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     〃You're going to hit the rocks at full throttle?〃
     〃We don't have time to tie up to a rock and step ashore with confetti and bands playing。〃
     〃On my way;〃 Giordino acknowledged with a brief wave。
     The second patrol boat was driving directly toward them; unaware of Pitt's intention to run ashore。 The searchlight illuminated the Grand Banks in its beam with unwavering steadiness; like a spotlight trained at a dancer on a stage。 The two boats closed rapidly; running at an angle toward each other。 Then the mander of the patrol boat sensed Pitt's intentions and steered to cut off the Grand Banks and block it from reaching the shore。 With less than half the speed of his nemesis; Pitt was forced to accept the fact that he was engaged in a race he would surely lose。 Yet he stood at the helm with unblinking eyes and a callous determination。 The fight was extremely one…sided; but he wasn't about to turn the other cheek。 The thought of failure never entered his mind。
     Seeing an unexpected opportunity; Pitt yanked the gear lever and threw the Grand Banks into reverse。 The boat shuddered from the strain under full throttle and came to a stop; its props beating the water in a maelstrom of froth。 Then it began moving backward; its square transom pushing aside the water like a bulldozer。
     Giordino appeared with Pat and Megan。 He stared bemused at seeing the patrol boat about to cross the Grand Banks' bow while their own boat was surging backward。 〃Don't tell me。 I'm keen to guess。 You've conjured up another cunning plan。〃
     〃Not cunning; just desperate。〃
     〃You're going to ram him。〃
     〃If we play our cards right;〃 answered Pitt quickly; 〃I do believe we can bloody his nose。 Now; everyone lie on the floor。 Use whatever solid cover you can find to shield yourselves。 Because it's surely going to rain。〃
     There was no time to say more。 The mander of the second patrol boat; not prehending the reverse movement of his prey; altered his course so that he would cross within ten feet of the Grand Banks' bow; e to a stop; and blast the Grand Banks at point…blank range。 It was a naval tactic called crossing the T。 He stood at the helm and raised one hand as a signal for the gunners to open fire。
     Then two events happened in the same instant。 Pitt crammed the gear lever back to full forward and the machine guns on the patrol boat opened up。 The Grand Banks' props dug in the water and sent the boat surging forward; as bullets sprayed the bridge。 The glass from the windshield shattered into a thousand shards and burst all through the cabin。 Pitt had already thrown himself down behind the console; one hand raised and gripping the bottom arc of the helm。 He didn't notice that the back of his hand had been gashed by flying glass until the blood began dripping into his eyes。 The upper cabin of the Grand Banks was being methodically shot to pieces。 The gunners were shooting high to throw sheer terror into the minds of those lying prone on the deck。 The interior of the bridge was a bedlam of flying wreckage; as nine…millimeter shells shredded everything they smashed against。
     The mander of the patrol boat had cut his speed and was drifting to a stop; since his gunners seemed to be enjoying close…up target practice。 His satisfaction was premature; while Pitt's timing couldn't have been more perfect。 The mander missed Pitt's intent until it was too late。 Before he could steer his patrol boat out of the way; the Grand Banks had suddenly jerked forward; her engines pounding at full rpms。
     There came a grinding sound of twisted and tortured fiberglass and wood。 The Grand Banks' bow sliced through the starboard hull of the patrol boat and punched through to the keel。 The patrol boat canted over on her port side; the crew grabbing at any solid object to keep from being pitched overboard; and began to settle almost immediately。
     Pitt hauled himself to his feet; threw the gear lever into reverse; and backed the Grand Banks out of the gash in the hull of the patrol boat; allowing a rush of water to flood and gurgle into the cavity。 For a moment; the patrol boat struggled back to an even keel; but then the black waters flowed over her deck and she slipped away; her searchlight still glaring as it plunged to the floor of the fjord; leaving her crew struggling to stay afloat in the frigid waters。
     〃Al;〃 Pitt said in a conversational tone。 〃Check the forward partment。〃
     Giordino disappeared through a hatch and returned in seconds。 〃We're sucking in water like a giant douche bag。 Another five minutes and we'll join our friends in the water; even faster if you don't stop this tub。〃
     〃Who said anything about going forward?〃 Pitt's eyes locked on the direction puter。 The distance to shore and the mouth of the ravine was only fifty yards; but it was an impossible span for a fast…sinking boat。 Trying to move ahead would only escalate the flood of water pouring in through the shattered bow。 His mind raced with a strange clarity; as it always did during crisis; considering any and every option。 He sent the Grand Banks barreling through the water in reverse; which lowered the stern and raised the bow。 The flooding problem temporarily solved; he warned the others。 〃Go out on deck and brace yourselves for the shock when we strike the rocks。〃
     〃On deck?〃 Pat asked numbly。
     〃In case the boat rolls over when we ground; you're better off out in the open where you can jump in the water。〃
     None too soon; Giordino herded the two females outside and made them sit down on the deck; backs against the cabin while reaching out and clutching the railing He sat in the middle with both strong arms encircling their waists。 Pat was frozen in pure fright; but Megan; looking into Giordino's unperturbed face; took courage from it。 He and the man at the helm had brought them this far。 It was utterly inprehensible to her that they wouldn't make good on their word and take her safely home。
     The Grand Banks was settling lower from the water ing through the damaged hull below the waterline aft of the bow。 The mouth of the ravine was very close now。 Black heaps of rock that Pitt and Giordino had waded past; before mencing their underwater journey to the shipyard earlier that night; rose from the blackness; ominous and beckoning。 Pitt did his best to dodge around the largest of the rocks; barely distinguishing their shapes; as they were outlined by the white foam of the fjord's two…foot waves that slapped against them。
     And then one of the propellers struck with a loud metallic smack and sheared off; sending the engine racing out of control。 More rocks swirled by Then came a heavier blow and the boat shuddered but kept going several more feet; before the port side of the transom crunched into a rock that smashed the yielding wood to pieces。 As though a dam had burst; a gush of water flooded across the rear open deck; pulling down the stern。 The next shock came with bone…jarring impact; as the boat struck hard on and split down the keel; the wooden…planked hull tearing itself to pieces。 But then the terrible crunching and grinding sounds ceased as the battered Grand Banks finally came to a sto
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