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 〃They're this thin?〃 Gant asked。 〃I thought they were running short of cash; but I didn't know it was quite this bad 。。。〃
 〃It surprised me; too;〃 SecTreas admitted。 〃It appears that they've been purchasing a lot of things on the international market lately; especially jet engines from France; and because they're late paying for the last round; the French pany has decided to take a harder line…they're the only game in town。 We won't let GE or Pratt and Whitney bid on the order; and the Brits have similarly forbidden Rolls…Royce。 That makes the French the sole source; which isn't so bad for the French; is it? They've jacked up the price about fifteen percent; and they're asking for cash up front。〃
 〃The yuan's going to take a hit;〃 Gant predicted。 〃They've been trying to cover this up; eh?〃
 〃Yeah; and fairly successfully。〃
 〃That's why they were hitting us so hard on the trade deal。 They saw this one ing; and they wanted a favorable announcement to bail them out。 But they sure didn't play it very smart。 Damn; you have this sort of a problem; you learn to crawl a little。〃
 〃I thought so; too。 Why; do you think?〃
 〃They're proud; George。 Very; very proud。 Like a rich family that's lost its money but not it's social position; and tries to make up for the one with the other。 But it doesn't work。 Sooner or later; people find out that you're not paying your bills; and then the whole world es crashing in on you。 You can put it off for a while; which makes sense if you have something ing in; but if the ship don't dock; you sink。〃 Gant flipped some pages; thinking: The other problem is that countries are run by politicians; people with no real understanding of money; who figure they can always maneuver their way out of whatever es up。 They're so used to having their own way that they never really think they can't have it that way all the time。 One of the things Gant had learned working in D。C。 was that politics was just as much about illusion as the motion…picture business was; which perhaps explained the affinity the two munities had for each other。 But even in Hollywood you had to pay the bills; and you had to show a profit。 Politicians always had the option of using T…bills to finance their accounts; and they also printed the money。 Nobody expected the government to show a profit; and the board of directors was the voters; the people whom politicians conned as a way of life。 It was all crazy; but that was the political game。
 That's probably what the PRC leaders were thinking; Gant surmised。
 But sooner or later; reality raised its ugly head; and when it did all the time spent trying to avoid it was what really bit you on the ass。 That was when the whole world said gotcha。 And then you were well and truly got。 In this case; the gotcha could be the collapse of the Chinese economy; and it would happen virtually overnight。
 〃George; I think State and CIA need to see this; and the President; too。〃
 〃Lord。〃 The President was sitting in the Oval Office; smoking one of Ellen Sumter's Virginia Slims and watching TV。 This time it was C…SPAN。 Members of the United States House of Representatives were speaking in the well about China。 The content of the speeches was not plimentary; and the tone was decidedly inflammatory。 All were speaking in favor of a resolution to condemn the People's Republic of China。 C…SPAN2 was covering much the same verbiage in the Senate。 Though the language was a touch milder; the import of the words was not。 Labor unions were united with churches; liberals with conservatives; even free…TRADERs with protectionists。
 More to the point; CNN and the other networks showed demonstrations in the streets; and it appeared that Taiwan's 〃We're the Good Guys〃 campaign had taken hold。 Somebody (nobody was sure who yet) had even printed up stickers of the Red Chinese flag with the caption 〃We Kill Babies and Ministers。〃 They were being attached to products imported from China; and the protesters were also busy identifying the American firms that did a lot of business on the Chinese mainland; with the aim of boycotting them。
 Ryan's head turned。 〃Talk to me; Arnie。〃
 〃This looks serious; Jack;〃 van Damm said。
 〃Gee; Arnie; I can see that。 How serious?〃
 〃Enough that I'd sell stock in those panies。 They're going to take a hit。 And this movement may have legs 。。。〃
 〃I mean it might not go away real soon。 Next you're going to see posters with stills from the TV coverage of those two clerics being murdered。 That's an image that doesn't go away。 If there's any product the Chinese sell here that we can get elsewhere; then a lot of Americans will start buying it elsewhere。〃
 The picture on CNN changed to live coverage of a demonstration outside the PRC Embassy in Washington。 The signs said things like MURDERERS; KILLERS; and BARBARIANS!
 〃I wonder if Taiwan is helping to organize this 。 。 。〃
 〃Probably not…at least not yet;〃 van Damm thought。 〃If I were they; I wouldn't exactly mind; but I wouldn't need to play with this。 They'll probably increase their efforts to distinguish themselves from the mainland…and that amounts to the same thing。 Look for the networks to do stories about the Republic of China; and how upset they are with all this crap in Beijing; how they don't want to be tarred with the same brush and all that;〃 the Chief of Staff said。 〃You know; 'Yes; we are Chinese; but we believe in human rights and freedom of religion。' That sort of thing。 It's the smart move。 They have some good PR advisers here in D。C。 Hell; I probably know some of them; and if I were on the payroll; that's what I would advise。〃
 That's when the phone rang。 It was Ryan's private line; the one that usually bypassed the secretaries。 Jack lifted it。 〃Yeah?〃
 〃Jack; it's George across the street。 Got a minute? I want to show you something; buddy。〃
 〃Sure。 e on over。〃 Jack hung up and turned to Arnie。 〃Sec…Treas;〃 he explained。 〃Says it's important。〃 The President paused。 〃Arnie?〃
 〃How much maneuvering room do I have with this?〃
 〃The Chinese?〃 Arnie asked; getting a nod。 〃Not a hell of a lot; Jack。 Sometimes the people themselves decide what our policy is。 And the people will be making policy now by voting with their pocketbooks。 Next we'll see some panies announce that they're suspending their mercial contracts with the PRC。 The Chinese already fucked Boeing over; and in the full light of day; which wasn't real smart。 Now the people out there will want to fuck them back。 You know; there are times when the average Joe Citizen stands up on his hind feet and gives the world the finger。 When that happens; it's your job mainly to follow them; not to lead them;〃 the Chief of Staff concluded。 His Secret Service code name was CARPENTER; and he'd just constructed a box for his President to stay inside。
 Jack nodded and stubbed out the smoke。 He might be the Most Powerful Man in the World; hut his power came from the people; and as it was theirs to give; it was also sometimes theirs to exercise。
 Few people could simply open the door to the Oval Office and walk in; but George Winston was one of them; mainly because the Secret Service belonged to him。 Mark Gant was with him; looking as thou
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