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 〃Generous of the foreign devils;〃 Premier Xu observed to Zhang sotto voce。
 〃Which we have almost entirely spent for various items; largely for our colleagues in the People's Liberation Army of late。 Most of these are long…term purchase items for which advance payment was necessary; as is normal in the international arms business。 To this; we must add oil and wheat。 There are other things which are important to our economy; but we will concentrate on these for the moment。〃 Qian looked around the table for approval。 He got it; though Marshal Luo Cong; Defense Minister; and mander…in…chief of the People's Liberation Army… and lord of the PLA's sizable industrial empire…was now looking on with a gimlet eye。 The expenditures of his personal empire had been singled out; and that was not calculated to please him。
 〃rades;〃 Qian continued; 〃we now face the loss of much; perhaps most; of that trade surplus with America; and other foreign countries as well。 You see these?〃 He held up a fistful of telexes and e…mail printouts。 〃These are cancellations of mercial business orders and funds transfers。 Let me clarify。 These are billions of lost dollars; money which in some cases we have already spent…but money we will never have because we have angered those with whom we do business。〃
 〃Do you tell me that they have such power over us? Rubbish!〃 another member observed。
 〃rade; they have the power to buy our trade goods for cash; or not buy them for cash。 If they choose not to buy them; we do not get the money we need to spend for Marshal Luo's expensive toys。〃 He used that word deliberately。 It was time to explain the facts of life to these people; and a slap across the face was sure to get their attention。 〃Now; let us consider wheat。 We use wheat to make bread and noodles。 If you have no wheat; you have no noodles。
 〃Our country does not grow enough wheat to feed our people。 We know this。 We have too many mouths to feed。 In a few months; the great producing countries; America; Canada; Australia; Argentina; and so forth; they will all have wheat to sell…but with what shall we buy it? Marshal Luo; your army needs oil to refine into diesel fuel and jet fuel; does it not? We need the same things for our diesel trains; and our airlines。 But we cannot produce all the oil we need for our domestic needs; and so we must buy it from the Persian Gulf and elsewhere…again; with what shall we buy it?〃
 〃So; sell our trade goods to someone else?〃 a member asked; with rather surprising innocence; Qian thought。
 〃Who else might there be; rade? There is only one America。 We have also offended all of Europe。 Whom does that leave? Australia? They are allied to Europe and America。 Japan? They also sell to America; and they will move to replace our lost markets; not to buy from us。 South America; perhaps? Those are all Christian countries; and we just killed a senior Christian churchman; didn't we? Moreover; in their ethical world; he died heroically。 We have not just killed。 We have created a holy martyr to their faith!
 〃rades; we have deliberately structured our industry base to sell to the American market。 To sell elsewhere; we would first have to determine what they need that we can make; and then enter the market。 You don't just show up with a boatload of products and exchange it for cash on the dock! It takes time and patience to bee a force in such a market。 rades; we have cast away the work of decades。 The money we are losing will not e back for years; and until then; we must learn to live our national life differently。〃
 〃What are you saying?〃 Zhang shot back。
 〃I am saying that the People's Republic faces economic ruin because two of our policemen killed those two meddling churchmen。〃
 〃That is not possible!〃

 〃It is not possible; Zhang? If you offend the man who gives you money; then he will give you no more。 Can you understand that? We've gone far out of our way to offend America; and then we offended all of Europe as well。 We have made ourselves outcasts…they call us barbarians because of that unhappy incident at the hospital。 I do not defend them; but I must tell you what they say and think。 And as long as they say those things and think those things; it is we who will pay for the error。〃
 〃I refuse to believe this!〃 Zhang insisted。
 〃That is fine。 You may e to my ministry and add up the numbers yourself。〃 Qian was feeling full of himself; Fang saw。 Finally; he had them listening to him。 Finally; he had them thinking about his thoughts and his expertise。 〃Do you think I make this story up to tell in some country inn over rice wine?〃
 Then it was Premier Xu leaning forward and thinking aloud。 〃You have our attention; Qian。 What can we do to avert this difficulty?〃
 Having delivered his primary message quickly and efficiently; Qian Kun didn't know what to say now。 There wasn't a way to avert it that these men would accept。 But having given them a brief taste of the harsh truth; now he had to give them some more:
 〃We need to change the perception of American minds。 We need to show them that we are not what they consider barbarians。 We have to transform our image in their eyes。 For starters; we must make amends for the deaths of those two priests。〃
 〃Abase ourselves before the foreign devils? Never!〃 Zhang snarled。
 〃rade Zhang;〃 Fang said; ing carefully to Qian's defense。 〃Yes; we are the Middle Kingdom; and no; we are not the barbarians。 They are。 But sometimes one must do business with barbarians; and that might mean understanding their point of view; and adapting to it somewhat。〃
 〃Humble ourselves before them?〃
 〃Yes; Zhang。 We need what they have; and to get it; we must be acceptable to them。〃
 〃And when they next demand that we make political changes; then what?〃 This was the premier; Xu; getting somewhat agitated; which was unusual for him。
 〃We face such decisions when and if they e;〃 Qian answered; pleasing Fang; who didn't want to risk saying that himself。
 〃We cannot risk that;〃 the Interior Minister; Tong Jie; responded; speaking for the first time。 The police of the nation belonged to him; and he was responsible for civil order in the country…only if he failed would he call upon Marshal Luo; which would cause him both loss of face and loss of power at this table。 In a real sense; the deaths of the two men had been laid at his place; for he had generated the formal orders on the suppression of religious activity in the PRC; increasing the harshness of law enforcement in order to increase the relative influence of his own ministry。 〃If the foreigners insist upon internal political changes; it could bring us all down。〃
 And that was the core issue; Fang saw at once。 The People's Republic rested absolutely upon the power of the party and its leaders; these men before him in this room。 Like noblemen of old; each was attended by a trusted servant; sitting in the chairs against the wall; around the table; waiting for the order to fetch tea or water。 Each had his rationale for power; whether it was Defense; or Interior; or Heavy Industry; or in his particular case; friendship and general experience。 Each had labored long and hard to reach this point; and none of them relished the thought of l
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