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 The gadget telling the SAM warhead where and when to explode is generically called the 〃fuse。〃 For most modern missiles; the fusing system is a small; low…powered laser; which 〃nutates;〃 or turns in a circle to project its beam in a cone forward of its flight path; until the beam hits and reflects off the target。 The reflected beam is received by a receptor in the laser assembly; and that generates the signal telling the warhead to explode。 But quick as it is; it takes a finite amount of time; and the inbound RV is ing in very fast。 So fast; in fact; that if the laser beam lacks the power for more than; say; a hundred meters of range; there isn't enough time for the beam to reflect off the RV in time to tell the warhead to explode soon enough to form the cone of destruction to engulf the RV target。 Even if the RV is immediately next to the SAM warhead when the warhead explodes; the RV is going faster than the fragments; which cannot hurt it because they can't catch up。
 And there's the problem; Gregory saw。 The laser chip in the Standard Missile's nose wasn't very powerful; and the nutation speed was relatively slow; and that bination could allow the RV to slip right past the SAM; maybe as much as half the time; even if the SAM came within three meters of the target; and that was no good at all。 They might actually have been better off with the old VT proximity fuse of World War II; which had used a non…directional RF emitter; instead of the new high…tech gallium…arsenide laser chip。 But there was room for him to play。 The nutation of the laser beam was controlled by puter software; as was the fusing signal。 That was something he could fiddle with。 To that end; he had to talk to the guys who made it; 〃it〃 being the current limited…production test missile; the SM…2…ER…Block…IV; and they were the Standard Missile pany; a joint venture of Raytheon and Hughes; right up the street in McLean; Virginia。 To acplish that; he'd have Tony Bretano call ahead。 Why not let them know that their visitor was anointed by God; after all?
 My God; Jack;〃 Mary Pat said。 The sun was under the yardarm。 Cathy was on her way home from Hopkins; and Jack was in his private study off the Oval Office; sipping a glass of whiskey and ice with the DCI and his wife; the DDO。 〃When I saw this; I had to go off to the bathroom。〃
 〃I hear you; MP。〃 Jack handed her a glass of sherry…Mary Pat's favorite relaxing drink。 Ed Foley picked a Samuel Adams beer in keeping with his working…class origins。 〃Ed?〃
 〃Jack; this is totally fucking crazy;〃 the Director of Central Intelligence blurted。 〃Fucking〃 was not a word you usually used around the President; even this one。 〃I mean; sure; it's from a good source and all that; but; Jesus; you just don't do shit like this。〃
 〃Pat Martin was in here; right?〃 the Deputy Director (Operations) asked。 She got a nod。 〃Well; then he told you this is damned near an act of war。〃
 〃Damned near;〃 Ryan agreed; with a small sip of his Irish whiskey。 Then he pulled out his last cigarette of the day; stolen from Mrs。 Sumter; and lit it。 〃But it's a hard one to deny and we have to fit this into government policy somehow or other。〃
 〃We have to get George down;〃 Ed Foley said first of all。
 〃And show him SORGE; too?〃 Ryan asked。 Mary Pat winced immediately。 〃I know we have to guard that one closely; MP; but; damn it; if we can't use it to figure out these people; we're no better off than we were before we had the source。〃
 She let out a long breath and nodded; knowing that Ryan was right; but not liking it very much。 〃And our internal pshrink;〃 she said。 〃We need a doc to check this out。 It's crazy enough that we probably need a medical opinion。〃
 〃Next; what do we say to Sergey?〃 Jack asked。 〃He knows we know。〃
 〃Well; start off with 'keep your head down;' I suppose;〃 Ed Foley announced。 〃Uh; Jack?〃
 〃You give this to your people yet; the Secret Service; I mean?〃
 〃No。。。oh; yeah。〃
 〃If you're willing to mit one act of war; why not another?〃 the DCI asked rhetorically。 〃And they don't have much reason to like you at the moment。〃
 〃But why Golovko?〃 MP asked the air。 〃He's no enemy of China。 He's a pro; a king…spook。 He doesn't have a political agenda that I know about。 Sergey's an honest man。〃 She took another sip of sherry。
 〃True; no political ambitions that I know of。 But he is Grushavoy's tightest adviser on a lot of issues…foreign policy; domestic stuff; defense。 Grushavoy likes him because he's smart and honest…〃
 〃Yeah; that's rare enough in this town; too;〃 Jack acknowledged。
 That wasn't fair。 He'd chosen his inner circle well; and almost exclusively of people with no political ambition; which made them an endangered species in the environs of Washington。 The same was true of Golovko; a man who preferred to serve rather than to rule; in which he was rather like the American President。 〃Back to the issue at hand。 Are the Chinese making some sort of play; and if so; what?〃
 〃Nothing that I see; Jack;〃 Foley replied; speaking for his agency in what was now an official capacity。 〃But remember that even with SORGE; we don't see that much of their inner thinking。 They're so different from us that reading their minds is a son of a bitch; and they've just taken one in the teeth; though I don't think they really know that yet。〃
 〃They're going to find out in less than a week。〃
 〃Oh? How's that?〃 the DCI asked。
 〃George Winston tells me a bunch of their mercial contracts are ing up due in less than ten days。 We'll see then what effect this has on their mercial accounts…and so will they。〃
 The day started earlier than usual in Beijing。 Fang Gan stepped out of his official car and hurried up the steps into the building; past the uniformed guard who always held the door open for him; and this time did not get a thank you nod from the exalted servant of the people。 Fang walked to his elevator; into it; then stepped off after arriving at his floor。 His office door was only a few more steps。 Fang was a healthy and vigorous man for his age。 His personal staff leaped to their feet as he walked in…an hour early; they all realized。
 〃Ming!〃 he called on the way to his inner office。
 〃Yes; rade Minister;〃 she said; on going through the still…open door。
 〃What items have you pulled off the foreign media?〃
 〃One moment。〃 She disappeared and then reappeared with a sheaf of papers in her hand。 〃London Times; London Daily Telegraph; Observer; New York Times; Washington Post; Miami Herald; Boston Globe。 The Western American papers are not yet available。〃 She hadn't included Italian or other European papers because she couldn't speak or read those languages well enough; and for some reason Fang only seemed interested in the opinions of English…speaking foreign devils。 She handed over the translations。 Again; he didn't thank her even peremptorily; which was unusual for him。 Her minister was exercised about something。
 〃What time is it in Washington?〃 Fang asked next。
 〃Twenty…one hours; rade Minister;〃 she answered。
 〃So; they are watching television and preparing for bed?〃
 〃Yes; rade Minister。〃
 〃But their newspaper articles and editorials are already prepared。〃
 〃That is the sch
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