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 〃Lieutenant Rong; I am Barry Wise of CNN。 Do you know the reason for your orders?〃
 〃This house is a place of political activity which is ordered closed by the city government。〃
 〃Political activity? But it's a private residence…a house; is it not?〃
 〃It is a place of political activity;〃 Rong persisted。 〃Unauthorized political activity;〃 he added。
 〃I see。 Thank you; Lieutenant。〃 Wise backed off and started talking directly to the camera while Mrs。 Yu went to her fellow church members。 The camera traced her to one particular member; a heavyset person whose face proclaimed resolve of some sort。 This one turned to the other parishioners and said something loud。 Immediately; they all opened their Bibles。 The overweight one flipped his open as well and started reading a passage。 He did so loudly; and the other members of the congregation looked intently into their testaments; allowing the first man to take the lead。
 Wise counted thirty…four people; about evenly divided between men and women。 All had their heads down into their own Bibles; or those next to them。 That's when he turned to see Lieutenant Rong's face。 It twisted into a sort of curiosity at first; then came prehension and outrage。 Clearly; the 〃political〃 activity for which the home had been declared off…limits was religious worship; and that the local government called it 〃political〃 activity was a further affront to Barry Wise's sense of right and wrong。 He reflected briefly that the news media had largely forgotten what munism really had been; but now it lay right here in front of him。 The face of oppression had never been a pretty one。 It would soon get uglier。
 Wen Zhong; the restaurateur; was leading the ad…hoc service; going through the Bible but doing so in Mandarin; a language which the CNN crew barely prehended。 The thirty or so others flipped the pages in their Bibles when he did; following his scriptural readings very carefully; in the way of Baptist; and Wise started wondering if this corpulent chap might be taking over the congregation right before his eyes。 If so; the guy seemed sincere enough; and that above all was the quality a clergyman needed。 Yu Chun headed over to him; and he reached out to put his arm around her shoulder in a gesture that didn't seem Chinese at all。 That was when she lost it and started weeping; which hardly seemed shameful。 Here was a woman married over twenty years who'd lost her husband in a particularly cruel way; then doubly insulted by a government which had gone so far as to destroy his body; thus denying her even the chance to look upon her beloved's face one last time; or the chance to have a small plot of ground to visit。
 These people are barbarians; Wise thought; knowing he couldn't say such a thing in front of the camera; and angry for that reason; but his profession had rules and he didn't break them。 But he did have a camera; and the camera showed things that mere words could not convey。
 Unknown to the news crew; Atlanta had put their feed on live; with voice…over mentary from CNN headquarters because they hadn't managed to get Barry Wise's attention on the side…band audio circuit。 The signal went up to the satellite; then down to Atlanta; and back up to a total of four orbiting birds; then it came down all over the world; and one of the places it came to was Beijing。
 The members of the Chinese Politburo all had televisions in their offices; and all of them had access to the American CNN; which was for them a prime source of political intelligence。 It came down also to the various hotels in the city; crowded as they were with businessmen and other visitors; and even some Chinese citizens had access to it; especially business people who conducted their affairs both within and without the People's Republic and needed to know what was happening in the outside world。
 In his office; Fang Gan looked up from his desk to the TV that was always kept on while he was there。 He lifted the controller to get the sound; and heard English; with some Chinese language in the background that he could not quite understand。 His English wasn't very good; and he called Ming into his office to translate。
 〃Minister; this is coverage of something right here in Beijing;〃 she told him first of all。
 〃I can see that; girl!〃 he snapped back at her。 〃What is being said?〃
 〃Ah; yes。 It is associates of the man Yu who was shot by the police two days ago 。。。 also his widow 。 。 。 this is evidently a funeral ceremony of some sort…oh; they say that Yu's body was cremated and scattered; and so his widow has nothing to bury; and that explains her added grief; they say。〃
 〃What lunatic did that?〃 Fang wondered aloud。 He was not by nature a very passionate man; but a wise man did not go out of his way to be cruel; either。 〃Go on; girl!〃
 〃They are reading from the Christian Bible; I can't make out the words; the English speaker is blanking them out 。 。 。 the narrator is mainly repeating himself; saying 。。。 ah; yes; saying they are trying to establish contact with their reporter Wise here in Beijing but they are having technical difficulties 。 。 。 just repeating what he has already said; a memorial ceremony for the man Yu; friends 。 。 。 no; members of his worship group; and that is all; really。 They are now repeating what happened before at the Longfu hospital; menting also on the Italian churchman whose body will soon arrive back in Italy。〃
 Fang grumbled and lifted his phone; calling for the Interior Minister。
 〃Turn on your TV!〃 he told his Politburo colleague at once。 〃You need to get control of this situation; but do so intelligently! This could be ruinous for us; the worst since those foolish students at Tiananmen Square。〃
 Ming saw her boss grimace before setting the phone down and mutter; 〃Fool!〃 after he did so; then shake his head with a mixture of anger and sorrow。
 〃That will be all; Ming;〃 he told her; after another minute。
 His secretary went back to her desk and puter; wondering what was happening with the aftermath of the man Yu's death。 Certainly it had seemed sad at the time; a singularly pointless pair of deaths which had upset and offended her minister for their stupidity。 He'd even advocated punishing the trigger…happy policemen; but that suggestion had e to nothing; for fear of losing face for their country。 With that thought; she shrugged and went back to her daily work。
 The word from the Interior Minister went out fast; but Barry Wise couldn't see that。 It took another minute for him to hear the voices from Atlanta on his IFB earphone。 Immediately thereafter; he went live on audio and started again to do his own on…the…scene mentary for a global audience。 He kept turning his head while Pete Nichols centered the video on this rump religious meeting in a narrow; dirty street。 Wise saw the police lieutenant talk into his portable radio…it looked like a Motorola; just like American cops used。 He talked; listened; talked again; then got something confirmed。 With that; he holstered the radio and came walking directly to the CNN reporter。 There was determination on his face; a look Wise didn't wele; all the more so that on the way over; this Lieutenant Rong spoke discreetly with his men; who tu
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