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ace except the NTC at Fort Irwin in the California desert; or the parable facility the Army had established for the Israelis in the Negev。
 Diggs couldn't quite read the younger officer's mind; but he'd just watched the Quarter Horse move around with no lack of skill。 They'd played against some Germans; and the Germans; as always; were pretty good at the war business…but not; today; as good as First Tanks' cavalry troopers; who'd first outmaneuvered their European hosts; and then (to the surprise and distaste of the German brigadier who'd supervised the exercise) set an ambush that had cost them half a battalion of their Leos; as the Americans called the Leopard…II main battle tanks。 Diggs would be having dinner with the brigadier later today。 Even the Germans didn't know night…fighting as well as the Americans did…which was odd; since their equipment was roughly parable; and their soldiers pretty well trained 。。。 but the German army was still largely a conscript army; most of whose soldiers didn't have the time…in…service the Americans enjoyed。
 In the wider exercise…the cavalry part had just been the 〃real〃 segment of a wider mand post exercise; or CPX…Colonel Don Lisle's 2nd Brigade was handling the fuller; if theoretical; German attack quite capably。 On the whole; the Bundeswehr was not having a good day。 Well; it no longer had the mission of protecting its country against a Soviet invasion; and with that had gone the rather furious support of the citizenry that the West German army had enjoyed for so many years。 Now the Bundeswehr was an anachronism with little obvious purpose; and the occupier of a lot of valuable real estate for which Germans could think up some practical uses。 And so the former West German army had been downsized and mainly trained to do peacekeeping duty; which; when you got down to it; was heavily armed police work。 The New World Order was a peaceful one; at least so far as Europeans were concerned。 The Americans had engaged in bat operations to the rather distant interest of the Germans; who; while they'd always had a healthy interest in war…fighting; were now happy enough that their interest in it was entirely theoretical; rather like a particularly intricate Hollywood production。 It also forced them to respect America a little more than they would have preferred。 But some things couldn't be helped。
 〃Well; Angelo; I think your troopers have earned themselves a beer or two at the local Gasthauses。 That envelopment you acplished at zero…two…twenty was particularly adroit。〃
 Giusti grinned and nodded his appreciation。 〃Thank you; General。 I'll pass that one along to my S…3。 He's the one who thought it up。〃
 〃Later; Angelo。〃
 〃Roger that one; sir。〃 Lieutenant Colonel Giusti saluted his divisional mander on his way。
 〃Well; Duke?〃
 Colonel Masterman pulled a cigar out of his BDU jacket and lit it up。 One nice thing about Germany was that you could always get good Cuban ones here。 〃I've known Angelo since Fort Knox。 He knows his stuff; and he had his officers particularly well trained。 Even had his own book on tactics and battle…drill printed up。〃
 〃Oh?〃 Diggs turned。 〃Is it any good?〃
 〃Not bad at all;〃 the G…3 replied。 〃I'm not sure that I agree with it all; but it doesn't hurt to have everyone singing out of the same hymnal。 His officers all think pretty much the same way。 So; Angelo's a good football coach。 Sure enough he kicked the Krauts' asses last night。〃 Masterman closed his eyes and rubbed his face。 〃These night exercises take it out of you。〃
 〃How's Lisle doing?〃
 〃Sir; last time I looked; he had the Germans well contained。 Our friends didn't seem to know what he had around them。 They were putzing around trying to gather information…short version; Giusti won the reconnaissance battle; and that decided things…again。〃
 〃Again;〃 Diggs agreed。 If there was any lesson out of the National Training Center; it was that one。 Reconnaissance and counter…reconnaissance。 Find the enemy。 Don't let the enemy find you。 If you pulled that off; it was pretty hard to lose。 If you didn't; it was very hard to win。
 〃How's some sleep grab you; Duke?〃
 〃It's good to have a CG who looks after his troopers; mon General。〃 Masterman was sufficiently tired that he didn't even want a beer first。
 And so with that decided; they headed for Diggs's mand UH…60 Blackhawk helicopter for the hop back to the divisional kazerne。 Diggs particularly liked the four…point safety belt。 It made it a lot easier to sleep sitting up。
 One of the things I have to do today; Ryan told himself; is figure out what to do about the Chinese attempt on Sergey。 He checked his daily briefing sheet。 Robby was out west again。 That was too bad。 Robby was both a good sounding board and a source of good ideas。 So; he'd talk it over with Scott Adler; if he and Scott both had holos in their day; and the Foleys。 Who else? Jack wondered。 Damn; whom else could he trust with this? If this one leaked to the press; there'd be hell to pay。 Okay; Adler had to be there。 He'd actually met that Zhang guy; and if some Chinese minister…type had owned a piece of this; then he'd be the one; wouldn't he?
 Probably。 Not certainly; however。 Ryan had been in the spook business too long to make that mistake。 When you made certainty assumptions about things you weren't really sure about; you frequently walked right into a stone wall headfirst; and that could hurt。 Ryan punched a button on his desk。 〃Ellen?〃
 〃Yes; Mr。 President。〃
 〃Later today; I need Scott Adler and the Foleys in here。 It'll take about an hour。 Find me a hole in the schedule; will you?〃
 〃About two…thirty; but it means putting off the Secretary of Transportation's meeting about the air…traffic…control proposals。〃
 〃Make it so; Ellen。 This one's important;〃 he told her。
 〃Yes; Mr。 President。〃
 It was by no means perfect。 Ryan preferred to work on things as they popped into his mind; but as President you quickly learned that you served the schedule; not the other way around。 Jack grimaced。 So much for the illusion of power。
 Mary Pat Foley strolled into her office; as she did nearly every morning; and as always turned on her puter…if there was one thing she'd learned from SORGE; it was to turn the damned thing all the way off when she wasn't using it。 There was a further switch on her phone line that manually blocked it; much as if she'd pulled the plug out of the wall。 She flipped that; too。 It was an old story for an employee of an intelligence service。 Sure; she was paranoid; but was she paranoid enough?
 Sure enough; there was another e…mail from cgood@jadecastle。 Chet Nomuri was still at work; and this download took a mere twenty…three seconds。 With the download plete; she made sure she'd backed it up; then clobbered it out of her in…box so that no copies remained even in the ether world。 Next; she printed it all up and called down for Joshua Sears to do the translations and some seat…of…the…pants analysis。 SORGE had bee routine in handling if not in importance; and by a quarter to nine she had the translation in hand。
 〃Oh; Lord。 Jack's just going to love this one;〃 the DDO observed at her desk。 Then she walked the document to Ed's larger office fa
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