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 and it was expansive。 Workers were acpanying a pallet piled with boxes of canned food。 Pitt and Giordino joined them and stepped off onto Level Six; near a boarding platform raised above twin tracks that encircled the entire ship。 They paced the platform impatiently for five minutes; before an electric tram with five cars painted a soft yellow outside and hyacinth violet inside approached and quietly rolled to a stop。 The doors slid open with a soft hissing sound。 They stepped inside the first car and found a forty…passenger vehicle that was half full of people clothed in a rainbow of coverall uniforms。 As if drawn by a magnet; Giordino sat down next to an attractive woman with silver…blond hair and blue eyes whose coveralls were a soft blue…gray。 Pitt tensed as he recognized the unvarying image of one of the Wolf family。
     She looked at them and smiled。 〃You look like Americans;〃 she said in English with a touch of a Spanish accent。
     〃How can you tell?〃 asked Pitt。
     〃Most all our security people were recruited from the American military;〃 she replied。
     〃You are a member of the Wolf family;〃 he said softly; as if speaking to a member of the elite。
     She laughed lightheartedly。 〃It must look to strangers as if we all came out of the same pod。〃
     〃Your resemblance to one another is quite striking。〃
     〃What is your name?〃 she asked; in a tone of authority。
     〃My name is Dirk Pitt;〃 he said brazenly; actually stupidly; he thought; studying her eyes for a reaction。 There was none。 She had not been advised of his menacing actions toward the family。 〃My little friend here is Al Capone。〃
     〃Rosa Wolf;〃 she identified herself。
     〃A great honor; Miss Wolf;〃 Pitt said; 〃to be associated with your family's great venture。 The Ulrich Wolf is a glorious masterwork。 My friend and I were recruited from the United States Marines only two weeks ago。 It is indeed a privilege to serve a family that has created such an extraordinary work of genius。〃
      〃My cousin Karl was the driving force behind the construction of the Ulrich Wolf and our other three Fourth Empire floating cities;〃 Rosa sermonized from pride; obviously pleased with Pitt's praise。 〃He assembled the world's finest naval architects and marine engineers to design and construct our vessels; from the blueprint stage to pletion; under a cloak of extreme secrecy。 Unlike most large cruise liners and supertankers; our ships have no single hull but employ nine hundred watertight sealed partments。 If; during the massive surge expected from the ing cataclysm; a hundred cells are damaged and flooded on any of our vessels; they will sink no more than ten inches。〃
     〃Truly astounding;〃 said Giordino; acting enthralled。 〃What is the power source?〃
     〃Ninety ten…thousand…horsepower diesel propulsion engines that are geared to push the ship through the water at twenty…five knots。〃
     〃A city of fifty thousand inhabitants capable of moving around the world;〃 said Pitt。 〃It doesn't seem possible。〃
     〃Not fifty thousand; Mr。 Pitt。 When the time es; this ship will carry one hundred and twenty…five thousand people。 Between them; the other three vessels will carry fifty thousand people; for a total of two hundred and seventy…five thousand; all trained and educated to launch the Fourth Empire from the ashes of archaic democratic systems。〃
     Pitt fought the urge to instigate a heated debate; but he turned his attention out the window of the train。 He watched as a landscaped park of at least twenty acres unfolded along the tram tracks。 He was repeatedly stunned by the impact of such an immense project。 Bike and jogging paths wound through trees and ponds with swans; geese; and ducks。
     Rosa noticed his captivation by the pastoral scene。 〃This is one of a network of parks; leisure and recreation areas; that total five hundred acres。 Have you seen the sport facilities; swimming pools; and health spas yet?〃
     Pitt shook his head。 〃Our time has been limited。〃
     〃Are you married; with children?〃
     Recalling his conversation with the security guard; Pitt nodded。 〃A boy and a girl。〃
     〃We have recruited the world's finest educators to teach in and direct our schools; from the nursery level through college…level courses and postgraduate studies。〃
     〃That is very forting to know。〃
     〃You and your wife will be able to enjoy theaters; educational seminars and conferences; libraries; and art galleries filled with historical art treasures。 We also have partments housing the great artifacts passed down from the ancient ones; so that they can be studied while we wait for the earth's environment to regenerate itself after the ing cataclysm。〃
     〃The ancient ones?〃 asked Pitt; playing dumb。
     〃The civilization our grandfathers discovered in Antarctica; called the Amenes。 They were an advanced race of people who were destroyed when Earth was struck by a et nine thousand years ago。〃
     〃I'd never heard of them;〃 Giordino played along。
     〃Our scientists are studying their records so we can learn what to expect in the ing months and years。〃
     〃How long do you think it will take before we can begin our work on land?〃 asked Pitt。
     〃Five; perhaps ten; years before we can go forth and establish a new order;〃 explained Rosa。
     〃Can a hundred and twenty…five thousand people subsist that long?〃
     〃You're forgetting the other ships;〃 she said boastfully。 〃The fleet will be totally self…supporting。 The Karl Wolf has fifty thousand acres of tilled soil already planted with vegetables and fruit orchards。 The Otto Wolf will carry thousands of animals for food as well as breeding。 The final ship; the Hermann Wolf; was built purely for cargo。 It will haul all the equipment and machinery to construct new cities; roads; ranches; and farms when we are able to walk the earth again。〃
     Giordino pointed up to a digital sign above the doors。 〃K Section ing up。〃
     〃A great pleasure meeting you; Ms。 Wolf;〃 said Pitt gallantly。 〃I hope you will remember me to your cousin Karl。〃
     She looked at him questioningly for a moment; then nodded。 〃I'm sure we'll meet again。〃
     The train slowed to a stop; and Pitt and Giordino disembarked。 They walked from the boarding platform into an antechamber with corridors leading off like wagon wheel spokes into a vast labyrinth。
     〃Now which way?〃 asked Giordino。
     〃We go dead amidships and follow the signs to the K Section;〃 Pitt said; as he set off into the center corridor。 〃We want to avoid the security office like the plague。〃
     Walking along what seemed to be an endless corridor; they passed numbered doors; several of them open while the rooms were being furnished。 They looked in and saw spacious living quarters on a par with luxury condominiums。 Pitt could understand now why the guard had referred to them as residences。 The plan was for the occupants to live as fortably as possible during the long wait before they could establish their munity on what was left of the earth after the et's collision。
     Paintings were spaced every thirty feet along the walls between the doors to the residences。 Giordino stopped briefly and examin
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