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     Purchased by Destiny Enterprises from the Messerschmitt…Bolkow Corporation; the Bo 105LS…7 helicopter was designed and built for the Federal German Army primarily for ground support and paramilitary use。 The aircraft chasing the Skycar carried a crew of two; and mounted twin engines that gave it a maximum speed of two hundred and eighty miles an hour。 For firepower; it relied on a ventral…mounted; swiveling twenty…millimeter cannon。
     Giordino sat in the pilot's seat this trip; with Pitt monitoring the instruments; while the women huddled in the cramped rear passenger seat。 In a repeat performance of the ining flight; there was little for Giordino to do but alter the throttle settings to maximum speed。 Every other manipulation was puter…controlled and operated。 Next to him; Pitt was studying the pursuing helicopters on the radar screen。
     〃Why; oh why; can't those big bullies leave us alone?〃 Giordino moaned。
     〃Looks like they sent the entire gang;〃 said Pitt; eyeing the blips on the outer edge of the screen; which were closing in on the outline of the Skycar in the center as if it were a magnetic bull's…eye。
     〃If they have heat…seeking missiles that fly in and through canyons;〃 said Giordino; 〃they may prove a nuisance。〃
     〃I don't think so。 Civilian aircraft are rarely capable of carrying military missiles。〃
     〃Can we lose them in the mountains?〃
     〃It will be a near thing;〃 Pitt answered。 〃Their only hope is to take their best shot from half a mile before we're out of range。 After that; we can outrun them。 Their speed looks to be about thirty miles slower than ours。〃
     Giordino peered through the canopy。 〃We're ing off the glacier and entering the mountains。 Twisting through the canyons should make it awkward for them to get off a clean shot。〃
     〃Shouldn't you be concentrating on flying this thing?〃 said Pat; staring uneasily at the mountains silhouetted in the faint moonlight that were beginning to rise up on both sides of the Skycar。 〃Rather than chatting among yourselves?〃
     〃How are you two getting on back there?〃 Pitt asked solicitously。
     〃This is like riding a roller coaster;〃 said Megan excitedly。
     Pat was more aware of the danger and not as enthusiastic as her daughter。 〃I think I'll keep my eyes closed; thank you。〃
     〃We'll be thrown around by turbulence; and the sudden shifts of direction through the mountains; because we'll be running at maximum speed;〃 explained Pitt。 〃But not to worry。 The puter is flying the aircraft。〃
     〃How forting;〃 Pat muttered uneasily。
     〃The bad guys are ing over the summit at nine o'clock;〃 announced Giordino; warily staring at the glaring lights beamed by the helicopters that lit up the jagged mountain slopes。
     The pilots of the assault helicopters played a smart game。 They made no attempt to chase the faster Skycar through the hooks and crooks among the ravines that split the mountains。 They realized they had one opportunity; and only one; to shoot down the strange…looking aircraft。 They gained altitude as one and fired down into the ravine; their twenty…millimeter shells blasting through the dark in trajectories ahead of the Skycar。
     Pitt instantly realized the tactic and elbowed Giordino's arm。 〃Take manual control!〃 he snapped。 〃Stop us in midair and back up!〃
     Giordino obeyed and pleted the maneuver almost before the words were out of Pitt's mouth。 He switched off the puter control and took mand; bringing the Skycar to a gut…wrenching halt that threw them against their safety harnesses; then sending the aircraft back down the ravine in reverse。
     〃If we attempt to fly through that barrage;〃 said Pitt; 〃we'll be shot t《 》 shreds。〃
     〃It's only a matter of seconds before they reposition and aim this way。
     〃That's the idea。 I'm banking on them turning and deflecting their fire behind our path; expecting us to fly into it。 But we shoot forward again; forcing them to realign the same trick we pulled on the patrol boat。 If things fall our way; we'll gain enough time to put a mountain between us before they can reconcentrate their fire again。〃
     As they spoke; the gunships broke out of formation to converge their fire。 In a few seconds; they had realigned and zeroed in; firing directly at the Skycar。 It was the signal for Giordino to send the craft charging up the ravine again。 The plan came within a hair of out…and…out success; but the seconds spent in reverse allowed the helicopters to move in closer。 There was no concentrated barrage this time。 The pilots reacted swiftly and began firing wildly at the rapidly fleeing Skycar。
     Shells ripped into the vertical fins of the tail assembly。 The landing wheels were shot off and the upper part of the canopy suddenly shattered and flew off into the darkness; allowing a rush of cold air to flood into the cockpit。 The murderous but inaccurate fire sprayed all around the craft; but mercifully the engines remained unscathed。 Unable to evade the salvo by twisting the Skycar obliquely since the sides of the ravine were no more than fifty feet from the widest part of the aircraft Giordino jerked it up and down instead。
     The twenty…millimeter shells that missed chewed into the steep cliffs and threw up geysers of rocky fragments。 Like a cat chased by a pack of dogs; Giordino hurled the Skycar up the canyon in a frenzied series of undulating maneuvers。 Another two hundred yards; then a hundred; and suddenly; Giordino threw the aircraft into a sharp ninety…degree bank; skirting around a protruding rock…bound slope that blocked off the storm of shell fire。
     By the time the Destiny Enterprises' gunships had reached the promontory and rounded it; the Skycar had vanished deep into the blackness of the mountains。
 April 10; 2001
 Buenos Aires; Argentina
     Limousines formed a long arc on the circular drive of the British Embassy in Buenos Aires。 Ladies in ballgowns and men in tuxedos exited the long black cars and entered through high bronze doors into the foyer; where they were met by the British ambassador to Argentina; Charles Lexington; and his wife; Martha; a tall; serene woman with white hair cut in a pageboy。 The social event of the year was a celebration in honor of Prince Charles's elevation to the throne; finally abdicated by his mother; Queen Elizabeth。
     The elite of Argentina had been invited; and all attended。 The President; the National Congress leaders; the mayor of the city; financiers and industrialists; and the nation's most admired celebrities。 Those who entered the ballroom to the music of an orchestra in eighteenth…century costume were enthralled with the sumptuous buffet prepared by the finest chefs imported from England especially for the event。
     When Karl Wolf and his usual entourage of sisters made their grand entrance into the vast room; they inevitably received the stares of everyone present。 His personal bodyguard stayed close beside them at all times。 In keeping with their family tradition; the gorgeous women were all wearing gowns of the same design but in different colors。 After being greeted by the British ambassador; they swept into th
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