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 woman about to deliver; a doctor on the floor; and four men; two of them foreigners as well!
 〃What goes on here!〃 the senior one bellowed; since intimidation was a major tool for controlling people in the PRC。
 〃These people are interfering with my duties!〃 the doctor answered; with a shout of his own。 If he didn't act fast; the damned baby would be born and breathe; and then he couldn't。。。
 〃What?〃 the cop demanded of him。
 〃This woman has an unauthorized pregnancy; and it is my duty to terminate the fetus now。 These people are in my way。 Please remove them from the room。〃
 That was enough for the cops。 They turned to the obviously unauthorized visitors。 〃You will leave now!〃 the senior one ordered; while the junior one kept his hand on his service pistol。
 〃No!〃 was the immediate reply; both from Yang Quon andYu FaAn。
 〃The doctor has given his order; you must leave;〃 the cop insisted。 He was unaccustomed to having ordinary people resist his orders。 〃You will go now!〃
 The doctor figured this was the cue for him to plete his distasteful duty; so that he could go home for the day。 He set the stool back up and slid it to where he needed to be。
 〃You will not do this!〃 This time it was Yu; speaking with all the moral authority his education and status could provide。
 〃Will you get him out of here?〃 the doctor growled at the cops; as he slid the stool back in place。
 Quon was ill…positioned to do anything; standing as he was by his wife's head。 To his horror; he saw the doctor lift the syringe and adjust his glasses。 Just then his wife; who might as well have been in another city for the past two minutes; took a deep breath and pushed。
 〃Ah;〃 the doctor said。 The fetus was fully crowned now; and all he had to do was… Reverend Yu had seen as much evil in his life as most clergymen; and they see as much as any seasoned police officer; but to see a human baby murdered before his eyes was just too much。 He roughly shoved the junior of the two policemen aside and struck the doctor's head from behind; flinging him to the right and jumping on top of him。
 〃Getting this?〃 Barry Wise asked in the corridor。
 〃Yep;〃 Nichols' confirmed。
 What offended the junior policeman was not the attack on the doctor; but rather the fact that this…this citizen had laid hands on a uniformed member of the Armed People's Police。 Outraged; he drew his pistol from its holster; and what had been a confused situation became a deadly one。
 〃No!〃 shouted Cardinal DiMilo; moving toward the young cop。 He turned to see the source of the noise and saw an elderly gwai; or foreigner in very strange clothes; moving toward him with a hostile expression。 The cop's first response was a blow to the foreigner's face; delivered with his empty left hand。
 Renato Cardinal DiMilo hadn't been physically struck since his childhood; and the affront to his personhood was all the more offensive for his religious and diplomatic status; and to be struck by this child! He turned back from the force of the blow and pushed the man aside; wanting to go to Yu's aid; and to help him keep this murderous doctor away from the baby about to be born。 The doctor was wavering on one foot; holding the syringe up in the air。 This the Cardinal seized in his hand and hurled against the wall; where it didn't break; because it was plastic; but the metal needle bent。
 Had the police better understood what was happening; or had they merely been better trained; it would have stopped there。 But they hadn't; and it didn't。 Now the senior cop had his Type 77 pistol out。 This he used to club the Italian on the back of the head; but his blow was poorly delivered; and all it managed to do was knock him off balance and split his skin。
 Now it was Monsignor Schepke's turn。 His Cardinal; the man whom it was his duty to serve and protect; had been attacked。 He was a priest。 He couldn't use deadly force。 He couldn't attack。 But he could defend。 That he did; grasping the older officer's gun hand and twisting it up; in a safe direction; away from the others in the room。 But there it went off; and though the bullet merely flattened out in the concrete ceiling; the noise inside the small room was deafening。
 The younger policeman suddenly thought that his rade was under attack。 He wheeled and fired; but missed Schepke; and struck Cardinal DiMilo in the back。 The 。30 caliber bullet transited the body back to front; damaging the churchman's spleen。 The pain surprised DiMilo; but his eyes were focused on the emerging baby。
 The crash of the shot had startled Lien…Hua; and the push that followed was pure reflex。 The baby emerged; and would have fallen headfirst to the hard floor but for the extended hands of Reverend Yu; who stopped the fall and probably saved the newborn's life。 He was lying on his side; and then he saw that the second shot had gravely wounded his Catholic friend。 Holding the baby; he struggled to his feet and looked vengefully at the youthful policeman。
 〃Huai dan!〃 he shouted: Villain! Oblivious of the infant in his arms; he lurched forward toward the confused and frightened policeman。
 As automatically as a robot; the younger cop merely extended his arm and shot the Baptist preacher right in the forehead。
 Yu twisted and fell; bumping into Cardinal DiMilo's supine form and landing on his back; so that his chest cushioned the newborn's fall。
 〃Put that away!〃 the older cop screamed at his young partner。 But the damage had been done。 The Chinese Reverend Yu was dead; the back of his head leaking brain matter and venting blood at an explosive rate onto the dirty tile floor。
 The doctor was the first to take any intelligent action。 The baby was out now; and he couldn't kill it。 He took it from Yu's dead arms; and held it up by the feet; planning to smack it on the rump; but it cried out on its own。 So; the doctor thought as automatically as the second policeman's shot; this lunacy has one good result。 That he'd been willing to kill it sixty seconds before was another issue entirely。 Then; it had been unauthorized tissue。 Now; it was a breathing citizen of the People's Republic; and his duty as a physician was to protect it。 The dichotomy did not trouble him because it never even occurred to him。
 There followed a few seconds in which people tried to e to terms with what had happened。 Monsignor Schepke saw that Yu was dead。 He couldn't be alive with that head wound。 His remaining duty was to his Cardinal。
 〃Eminence;〃 he said; kneeling down to lift him off the bloody floor。
 Renato Cardinal DiMilo thought it strange that there was so little pain; for he knew that his death was imminent。 Inside; his spleen was lacerated; and he was bleeding out internally at a lethal rate。 He had not the time to reflect on his life or what lay in his immediate future; but despite that; his life of service and faith reasserted itself one more time。
 〃The child; Franz; the child?〃 he asked in a gasping voice。
 〃The baby lives;〃 Monsignor Schepke told the dying man。
 A gentle smile: 〃Bene;〃 Renato said; before closing his eyes for the last time。
 The last shot taken by the CNN crew was of the baby lying on her mother's chest。 They didn't know her name; and the woman'
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