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 The break came in the late afternoon of day five; and it was the man they wanted it to be。 His name was Kong Deshi; and he was a minor diplomat on the official list; age forty…six; a man of modest dimensions; and; the form card at the Foreign Ministry said; modest intellectual gifts…that was a polite way of saying he was considered a dunce。 But as others had noted; that was the perfect cover for a spy; and one which wasted a lot of time for counter…intelligence people; making them trail dumb diplomats all over the world who turned out to be nothing more than just that…dumb diplomats…of which the global supply was ample。 The man was walking casually with another Chinese national; who was a businessman of some sort; or so they'd thought。 Sitting; they'd continued to chat; gesturing around until the second man had turned to look at something Kong had pointed at。 Then Kong's right hand had slipped rapidly and almost invisibly under the bench and retrieved the stash; possibly replacing it with another before his hand went back in his lap。 Five minutes later; after a smoke; they'd both walked off; back in the direction of the nearest Metro station。
 〃Patience;〃 the head FSS officer had told his people over the radio circuit; and so they'd waited over an hour; until they were certain that there were no parked cars about keeping an eye on the dead…drop。 Only then had an FSS man walked to the bench; sat down with his afternoon paper; and pulled the package。 The way he flicked his cigarette away told the rest of the team that there had been a substitution。
 In the laboratory; it was immediately discovered that the package had a key lock; and that got everyone's attention。 The package was x…rayed immediately and found to contain a battery and some wires; plus a semi…opaque rectangle that collectively represented a pyrotechnic device。 Whatever was inside the package was therefore valuable。 A skilled locksmith took twenty minutes picking the lock; and then the holder was opened to reveal a few sheets of flash paper。 These were removed and photographed; to show a solid collection of Cyrillic letters…and they were all random。 It was a one…time…pad key sheet; the best thing they could have hoped to find。 The sheets were refolded exactly as they had been replaced in the holder; and then the thin metal container…it looked like a cheap cigarette case…was returned to the bench。
 〃So?〃 Provalov asked the Federal Security Service officer on the case。
 〃So; the next time our subject sends a message; we'll be able to read it。〃
 〃And then we'll know;〃 Provalov went on。
 〃Perhaps。 We'll know something more than we know now。 We'll have proof that this Suvorov fellow is a spy。 That I can promise you;〃 the counter…intelligence officer pronounced。
 Provalov had to admit to himself that they were no closer to solving his murder case than they'd been two weeks before; but at least things were moving; even if the path merely led them deeper into the fog。
 So; Mike?〃 Dan Murray asked; eight time zones away。 〃No nibbles yet; Director; but now it looks like we're chasing a spook。 The subject's name is Klementi Ivan'ch Suvorov; currently living as Ivan Yurievich Koniev。〃 Reilly read off the address。 〃The trail leads to him; or at least it seems to; and we spotted him making probable contact with a Chinese diplomat。〃
 〃And what the hell does all this mean?〃 FBI Director Murray wondered aloud into the secure phone。
 〃You got me there; Director; but it sure has turned into an interesting case。〃
 〃You must be pretty tight with this Provalov guy。〃
 〃He's a good cop; and yes; sir; we get along just fine。〃
 That was more than Cliff Rutledge could say about his relationship with Shen Tang。
 〃Your news coverage of this incident was bad enough; but your President's remarks on our domestic policy is a violation of Chinese sovereignty!〃 the Chinese foreign minister said almost in a shout; for the seventh time since lunch。
 〃Minister;〃 Cliff Rutledge replied。 〃None of this would have happened but for your policeman shooting an accredited diplomat; and that is not; strictly speaking; an entirely civilized act。〃
 〃Our internal affairs are our internal affairs;〃 Shen retorted at once。
 〃That is so; Minister; but America has her own beliefs; and if you ask us to honor yours; then we may request that you show some respect for ours。〃
 〃We grow weary of America's interference with Chinese internal affairs。 First you recognize our rebellious province on Taiwan。 Then you encourage foreigners to interfere with our internal policies。 Then you send a spy under the cover of religious beliefs to violate our laws with a diplomat from yet another country; then you photograph a Chinese policeman doing his duty; and then your President condemns us for your interference with our internal affairs。 The People's Republic will not tolerate this uncivilized activity!〃
 And now you're going to demand most…favored…nation trade status; eh? Mark Gant thought in his chair。 Damn; this was like a meeting with investment bankers…the pirate kind…on Wall Street。
 〃Minister; you call us uncivilized;〃 Rutledge replied。 〃But there is no blood on our hands。 Now; we are here; as I recall; to discuss trade issues。 Can we return to that agenda?〃
 〃Mr。 Rutledge; America does not have the right to dictate to the People's Republic on one hand and to deny us our rights on the other;〃 Shen retorted。
 〃Minister; America has made no such intrusion on China's internal affairs。 If you kill a diplomat; you must expect a reaction。 On the question of the Republic of China…〃
 〃There is no Republic of China!〃 the PRC's Foreign Minister nearly screamed。 〃They are a renegade province; and you have violated our sovereignty by recognizing them!〃
 〃Minister; the Republic of China is an independent nation with a freely elected government; and we are not the only country to recognize this fact。 It is the policy of the United States of America to encourage the self…determination of peoples。 At such time as the people in the ROC elect to bee part of the mainland; that is their choice。 But since they have freely chosen to be what they are; America chooses to recognize them。 As we expect others to recognize America as a legitimate government because it represents the will of her people; so it is incumbent upon America to recognize the will of other peoples。〃 Rutledge sat back in his chair; evidently bored with the course the afternoon had taken。 The morning he'd expected。 The PRC had to blow off some steam; but one morning was enough for that。 This was getting tiresome。
 〃And if another of our provinces rebels; will you recognize that?〃
 〃Is the Minister telling me of further political unrest in the People's Republic?〃 Rutledge inquired at once; a little too fast and too glibly; he told himself a moment later。 〃In any case; I have no instructions for that eventuality。〃 It was supposed to have been a (semi) humorous response to rather a dumb question; but Minister Shen evidently didn't have his sense of humor turned on today。 His hand came up; finger extended; and now he shook it at Cliff Rutledge and the United States。
 〃You cheat us。 You interfere with us。 You insult us。 You blame
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