃 he asked。
 〃You bet。 The sucker was ing straight at us; and this baby doesn't miss much。〃
 〃We always clean up with Vandal tests off Wallops Island;〃 Chief Matson confirmed。
 〃What are those exactly?〃
 〃Old Talos SAMs;〃 Matson explained。 〃Big stovepipes; ramjet engines; they can e in on a ballistic track at about twenty…two hundred miles per hour。 Pretty hot on the deck; too。 That's what we worry about。 The Russians came out with a sea…skimmer we call Sunburn…〃
 〃Aegis…killer; some folks call it;〃 Chief Leek added。 〃Low and fast。〃
 〃But we ain't missed one yet;〃 Matson announced。 〃The Aegis system's pretty good。 So; Dr。 Gregory; what exactly are you checking out?〃
 〃I want to see if your system can be used to stop a ballistic inbound。〃
 〃How fast?〃 Matson asked。
 〃A for…real ICBM。 When you detect it on radar; it'll be doing about seventeen thousand miles per hour; call it seventy…six hundred meters per second。〃
 〃That's real fast;〃 Leek observed。 〃Seven; eight times the speed of a rifle bullet。〃
 〃Faster'n a theater ballistic weapon like a Scud。 Not sure we can do it;〃 Matson worried。
 〃This radar system'll track it just fine。 It's very similar to the Cobra Dane system in the Aleutians。 Question is; can your SAMs react fast enough to get a hit?〃
 〃How hard's the target?〃 Matson asked。
 〃Softer than an aircraft。 The RV's designed to withstand heat; not an impact。 Like the space shuttle。 When you fly it through a rainstorm; it plays hell with the tiles。〃
 〃Oh; yeah?〃
 〃Yep。〃 Gregory nodded。 〃Like Styrofoam coffee cups。〃
 〃Okay; so then the problems getting the SM2 close enough to have the warhead pop off when the target's in the fragmentation cone。〃
 〃Correct。〃 They might be enlisted men; Gregory thought; but that didn't make them dumb。
 〃Software fix in the seeker head; right?〃
 〃Also correct。 I've rewritten the code。 Pretty easy job; really。 I reprogrammed the way the laser mutates。 Ought to work okay if the infrared homing system works as advertised。 At least it did in the puter simulations up in Washington。〃
 〃It worked just fine on Shiloh; Doc。 We got the videotape aboard somewhere;〃 Leek assured him。 〃Wanna see it?〃 〃You bet;〃 Dr。 Gregory said with enthusiasm。 〃Okay。〃 Senior Chief Leek checked his watch。 〃I'm free now。 Let me head aft for a smoke; and then we'll roll the videotape;〃 he said; sounding like Warner Wolf on WCBS New York。
 〃You can't smoke in here?〃 Leek grunted annoyance。 〃It's the New Navy; Doc。 The cap'n's a health Nazi。 You gotta go aft to light up。 Not even in chief's quarters;〃
 Leek groused。
 〃I quit;〃 Matson said。 〃Not a pussy like Tim here。〃
 〃My ass;〃 Leek responded。 〃There's a few real men left aboard。〃
 〃How e you sit sideways here?〃 Gregory asked; rising to his feet to follow them aft。 〃The important displays go to the right side of the ship instead of fore and aft。 How e?〃
 〃 'Cuz it helps you puke if you're in a seaway。〃 Matson laughed。
 〃Whoever designed these ships didn't like sailors much; but at least the air conditioning works。〃 It rarely got above sixty degrees in the CIC; causing most of the men who worked there to wear sweaters。 Aegis cruisers were decidedly not known for their forts。
 This is serious?〃 Colonel Aliyev asked。 It was a stupid question; and he knew it。 But it just had to e out anyway; and his mander knew that。
 〃We have orders to treat it that way; Colonel;〃 Bondarenko replied crossly。 〃What do we have to stop them?〃
 〃The 265th Motor…Rifle Division is at roughly fifty percent bat efficiency;〃 the theater operations officer replied。 〃Beyond that; two tank regiments at forty percent or so。 Our reserve formations are mostly theoretical;〃 Aliyev concluded。 〃Our air assets…one regiment of fighter…interceptors ready for operations; another three who don't have even half their aircraft fit to fly。〃
 Bondarenko nodded at the news。 It was better than it had been upon his arrival in theater; and he'd done well to bring things that far; but that wouldn't impress the Chinese very much。
 〃Opposition?〃 he asked next。 Far East's intelligence officer was another colonel; Vladimir Konstantinovich Tolkunov。
 〃Our Chinese neighbors are in good military shape; rade General。 The nearest enemy formation is Thirty…fourth Shock Army; a Type…A Group Army manded by General Peng Xi…Wang;〃 he began; showing off what he knew。 〃That one formation has triple or more our mechanized assets; and is well trained。 Chinese aircraft…well; their tactical aircraft number over two thousand; and we must assume they will mit everything to this operation。 rades; we do not have anything like the assets we need to stop them。〃
 〃So; we will use space to our advantage;〃 the general proposed。 〃Of that we have much。 We will fight a holding action and await reinforcements from the west。 I'll be talking with Stavka later today。 Let's draw up what we'll need to stop these barbarians。〃
 〃All down one line of railroad;〃 Aliyev observed。 〃And our fucking engineers have been busily clearing a route for the Chinks to take to the oil fields。 General; first of all; we need to get our engineers working on minefields。 We have millions of mines; and the route th
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