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 The last shot taken by the CNN crew was of the baby lying on her mother's chest。 They didn't know her name; and the woman's face was one of utter confusion; but then she felt her daughter; and the face was transformed as womanly instincts took over pletely。
 〃We better get the fuck out of here; Barry;〃 the cameraman advised; with a hiss。
 〃I think you're right; Pete。〃 Wise stepped back and started to his left to get down the corridor to the stairs。 He had a potential Emmy…class story in his hands now。 He'd seen a human drama with few equals; and it had to go out; and it had to go out fast。
 Inside the delivery room; the senior cop was shaking his head; his ears still ringing; trying to figure out what the hell had happened here; when he realized that the light level was lower…the TV camera was gone! He had to do something。 Standing erect; he darted from the room and looked right; and saw the last American disappear into the stairwell。 He left his junior in the delivery room and ran that way; turned into the fire stairs and ran downstairs as fast as gravity could propel him。
 Wise led his people into the main lobby and right toward the main door; where their satellite van was。 They'd almost made it; when a shout made them turn。 It was the cop; the older one; about forty; they thought; and his pistol was out again; to the surprise and alarm of the civilians in the lobby。
 〃Keep going;〃 Wise told his crew; and they pushed through the doors into the open air。 The van was in view; with the mini…satellite dish lying flat on the roof; and that was the key to getting this story out。
 〃Stop!〃 the cop called。 He knew some English; so it would seem。
 〃Okay; guys; let's play it real cool;〃 Wise told the other three。
 〃Under control;〃 Pete the cameraman advised。 The camera was off his shoulder now; and his hands were out of casual view。
 The cop holstered his pistol and came close; with his right hand up and out flat。 〃Give me tape;〃 he said。 〃Give me tape。〃 His accent was crummy; but his English was understandable enough。
 〃That tape is my property!〃 Wise protested。 〃It belongs to me and my pany。〃
 The cop's English wasn't that good。 He just repeated his demand: 〃Give me tape!〃
 〃Okay; Barry;〃 Pete said。 〃I got it。〃
 The cameraman…his name was Peter Nichols…lifted the camera up and hit the EJECT button; punching the Beta…format tape out of the Sony camera。 This he gave to the police officer with a downcast and angry expression。 The cop took it with his own expression of satisfaction and turned on his heel to go back into the hospital。
 There was no way he could have known that; like any news cameraman; Pete Nichols could deal seconds as skillfully as any Las Vegas poker dealer。 He winked at Barry Wise; and the four headed off to the van。
 〃Send it up now?〃 the producer asked。
 〃Let's not be too obvious about it;〃 Wise thought。 〃Let's move a few blocks。〃
 This they did; heading west toward Tiananmen Square; where a news van doing a satellite transmission wasn't out of the ordinary。 Wise was already on his satellite phone to Atlanta。
 〃This is Wise Mobile in Beijing with an upload;〃 the correspondent said into the phone。
 〃Hey; Barry;〃 a familiar voice said in reply。 〃This is Ben Golden。 What you got for us?〃
 〃It's hot;〃 Wise told his controller half a world away。 〃A double murder and a childbirth。 One guy who got whacked is a Catholic cardinal; the Vatican ambassador to Beijing。 The other one's a Chinese Baptist minister。 They were both shot on camera。 You might want to call Legal about it。〃
 〃Fuck!〃 Atlanta observed。
 〃We're uploading the rough…cut now; just so you get it。 I'll stand by to do the talking。 But let's get the video uploaded first。〃
 〃Roger that。 We're standing by on Channel Zero Six。〃
 〃Zero Six; Pete;〃 Wise told his cameraman; who also ran the uplink。
 Nichols was kneeling by the control panels。 〃Standing by。。。 tape's in。。。 setting up for Six。。; transmitting。。。 now!〃 And with that; the Ku…band signal went racing upward through the atmosphere to the satellite hovering 22;800 miles directly over the Admiralty Islands in the Bismarck Sea。
 CNN doesn't bother encrypting its video signals。 To do so is technically inconvenient; and few people bother pirating signals they could just as easily get off their cable systems for free in a few minutes; or even get live just four seconds later。
 But this one was ing in at an awkward hour; which was; however; good for CNN Atlanta; because some headquarters people would want to go over it。 A shooting death was not what the average American wanted with his Rice Krispies in the morning。
 It was also downloaded by the American intelligence munity; which holds CNN in very high regard; and doesn't distribute its news coverage very far in any case。 But this one did go to the White House Office of Signals; a largely military operation located in the basement of the West Wing。 There a watch officer had to decide how important it was。 If it ranked as a CRITIC priority; the President had to know about it in fifteen minutes; which meant waking him up right now; which was not something to be done casually to the mander…in…Chief。 A mere FLASH could wait a little longer; like…the watch officer checked the wall clock…yeah; like until breakfast。 So; instead; they called the President's National Security Adviser; Dr。 Benjamin Goodley。 They'd let him make the call。 He was a carded National Intelligence Officer。
 〃Yeah?〃 Goodley snarled into the phone while he checked the clock radio next to his bed。
 〃Dr。 Goodley; this is Signals。 We just copied something off CNN from Beijing that the Boss is going to be interested in。〃
 〃What is it?〃 CARDSHARP asked。 Then he heard the reply。 〃How certain are you of this?〃
 〃The Italian guy looks like he might possibly have survived; from the video…I mean if there was a good SURGEON close…but the Chinese minister had his brains blowed right out。 No chance for him at all; sir。〃
 〃What was it all about?〃
 〃We're not sure of that。 NSA might have the phone conversation between this Wise guy and Atlanta; but we haven't seen anything about it yet。〃
 〃Okay; tell me what you got again;〃 Goodley ordered; now that he was approximately awake。
 〃Sir; we have a visual of two guys getting shot and a baby being born in Beijing。 The video es from Barry Wise of CNN。 The video shows three gunshots。 One is upwards into the ceiling of what appears to be a hospital delivery room。 The second shot catches a guy in the back。 That guy is identified as the Papal Nuncio to Beijing。 The third shot goes right into the head of a guy identified as a Baptist minister in Beijing。 That one appears to be a Chinese national。 In between; we have a baby being born。 Now we…stand by a minute; Dr。 Goodley; okay; I have FLASH traffic from Fort Meade。 Okay; they got it; too; and they got a voice transmission via their ECHELON system; reading it now。 Okay; the Catholic cardinal is dead; according to this; says Cardinal Renato DiMilo…can't check the spelling; maybe State Department for that…and the Chinese minister is a guy named Yu Fa An; again no spelling check。 They were there to; oh; okay; they were there to prevent a late…term abortion; an
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