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; not we it。 What you propose here; my old friend could merely accelerate what es for us in any case; and who among us can say if it will please or displease us?〃 Minister Fang shook his head。 〃Perhaps what you propose is necessary; even beneficial;〃 he allowed; 〃but only after the alternatives have been examined fully and discarded。〃
 〃If we are to decide;〃 Luo told them; 〃then we must decide soon。 We have good campaigning weather before us。 That season will only last so long。 If we strike soon…in the next two weeks…we can seize our objectives; and then time works for us。 Then winter will set in and make offensive campaigning virtually impossible against a determined defense。 Then we can depend upon Shen's ministry to safeguard and consolidate what we have seized; perhaps to share our winnings with the Russians 。。。 for a time;〃 he added cynically。 China would never share such a windfall; they all knew。 It was merely a ploy fit to fool children and mushy…headed diplomats; which the world had in abundance; they all knew。
 Through all this; Premier Xu had sat quietly; observing how the sentiments went; before making his decision and calling for a vote whose oute would; of course; be predetermined。 There was one more thing that needed asking。 Not surprisingly; the question came from Tan Deshi; chief of the Ministry of State Security:
 〃Luo; my friend; how soon would the decision have to be made to ensure success? How easily could the decision be called back if circumstances warrant?〃
 〃Ideally; the 'go' decision would be made today; so that we can start moving our forces to their preset jumping…off places。 To stop them…well; of course; you can stop the offensive up to the very moment the artillery is to open fire。 It is much harder to advance than it is to stay in place。 Any man can stand still; no matter where he is。〃 The preplanned answer to the preplanned question was as clever as it was misleading。 Sure; you could always stop an army poised to jump off; about as easily as you could stop a Yangtze River flood。
 〃I see;〃 Tan said。 〃In that case; I propose that we vote on conditional approval of a 'go' order; subject to change at any time by majority vote of the Politburo。〃
 Now it was Xu's turn to take charge of the meeting: 〃rades; thank you all for your views on the issue before us。 Now we must decide what is best for our country and our people。 We shall vote on Tan's proposal; a conditional authorization for an attack to seize and exploit the oil and gold fields in Siberia。〃
 As Fang had feared; the vote was already decided; and in the interests of solidarity; he voted with the rest。 Only Qian Kun wavered; but like all the others; he sided with the majority; because it was dangerous to stand alone in any group in the People's Republic; most of all this one。 And besides; Qian was only a candidate member; and didn't have a vote at this most democratic of tables。
 The vote turned out to be unanimous。
 Long Chun; it would be called: Operation SPRING DRAGON。
 Scott Adler knew Moscow as well as many Russian citizens did; he'd been here so many times; including one tour in the American Embassy as a wet…behind…the…ears new foreign…service officer; all those years before; during the Carter Administration。 The Air Force flight crew delivered him on time; and they were accustomed to taking people on covert missions to odd places。 This mission was less unusual than most。 His aircraft rolled to a stop at the Russian fighter base; and the official car rolled up even before the mechanical steps unfolded。 Adler hustled out; unacpanied even by an aide。 A Russian official shook hands with him and got him into the car for the drive into Moscow。 Adler was at ease。 He knew that he was offering Russia a gift fit for the world's largest Christmas tree; and he didn't think they were stupid enough to reject it。 No; the Russians were among the world's most skillful diplomats and geopolitical thinkers; a trait that went back sixty years or more。 It had struck him as sad; back in 1978; that their adroit people had been chained to a doomed political system…even back then; Adler had seen the demise of the Soviet Union ing。 Jimmy Carter's 〃human rights〃 proclamation had been that president's best and least appreciated foreign…policy play; for it had injected the virus of rot into their political empire; begun the process of eating away their power in Eastern Europe; and also of letting their own people start to ask questions。 It was a pot that Ronald Reagan had sweetened…upping the ante with his defense buildup that had stretched the Soviet economy to the breaking point and beyond; allowing George Bush to be there when they'd tossed in their cards and cast off from the political system that stretched back to Vladimir ll'ych Ulyanov; Lenin himself; the founding father; even the god of Marxism…Leninism。 It was usually sad when a god died 。 。 。
 。 。 。 but not in this case; Adler thought as the buildings flashed by。
 Then he realized that there was one more large but false god out there; Mao Zedong; awaiting final interment in history's rubbish heap。 When would that e? Did this mission have a role to play in that funeral? Nixon's opening to China had played a role in the destruction of the Soviet Union; which historians still had not fully grasped。 Would its final echo be found in the fall of the People's Republic itself? That remained to be seen。
 The car pulled into the Kremlin through the Spaskiy Gate; then proceeded to the old Council of Ministers Building。 There Adler alighted and hurried inside; into an elevator to a third…floor meeting room。
 〃Mr。 Secretary。〃 The greeting came from Golovko。 Adler should have found him an eminence gris; he thought。 But Sergey Nikolay'ch was actually a man of genuine intellect and the openness that resulted directly from it。 He was not even a pragmatist; but a man who sought what was best for his country; and would search for it everywhere his mind could see。 A seeker of truth; SecState thought。 That sort of man he and America could live with。
 〃Chairman。 Thank you for receiving us so quickly。〃
 〃Please e with me; Mr。 Adler。〃 Golovko led him through a set of high double doors into what almost appeared to be a throne room。 EAGLE couldn't remember if this building went back to the czars。 President Eduard Petrovich Grushavoy was waiting for him; already standing politely; looking serious but friendly。
 〃Mr。 Adler;〃 the Russian president said; with a smile and an extended hand。
 〃Mr。 President; a pleasure to be back in Moscow。〃
 〃Please。〃 Grushavoy led him to a fortable set of chairs with a low table。 Tea things were already out; and Golovko handled the serving like a trusted earl seeing to the needs of his king and guest。
 〃Thank you。 I've always loved the way you serve your tea in Russia。〃 Adler stirred his and took a sip。
 〃So; what do you have to say to us?〃 Grushavoy asked in passable English。
 〃We have shown you what has bee for us a cause for great concern。〃
 〃The Chinese;〃 the Russian president observed。 Everyone knew all of this; but the beginning of the conversation would follow the conventions of high…level talk; like lawyers discussing a major case in chambers。
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