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     〃Which ship is that?〃
     〃The ship…city that will carry the people of the Fourth Empire to sea after the cataclysm。〃
     〃It would take two years to search a ship that size;〃 Pitt pressured。 〃Give a more exact location or go blind。 Quickly!〃
     〃Level Six; K Section。 I don't know which residence。〃
     〃He's still lying;〃 said Giordino coarsely。 〃Pull the trigger; but wait till I look away。 I can't stand to see blood spray all over the furniture。〃
     〃Then kill me and get it over with;〃 the guard growled。
     〃Where do the Wolfs find murdering scum like you?〃
     〃Why would you care?〃
     〃You're American。 He didn't hire you off the street; so you must have e out of the military; an elite force; unless I miss my guess。 Your loyalty to the Wolf family goes far beyond rationality。 Why?〃
     〃Giving my life for the Fourth Empire is an honor。 I'm repaid by knowing; as we all are; that my wife and sons will be safely onboard the Ulrich Wolf when the rest of the world is devastated。〃
     〃So that's your insurance policy。〃
     〃He has a human family?〃 Giordino said in amazement。 〃I'd have sworn he curls up and lays eggs。〃
     〃What good is a bank account with a billion dollars when the world's population is about to perish?〃
     〃I hate a pessimist;〃 said Giordino; as he swung the barrel of his automatic against the nape of the mercenary's neck; dropping him unconscious onto the inert bodies of his rades。 In almost the same instant a series of alarms began to sound throughout the building 〃That tears it。 We'll have to shoot our way out of town。〃
     〃Style and sophistication;〃 Pitt said; seemingly unconcerned。 〃Always style and sophistication。〃
     Six minutes later; the elevator stopped at the lobby level and the door opened。 On the floor of the lobby; nearly two dozen men; with automatic weapons raised and aimed into the elevator; stood and knelt in the firing position。
     Two men in the black coverall uniforms of security guards; with stocking caps pulled down almost to their eyes; raised their hands and shouted with lowered heads in both English and Spanish。 〃Do not shoot。 We have killed two of the intruders!〃 Then they dragged two bodies dressed in orange coveralls by the feet out onto the lobby's marble floor and unceremoniously dumped them。 〃There are others who were working from the inside;〃 Giordino said excitedly。 〃They've barricaded themselves on the tenth floor。〃
     〃Where is Max?〃 inquired a guard who acted as if he was in mand。
     Pitt; his arm over his face as if wiping away perspiration; turned and pointed upward。 Giordino said; 〃We had to leave him。 He was wounded in the fight。 Hurry; send for a doctor。〃
     The well…trained security force rapidly broke down into two units; one heading into the elevator; the other rushing up the emergency fire stairs。 Pitt and Giordino knelt over the two unconscious guards they had pulled from the elevator and made a show of examining them; until they saw an opportunity to walk quietly from the lobby through the front doors。
     〃I can't believe we pulled it off;〃 said Giordino; as they mandeered a cart and sped off toward the dock where the Ulrich Wolf was moored。
     〃Luckily; they were all too focused on apprehending the evil intruders to take a good look at our faces and recognize us as strangers。〃
     〃My security uniform is too long and too tight。 How about yours?〃
     〃Too short and too loose; but we don't have time to stop off at a tailor;〃 Pitt muttered; as he steered the cart back toward the first dock while dodging around a soaring crane that was moving ponderously over its rail track。 He kept his foot flat on the pedal; but the cart had a top speed of only about twelve miles an hour and the pace seemed agonizingly slow。
     They traveled alongside the stupendous floating city; avoiding the busy loading activities。 The dock was packed with a milling horde of workers; many moving about in electric carts; others on bicycles; with quite a few darting in and around all obstacles on rollerblades。 Pitt had to frequently ram his foot onto the brake to keep from colliding with workers who moved carelessly into his path; absorbed in their jobs。 Huge forklifts also ignored their approach and crossed in front of them to deliver their loads; moving up ramps and into the cavernous cargo holds。 There were any number of raised fists and angry shouts as Pitt careened around all obstacles; humans or solid objects。
     If it wasn't for the black security uniforms; stolen off the guards in the elevator; they would have surely been stopped and threatened with a beating for such reckless driving。 Seeing an opportunity to board the ship without climbing long gangways; Pitt cramped the steering wheel and sent the cart into a hard right turn up a ramp empty of loading vehicles; across the main deck; and then down another ramp into the bowels of the floating city; to where the cargo was stored and all ship maintenance was performed。 Inside a yawning cargo depot; with huge passageways leading in all directions through the lower warehouse bays of the ship; Pitt spotted a man in red coveralls who looked to be in charge of loading supplies and equipment。 He alerted Giordino on what to ask in Spanish and came to an abrupt stop。
     〃Quickly; we have an emergency at Level Six; K Section;〃 shouted Giordino。 〃Which is the shortest route to take?〃
     Recognizing the black uniform of the shipyard security guards; the man asked; 〃Don't you know?〃
     〃We've just been transferred from shore security;〃 Giordino answered vaguely; 〃and we're not familiar with the Ulrich Wolf。〃
     Accepting the presence of security people on an emergency mission; the loading director pointed down a passageway。 〃Drive to the second elevator on the right。 Park your cart and take the elevator up to Deck Floor Four。 That will put you at Tram Station Eight。 Board the Tram to K Section。 Then take the corridor leading amidships to the security office and ask again; unless you know which residence you're looking for。〃
     〃The one where the American scientist and her daughter are being confined。〃
     〃I have no idea where that would be。 You'll have to ask the chief security officer or the leader of K Section when you arrive。〃
     〃Muchas gracias;〃 Giordino said over his shoulder; as Pitt sped off in the direction indicated。 〃So far so good; said the man on his way down to the sidewalk after jumping from the Empire State Building。〃 Then he added; 〃My pliments。 Swapping our orange goon suits for black security uniforms was a master stroke。〃
     〃It was the only way I could think of to get through the trap;〃 said Pitt modestly。
     〃How much time do you think we have before they cut us off at the pass?〃
     〃If you struck the guard a good clout; he won't e around anytime soon and give the show away。 All they'll discover in the next ten minutes is that we drove straight to the Ulrich Wolf and came on board。 They still don't know who we are or who we're after。〃
     They followed the Cargo Deck leader's directions and brought the cart to a halt next to the second elevator。 It was built to carry heavy freight; and it was expansiv
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