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pretty much take care of his day in this heathen country。 Damn; why couldn't they do trade conferences in Italy? He remembered Italian food fondly from his time in the Mediterranean Fleet Marine Force。 And the Italian women。 They'd like the United States Marine uniform。 Well; lots of women did。
 One thing neither Cardinal DiMilo nor Monsignor Schepke had learned to like was Chinese breakfast food; which was totally alien from anything Europeans had ever served for the early…morning meal。 And so Schepke fixed breakfast every morning before their Chinese staff came in…they'd do the dishes; which was enough for both churchmen。 Both had already said their morning mass; which necessitated their rising before six every morning; rather like soldiers did; the elderly Italian had often remarked to himself。
 The morning paper was the International Herald Tribune; which was too American…oriented; but the world was an imperfect place。 At least the paper showed the football scores; and European football was a sport of interest to both of them; and one which Schepke could still go out and play when the opportunity arose。 DiMilo; who'd been a pretty good midfielder in his day; had to content himself with watching and kibitzing now。
 The CNN crew had their own van; an American make that had been shipped into the PRC ages ago。 It had its own miniature satellite transceiver rig; a small technical miracle of sorts that enabled instant contact with any place in the world via orbiting munications satellites。 It could do anything but operate when the vehicle was moving; and someone was working on that feature; which would be the next major breakthrough; because then the mobile crews could work with little threat of interference from the goffers in whatever country they happened to be operating。
 They also had a satellite…navigation system; which was a genuine miracle that allowed them to navigate anywhere; in any city for which they had a CD…ROM map。 With it; they could find any address faster than a local taxi driver。 And with a cell phone; they could get the address itself; in this case from the U。S。 embassy; which had the street addresses for all foreign legations; of which the Papal Nuncio's house was just one more。 The cell phone also allowed them to call ahead。 The call was answered by a Chinese voice at first; then one that sounded German; of all things; but which said; sure; e on over。
 Barry Wise was dressed in his usual coat and tie…his neatness was another leftover from the Marines…and he knocked on the door; finding the expected local…he was tempted to call them 〃natives;〃 but that was too English; and distantly racist…at the door to conduct them in。 The first Westerner they met was clearly not a Cardinal。 Too young; too tall; and far too German。
 〃Hello; I am Monsignor Schepke;〃 the man greeted him。
 〃Good day; I am Barry Wise of CNN。〃
 〃Yes;〃 Schepke acknowledged with a smile。 〃I have seen you many times on the television。 What brings you here?〃
 〃We're here to cover the trade meeting between America and China; but we decided to look for other items of interest。 We were surprised to see that the Vatican has a diplomatic mission here。〃
 Schepke ushered Wise into his office and motioned him to a fortable chair。 〃I've been here for several months; but the Cardinal just arrived recently。〃
 〃Can I meet him?〃
 〃Certainly; but His Eminence is on the phone to Rome at the moment。 Do you mind waiting a few minutes?〃
 〃No problem;〃 Wise assured him。 He looked the monsignor over。 He looked athletic; tall; and very German。 Wise had visited that country many times; and always felt somewhat uneasy there; as if the racism that had occasioned the Holocaust was still there somewhere; hiding close by but out of sight。 In other clothing; he would have taken Schepke for a soldier; even a Marine。 He looked physically fit and very smart; clearly a keen observer。
 〃What order are you in; if I may ask?〃 Wise said。
 〃The Society of Jesus;〃 Schepke replied。
 A Jesuit; Wise thought at once。 That explained it。 〃From Germany?〃
 〃Correct; but I'm based in Rome now at Robert Bellarmine University; and I was asked to acpany His Eminence here because of my language skills。〃 His English was about halfway between English and American; but not Canadian; grammatically perfect and remarkably precise in his pronunciations。
 And because you're smart; Wise added to himself。 He knew that the Vatican had a respected intelligence…gathering service; probably the oldest in the world。 So; this Monsignor was a bination diplomat and spook; Wise decided。
 〃I won't ask how many languages you speak。 I'm sure you have me beat;〃 Wise observed。 He'd never met or even heard of a dumb Jesuit。
 Schepke offered a friendly smile。 〃It is my function。〃 Then he looked at his desk phone。 The light had gone out。 Schepke excused himself and headed to the inner office; then returned。 〃His Eminence will see you now。〃
 Wise rose and followed the German priest in。 The man he saw was corpulent and clearly Italian; dressed not in priestly robes; but rather a coat and trousers; with a red shirt (or was it a vest?) underneath his Roman collar。 The CNN correspondent didn't remember if the protocol was for him to kiss the man's ring; but hand…kissing wasn't his thing anyway; and so he just shook hands in the American custom。
 〃Wele to our legation;〃 Cardinal DiMilo said。 〃You are our first American reporter。 Please…〃 The Cardinal gestured him to a chair。
 〃Thank you; Your Eminence。〃 Wise did remember that part of the protocol。
 〃How may we serve you this day?〃
 〃Well; we're in town to cover the trade talks…America and China…and we're just looking for a story about life in Beijing。 We just learned last night that the Vatican has an embassy here; and we thought we might e over to talk to you; sir。〃
 〃Marvelous;〃 DiMilo observed with a gracious priestly smile。 〃There are a few Christians in Beijing; though this is not exactly Rome。〃
 Wise felt a light bulb go off。 〃What about Chinese Christians?〃
 〃We've only met a few。 We're going over to see one this afternoon; as a matter of fact; a Baptist minister named Yu。〃
 〃Really?〃 That was a surprise。 A local Baptist?
 〃Yes;〃 Schepke confirmed。 〃Good chap; he was even educated in America; at Oral Roberts University。〃
 〃A Chinese citizen from Oral Roberts?〃 Wise asked somewhat incredulously; as the STORY! light flashed in his head。
 〃Yes; it is somewhat unusual; isn't it?〃 DiMilo observed。
 It was unusual enough that a Baptist and a Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church were on speaking terms; Wise thought; but to have it happen here seemed about as likely as a live dinosaur strolling up the Mall in Washington。 Atlanta would sure as hell like this one。
 〃Could we go over with you?〃 the CNN correspondent asked。
 The terror began soon after she arrived at her workplace。 For all the waiting and all the anticipation; it still came as a surprise; and an unwele one; the first twinge in her lower abdomen。 The last time; now nearly six years before; it had presaged the birth of Ju…Long; and been a surprise as well; but that pregnancy had been authorized; and this one was not。 She'd hoped that it would 
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