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gunned the engine and the plane raced down the runway; quickly vanishing in the pall of smoke rising above the city。 The pilot refueled in Denmark and flew across the North Sea to Bergen; Norway。 There he landed and turned over the bronze box to Captain Edmund Mauer; who in turn had the box carried aboard the U…621。 Numerous other crates and boxes containing precious relics of the Nazi party; including the Holy Lance and the sacred Blood Flag and other prized art treasures of the Third Reich; were loaded aboard another submarine; the U…2015; under the mand of mander Rudolph Harger。〃
     〃This was all part of the plan conceived by Martin Bormann and given the code name of New Destiny;〃 said Sandecker。
     Hozafel looked at the admiral respectfully。 〃You are very well informed; sir。〃
     〃The Holy Lance and the Blood Flag;〃 Sandecker pressed on。 〃They were included in the cargo of the U…2015?〃
     〃Are you familiar with the Lance?〃 Hozafel inquired。
     〃I studied and wrote of the Lance as a class project at Annapolis;〃 replied Sandecker。 〃Legends handed down from the Bible claim that a metalsmith by the name of Tubal Cain; a direct descendent of Cain; the son of Adam; forged the Lance from the iron found in a meteorite that was sent by God。 This was sometime before 3000 B。C。 The sacred lance was passed down from Tubal Cain to Saul; then to David and Solomon and other kings of Judea。 Eventually; it came into the hands of the Roman conqueror Julius Caesar; who carried it in battle against his enemies。 Before he was assassinated; he gave it to a centurion who had saved his life during the war with the Gauls。 The son of the centurion passed it on to his son; who gave it to his son; who also served in the Roman legions as a centurion。 It was he who stood on the hill and watched as Christ was crucified。 The law of the land required that all crucified criminals be declared dead before the sun fell so they would not defile the ing Sabbath。 The thieves on the crosses beside Jesus had their legs broken to speed up their demise。 But when it was Jesus' turn; they found that he was already dead。 The centurion; for reasons he took to the grave; pierced Jesus' side with his lance; causing an inexplicable stream of blood and water。 As the holy blood spewed forth; the stained lance instantly became the most sacred relic in Christendom; next to the True Cross and the Holy Grail。
     〃The Holy Lance; as it became known; came down to King Charlemagne and was inherited by each of the following Holy Roman emperors over the next thousand years; before ending up in the hands of the Hapsburg emperors and being placed on display in the royal palace in Vienna。〃
     〃You must also know the fable behind the lance's power;〃 said Hozafel; 〃the fable that drove Hitler to possess it。〃
     〃 ‘Whosoever possesses this Holy Lance; and understands the powers it serves; holds in his hand the destiny of the world for good and evil;' 〃 quoted Sandecker。 〃That's why Hitler stole the lance from Austria and held it until his dying day。 He imagined that it would give him mastery of the world。 If Hitler had never heard of the lance; it would be interesting to speculate if he might not have sought the path of power toward world domination。 His final request was that it be hidden from his enemies。〃
     〃You mentioned a Blood Flag;〃 said Little。 〃I'm not familiar with that relic; either。〃
     〃In 1923;〃 Hozafel clarified; 〃Hitler attempted a coup against the existing German government in Munich。 It was a disaster。 The army fired into the crowd and several people were killed。 Hitler escaped but was later tried and sentenced to jail; where he spent nine months writing Mein Kampf。 The coup forever became known as the Munich Putsch。 One of the early swastika Nazi flags was carried by one of the wouldbe revolutionaries; who was shot and was splattered with his blood。 Naturally; it became the bloodstained symbol of a Nazi martyr。 This Blood Flag was then used in ceremonies to consecrate future Nazi flags at party rallies by holding it against them as a blessing。〃
     〃And so the Nazi treasures were smuggled out of Germany; never to be seen again;〃 said Little meditatively。 〃According to old CIA archive records; no trace of the lance and other Nazi hoards; including stolen art treasures and the loot from banks and national treasuries; was ever discovered。〃
     〃Your submarine;〃 Sandecker said evenly; 〃was the U…699。〃
     〃Yes; I was her captain;〃 Hozafel admitted。 〃Shortly after a number of influential Nazi military officers; high party officials; and Hitler's ashes were safely loaded on board; I sailed from Bergen in the wake of the U…2015。 Until now; the disappearance of Hitler has been a mystery。 I am telling you the story only at the urging of Mr。 Little; and because of the possibility; as I understand it; that the world will be in upheaval after a ing et strike。 If true; this makes my sworn silence irrelevant。〃
     〃We're not ready to cry doom yet;〃 said Sandecker。 〃What we want to know is if the Wolf family is truly spending untold sums of money building huge arks in a fanatical belief that a cataclysm will destroy the Earth and every living creature on it or if they have some other motive。〃
     〃An interesting family; the Wolfs;〃 Hozafel said pensively。 〃Colonel Urich Wolf was one of the most trusted men on Hitler's staff。 He saw that Hitler's irrational orders and simplest wishes were carried out。 The colonel was also the leader of a group of devoted Nazis who formed an elite group of SS officers dedicated to defending the faith。 They called themselves the Guardians。 Most of them died fighting in the final days of the war all; that is; except Colonel Wolf and three others。 He and his entire family a wife; four sons and three daughters; two brothers; and three sisters and their families sailed aboard the U2015。 I was told by an old naval rade who's still living that Wolf was the last of the few Guardians and created some kind of contemporary order called the New Destiny。〃
     〃It's true。 They operate as a giant conglomerate known as Destiny Enterprises;〃 Sandecker informed Hozafel。
     The old German sea dog smiled。 〃So they gave up their uniforms and propaganda for business suits and profit…and…loss statements。〃
     〃No longer calling themselves Nazis; they've modernized their manifesto;〃 said Little。
     〃They've also created a race of superior humans;〃 said Sandecker。 〃Through genetic engineering; the new generation of Wolfs not only resemble each other in appearance but their physical anatomy and characteristics are identical。 They have the minds of geniuses and an extraordinary immune system that enables them to live extremely long lives。〃
     Hozafel stiffened visibly; and his eyes took on a look of deep dread。 〃Genetic engineering; you say? One of the canisters that was transported aboard my U…boat was kept frozen at all times。〃 He drew a deep breath。 〃It contained the sperm and tissue samples taken from Hitler the week before he killed himself。〃
     Sandecker and Little exchanged tense looks。 〃Do you think it's possible Hitler's sperm was used to procreate the later generation of Wolfs?〃 asked Little。
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