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     Still crawling along at eight knots; Pitt gently turned the wheel; sending the Grand Banks on a wide arc around the bow of the Ulrich Wolf and passing the end of the dock; now swarming with shipyard workers and security guards checking the identification of every man and woman in red coveralls。 He passed a small powerboat running with no lights that ominously swung around in a 180…degree turn and began following in their wake。 He set his directional puter on the frame of the windshield and studied the readings that would lead him through the darkness to the ravine that held the Skycar。
     Three miles to the ravine; three miles over water in a boat that offered no protection from probing lights or automatic weapons and heavy machine guns。 All they carried were a pair of handguns。 And there were the patrol boats that surely must have been alerted by now of a stolen powerboat carrying intruders attempting to escape the shipyard。 His only consolation was that the patrol boats were at the far end of the fjord; giving them an extra few minutes of time。 A slim consolation at best。 With their superior speed; the patrol boats could easily intercept the Grand Banks before they could reach the mouth of the ravine。
     Giordino was at his side immediately。 〃Aye; aye。〃
     〃Find some bottles。 There must be some on board。 Empty; then fill them with whatever you can find that's highly inflammable。 Diesel fuel is too slow…burning。 Look for gas or solvent。〃
     〃Molotov cocktails;〃 said Giordino; grinning like a demon。 〃I haven't thrown one of those since kindergarten。〃 Two steps; and he was dropping down a ladder to the engine partment。
     Pitt brushed aside an urge to shove the throttles to their stops; judging that it was more productive to play out a passive role。 He stared over one shoulder at the twenty…five…foot runabout behind them; its big; powerful outboard motor clamped to its transom it had increased speed and was drawing alongside。 The lights from the shipyard revealed only two men in black uniforms; one steering the boat; the other standing in the stern gripping an automatic rifle。 The one at the helm was motioning at his ear。 Pitt understood the message and turned on the radio; leaving it on the frequency it was set。
     A voice crackled over the speaker in Spanish; with an indisputable inflection that Pitt knew was a mand to lay to。 He picked up the microphone and answered 〃No habla espanol。〃
     〃Alto; alto!〃 the voice shouted。
     〃Get down below and lay flat on the deck;〃 he ordered Pat and Megan。 They silently plied and hurried down the ladder to the main cabin。
     Pitt slowed the boat and stood in the doorway; his Colt cocked and stuffed under his belt。 The guard in the stern of the runabout crouched in readiness to jump on board the Grand Banks。
     Pitt then pulled back the throttles but kept a slight headway; measuring the distance between the two boats and moving at just enough parallel speed so that the boarder would e over the railing almost in line with the doorway to the bridge。 His timing would have to be exactly on the mark。 He waited patiently; like a hunter in a blind watching the skies for a passing duck。
     At the precise moment the security guard crouched to leap between the two boats; he shoved the twin throttles forward in a brief burst of speed; before abruptly pulling them back again。 The sudden movement threw off the balance of the guard; and he landed sprawling on the narrow port deck of the Grand Banks。
     Pitt smoothly stepped through the cabin door; jammed the heel of his right foot into the guard's neck; bent down and snatched up his automatic rifle; a Bushmaster M17S; and clubbed him behind the neck with the butt end。 He leveled it at the guard at the helm of the outboard and fired。 He missed; as the guard dropped to his knees; cramped the wheel over; hit the throttle; and turned the outboard on a sharp angle away from the Grand Banks。 With a loud roar from the motor; the boat leaped away in a cloud of spray and churning water。 Without waiting to see more; Pitt stepped back into the cabin and pushed the throttles as far as they would go。 The stern of the Grand Banks dug down in the water; the bow lifted; and soon it was rushing across the black waters at nearly twenty knots。
     Now Pitt focused on the patrol boats that had swung around on a course back up the fjord; ing at full speed; the searchlights playing the water in ever…closer sweeps toward the Grand Banks。 It was a given that the guard driving the outboard had radioed a report。 The lead boat was a good half mile ahead of its escort。 From Pitt's view through the windshield; it was impossible to predict when the nearest patrol boat would meet the Grand Banks on a converging course。 The only certainty was that it would cross his bows before they reached the mouth of the ravine。 Another six or seven minutes would spell the difference between survival and death。
     They were well clear of the shipyard now; with less than two miles to go。
     The outboard cruiser was less than a hundred yards off and slightly behind。 The only reason the remaining security guard had not opened up with his own Bushmaster rifle was that he was afraid of hitting his partner。
     Giordino returned to the cabin; carrying an armload of four bottles filled with solvent from a can used to clean oil and grease within the engine partment。 Thin strips of rags were stuffed in the bottle necks。 He carefully set the bottles on the cushions of a bench。 The beefy Italian was nursing a large bruise on his forehead。
     〃What happened to you?〃 Pitt asked。
     〃Some guy I know can't drive a boat。 I was thrown all over the engine partment and bounced my head off a water pipe during a series of wild gyrations。〃 Then Giordino spotted the unconscious body of the security guard lying partially in the door。 〃My sincerest apologies。 You had a social caller。〃
     〃He failed to produce an invitation。〃
     Giordino moved beside Pitt and stared through the windshield at the rapidly approaching patrol boat。 〃No warning shot across the bow with this crew。 They're armed to the teeth and looking for any excuse to blow us out of the water。〃
     〃Maybe not;〃 said Pitt。 〃They still need the expertise of Pat to decipher their inscriptions。 They might rough her up and slap Megan around; but they won't kill them。 You and I will be history。 I plan on giving them a bit of a surprise。 If we can suck them in close enough; we might give them a bonfire to enjoy。〃
     Giordino stared Pitt in the eyes。 Most men would have reflected inevitable defeat; but Giordino saw no such reflection。 What he saw was calculated determination and a faint gleam of anticipation。 〃I wonder how John Paul Jones would see it。〃
     Pitt nodded。 〃You'll be busy with your toys。 Lend me your piece。 Then lay low on the far side of the bridge until you hear shooting。〃
     〃You or them?〃
     Pitt gave Giordino a dour look。 〃It doesn't matter who。〃
     Giordino handed over his Para…Ordnance automatic without question; as Pitt pushed against the throttles in a fruitless attempt to goad a few more revolutions out of the engines。 The Grand Bank
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