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 Indignation: 〃Of course not。 That would be nekulturniy。〃
 〃It is the same with us; Chairman。〃
 〃Hey; man;〃 Chavez added。 〃From when I was a teenager; I was trained to kill your people; back when I was an Eleven…Bravo carrying a rifle; but; guess what; we're not enemies anymore; are we? And if we're not enemies; then we can be friends。 You helped us out with Japan and Iran; didn't you?〃
 〃Yes; but we saw that we were the ultimate target of both conflicts; and it was in our national interest。〃
 〃And perhaps the Chinese have us as their ultimate target。 Then this is in our interest。 They probably don't like us any more than they like you。〃
 Golovko nodded。 〃Yes; one thing I do know about them is their sense of racial superiority。〃
 〃Dangerous way for people to think; man。 Racism means your enemies are just insects to be swatted;〃 Chavez concluded; impressing Clark with the mixture of East LA accent and master's…degree analysis of the situation at hand。 〃Even Karl Marx didn't say that he was better than anybody else 'cuz of his skin color; did he?〃
 〃But Mao did;〃 Golovko added。
 〃Doesn't surprise me;〃 Ding went on。 〃I read his Little Red Book in graduate school。 He didn't want to be just a political leader。 Hell; he wanted to be God。 Let his ego get in the way of his brain…not an unmon affliction for people who take countries over; is it?〃
 〃Lenin was not such a man; but Stalin was;〃 Golovko observed。 〃So; then Ivan Emmetovich is a friend of Russia。 What shall I do with this?〃
 〃That's up to you; pal;〃 Clark told him。
 〃I must speak to my president。 Yours es to Poland tomorrow; doesn't he?〃
 〃I think so。〃
 〃I must make some phone calls。 Thank you for ing; my friends。 Perhaps another time I will be able to entertain you properly。〃
 〃Fair enough。〃 Clark stood and tossed off the end of his drink。 More handshakes; and they left the way they'd e。
 〃Christ; John; what happens now?〃 Ding asked; as they drove back out。
 〃I suppose everybody tries to beat some sense into the Chinese。〃
 〃Will it work?〃
 A shrug and arched eyebrows: 〃News at eleven; Domingo。〃
 Packing for a trip isn't easy; even with a staff to do it all for you。 This was particularly true for SURGEON; who was not only concerned about what she wore in public while abroad; but was also the Supreme
 Authority on her husband's clothes; a status which her husband tolerated rather than entirely approved。 Jack Ryan was still in the Oval Office trying to do business that couldn't wait…actually it mostly could; but there were fictions in government that had to be honored…and also waiting for the phone to ring。
 〃Yeah; Jack?〃
 〃Tell the Air Force to have another G go over to Warsaw in case Scott has to fly to Moscow on the sly。〃
 〃Not a bad idea。 They'll probably park it at some air force base or something。〃 Van Damm went off to make the phone call。
 〃Anything else; Ellen?〃 Ryan asked his secretary。
 〃Need one?〃
 〃Yeah; before Cathy and I wing off into the sunset。〃 Actually; they were heading east; but Mrs。 Sumter understood。 She handed Ryan his last cigarette of the day。
 〃Damn;〃 Ryan breathed with his first puff。 He'd be getting a call from Moscow sure as hell…wouldn't he? That depended on how quickly they digested the information; or maybe Sergey would wait for the morning to show it to President Grushavoy。 Would he? In Washington; something that hot would be graded CRITIC and shoved under the President's nose inside twenty minutes; but different countries had different rules; and he didn't know what the Russians did。 For damned sure he'd be hearing from one of them before he stepped off the plane at Warsaw。 But for now 。 。 。 He stubbed the smoke out; reached inside his desk for the breath spray; and zapped his mouth with the acidic stuff before leaving the office and heading outside…the West Wing and the White House proper are not connected by an indoor corridor; due to some architectural oversight。 In any case; inside six minutes he was on the residential level; watching the ushers organize his bags。 Cathy was there; trying to supervise; under the eyes of the Secret Service as well; who acted as though they worried about having a bomb slipped in。 But paranoia was their job。 Ryan walked over to his wife。 〃You need to talk to Andrea。〃
 〃What for?〃
 〃Stomach trouble; she says。〃
 〃Uh…oh。〃 Cathy had suffered from queasiness with Sally; but that was ages ago; and it hadn't been severe。 〃Not really much you can do about it; you know。〃
 〃So much for medical progress;〃 Jack mented。 〃She probably could use some girl…girl support anyway。〃
 Cathy smiled。 〃Oh; sure; womanly solidarity。 So; you're going to bond with Pat?〃
 Jack grinned back at her。 〃Yeah; maybe he'll teach me to shoot a pistol better。〃
 〃Super;〃 SURGEON observed dryly。
 〃Which dress for the big dinner?〃 POTUS asked FLOTUS。
 〃The light…blue one。〃
 〃Slinky;〃 Jack said; touching her arm。
 The kids showed up then; shepherded up to the bedroom level by their various detail leaders; except for Kyle; who was carried by one of his lionesses。 Leaving the kids was never particularly easy; though all concerned were somewhat accustomed to it。 The usual kisses and hugs took place; and then Jack took his wife's hand and led her to the elevator。
 It let them off at the ground level; with a straight walk out to the helicopter pad。 The VH…3 was there; with Colonel Malloy at the controls。 The Marines saluted; as they always did。 The President and First Lady climbed inside and buckled into the fortable seats; under the watchful eyes of a Marine sergeant; who then went forward to report to the pilot in the right…front seat。
 Cathy enjoyed helicopter flight more than her husband did; since she flew in one twice a day。 Jack was no longer afraid of it; but he did prefer driving a car; which he hadn't been allowed to do in months。 The Sikorsky lifted up gently; pivoted in the air; and headed off to Andrews。 The flight took about ten minutes。 The helicopter alighted close to the VC…25A; the Air Force's version of the Boeing 747; it was just a few seconds to the stairs; with the usual TV cameras to mark the event。
 〃Turn and wave; honey;〃 Jack told Cathy at the top of the steps。 〃We might make the evening news。〃
 〃Again?〃 Cathy grumped。 Then she waved and smiled; not at people; but at cameras。 With this task pleted; they went inside the aircraft and forward to the presidential partment。 There they buckled in; and were observed to do so by an Air Force NCO; who then told the pilot it was okay to spool up the engines and taxi to the end of Runway
 Zero…one…right。 Everything after that was ordinary; including the speech from the pilot; followed by the usual; stately takeoff roll of the big Boeing; and the climb out to thirty…eight thousand feet。 Aft; Ryan was sure; everyone was fortable; because the worst seat on this aircraft was as good as the best first…class seat on any airline in the world。 On the whole this seemed a serious waste of the taxpayers' money; but to the best of his knowledge no taxpayer had ever plained very loudly。
 The expected happened off the coast of Maine。
 〃Mr。 President?〃 a female voice asked。
 〃Yeah; Sarge?〃
 〃Call for y
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