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 tragic they are to the family。〃
     〃The matter is settled;〃 stated Karl firmly。 〃We concentrate on the work at hand and accept our grief as part of the cost。〃
     〃Now that the chambers in Colorado and St。 Paul Island have been discovered by outsiders;〃 said Otto; 〃I see little to be gained by continuing to expend time; money; and more lives in concealing the existence of our ancient ancestors。〃
     〃I agree;〃 said Bruno。 〃With the inscriptions now in the hands of American government officials; we should stand in the shadows while they decipher the message and announce the Amenes' warning of disaster through the international news media; thereby saving us the effort。〃
     Karl stared at the surface of the table; his expression pensive。 〃Our gravest concern is having the story e out too soon before the New Destiny Project is launched and the disinformation leads to our doorstep。〃
     〃Then we must muddy the waters before scientific investigators penetrate our ruse。〃
     〃Thanks to those meddling rogues from the National Underwater and Marine Agency; the world will be onto us in two weeks。〃 Bruno gazed across the table at Karl。 〃Is there any chance; brother; that our people at Valhalla can move up the timetable?〃
     〃If I explain the urgency and make them aware of the dangers arising around us; yes; I believe I can inspire them to move up the launch date to ten days from now。〃
     〃Ten days;〃 Christa repeated heatedly。 〃Only ten days before the old world is destroyed and the Fourth Empire rises from the ashes。〃
     Karl nodded solemnly。 〃If all goes according to the carefully laid plans of our family since 1945; we will pletely alter mankind for the next ten thousand years。〃
     After being airlifted to an ice station and flown across the western end of the Indian Ocean to Cape Town; Pitt joined Pat O'Connell; who had flown down from Washington。 She was acpanied by Dr。 Bradford Hatfield; a pathologist/archaeologist who specialized in the study of ancient mummies。 Together; they flew to St。 Paul Island by a tilt…rotor aircraft。 A heavy drizzle; unleashed by hostile clouds and hurled by a stiff breeze; stung their exposed faces like pellets shot from air rifles。 They were met by a team of SEALs; an elite group of fighters belonging to the United States Navy。 They were big quiet men; dead set with a purpose; dressed in camouflage fatigues that matched the gray volcanic rock of the island。
     〃Wele to Hell's lost acre;〃 said a big; lanky man with a friendly smile。 He was toting a huge weapon slung over one shoulder upside down。 It looked like a bination automatic rifle; missile launcher; sniper rifle; and twelve…gauge shotgun。 〃I'm Lieutenant Miles Jacobs。 I'll be your tour guide。〃
     〃Admiral Sandecker isn't taking any chances of terrorists returning;〃 Pitt remarked; as he shook Jacobs's hand。
     〃He may be retired from the Navy;〃 said Jacobs; 〃but he still carries a lot of weight in the upper echelons。 My orders to protect you NUMA people came direct from the secretary of the Navy。〃
     Without further conversation; Jacobs and four of his men; two in front; two bringing up the rear; led Pitt and his party up the slope of the mountain onto the ancient road leading to the tunnel。 Pat was half soaked beneath her rain gear and couldn't wait to get out of the damp。 When they reached the archway; Giordino stepped out to greet them。 He looked weary but swaggered as boldly as if he were the winning captain of a football team。
     Pat was mildly surprised to see such rugged; staunch men greet each other with warm hugs and backslapping。 There was such sentiment in their eyes; she swore they were on the verge of tears。
     〃Good to see you alive; pal;〃 said Pitt happily。
     〃Glad you survived too;〃 Giordino replied with a wide smile。 〃I hear you took on a U…boat with snowballs。〃
     Pitt laughed。 〃A story greatly exaggerated。 All we could do was shake our fists and call them names until the timely arrival of the Navy。〃
     〃Dr。 O'Connell。〃 Giordino bowed gallantly and kissed her gloved hand。 〃We needed someone like you to brighten up this dingy place。〃
     Pitt smiled and curtsied。 〃My pleasure; sir。〃
     Pitt turned and introduced the archaeologist。 〃Al Giordino; Dr。 Brad Hatfield。 Brad is here to study the mummies you and Rudi found。〃
     〃I'm told you and mander Gunn struck an archaeological bonanza;〃 said Hatfield。 He was tall and skinny with light cork…brown eyes; a smooth narrow face; and a soft voice。 He hunched over when he spoke; and peered through little round…rimmed spectacles that looked as if they had been produced in the 1920s。
     〃e on in out of the rain and see for yourself。〃
     Giordino led the way through the tunnel into the outer chamber。 From fifty feet away; an overwhelming stench of smoke and charred flesh invaded their nostrils。 A generator had been brought in by the SEALs; who'd laid a hose from the exhaust pipe to the archway outside to remove any fumes。 Its electrical output powered an array of floodlights。
     None had expected the awesome state of devastation。 The entire interior was blackened by fire and covered with soot。 What few objects were lying in the chamber before the blast had been vaporized。
     〃What hit this place?〃 asked Pitt in astonishment。
     〃The pilot of the attacking helicopter thought it might be cute to launch a rocket through the tunnel;〃 explained Giordino; as placidly as if he were describing how to eat an apple。
     〃You and Rudi couldn't have been in here。〃
     Giordino grinned。 〃Of course not。 There's a tunnel leading to another chamber behind this one。 We were protected by a pile of rocks from an old cave…in。 Rudi and I won't hear soft…spoken words for a few weeks and our lungs are congested; but we survived。〃
     〃A miracle you weren't barbecued like your friends here;〃 said Pitt; staring down at the charred remains of the attackers。
     〃The SEALs are going to clean up the mess and transport the bodies back to the States for identification。〃
     〃How ghastly;〃 murmured Pat; her face turning pale。 But her professional manner quickly took over and she began running her fingers over what was left of the inscriptions on the wall。 She stared in sudden sorrow at the cracked and shattered rock。 〃They've destroyed it;〃 she said in a faint whisper。 〃Obliterated it。 There isn't enough left to decipher。〃
     〃No great loss;〃 Giordino said; unruffled。 〃The good stuff survived in the inner chamber without a scratch。 The mummies were coated with a little dust; but other than that they're as sound as the day they were propped up。〃
     〃Propped up?〃 Hatfield repeated。 〃The mummies are not lying horizontal in burial cases?〃
     〃No; they're sitting upright in stone chairs。〃
     〃Are they wrapped in cloth?〃
     〃No again;〃 replied Giordino。 〃They're sitting there as if they were conducting a board meeting; dressed in robes; hats; and boots。〃
     Hatfield shook his head in wonder。 〃I've seen ancient burials where the bodies were wrapped tightly in gauze in coffins; in fetal positions inside clay pots; lying facedown or faceup; and in standing positions。 Never have I heard of mummi
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