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     〃I have positive vibes。 I'll bet you ten bucks nobody beat us to it。〃
     〃Skeptic that I am; you're on。〃
     Feeling a little apprehensive now; and with a growing sense of trepidation; they stepped into the second chamber and swept their lights around the walls and floor。 There were no inscriptions in here; but they froze at the astonishing sight revealed under the yellow…white beams of their flashlights; staring in almost religious awe at the twenty mummified figures that sat upright in stone chairs hewn from the rock。 The two that faced the entrance sat on a raised platform。 The rest were grouped to the sides in the shape of a square horseshoe。
     〃What is this place?〃 Giordino whispered; half expecting to see ghosts lurking in the shadows。
     〃We're in a tomb;〃 Gunn muttered unsteadily。 〃Very ancient; by the look of the clothing。〃
     The mummies and the black hair on their skulls were in a remarkable state of preservation。 Their facial features were perfectly intact and their garments were plete; with red; blue; and green dyes still discernible in the fabric。 The two mummies at the end sat on stone chairs elaborately carved with various species of sea life。 Their finery appeared more intricately woven and colorful than the others。 Copper bands with exquisite engraved designs inlaid with what Gunn recognized as gemstones of turquoise and black opal circled their foreheads。 High conical caps rested on their heads。 They wore long elaborate tunics with delicate seashells mixed with polished obsidian and copper disks sewn in exotic patterns from collar to hem。 All the feet were encased in tooled…leather; loose…fitting boots that came halfway up the calf。
     The two were obviously of higher rank and importance than the others。 The skeleton on the left was larger than the one on the right。 Though all the mummies had worn their hair long in life; it was a matter of simple deduction to tell the males from the females。 Males have more prominent mandibles and ridges above the eyes than do females。 Interestingly; their headbands or crowns were the same size; as if they had equal power。 All the males sat to the right hand of the central figure in a row at an angle。 All were dressed similarly; but the weaving of their garments was not as elegant。 The turquoise and black opal were not as prevalent。 The same configuration was represented by the females who sat to the left of the more richly adorned mummy。
     A line of beautifully polished spears with obsidian heads was stacked against one wall。 At the feet of each skeleton were copper bowls with drinking cups and matching spoons。 Both bowls and spoons had holes with leather thongs; as if they could be slung around the neck or shoulder; indicating that these people had always carried their individual and personalized dinnerware with them。 Handsome pottery; well…polished with delightful hand…painted delicate geometric designs on their surfaces; were laid out next to the stone chairs; along with large copper urns filled with withered leaves and flowers that must have been aromatic at the time the dead were interred。 They looked handmade by artisans of great skill。
     Gunn studied the mummies closely。 He was amazed at the art of mummification。 It looked technically superior to that of the Egyptians。 〃No sign of violent deaths。 They all looked like they died in their sleep。 I can't believe they all came to this place to die together; alone and forgotten。〃
     〃Somebody had to be alive to prop them up in the chairs;〃 observed Giordino。
     〃That's true。〃 Gunn made a sweeping motion around the chamber with one hand。 〃Notice that none are in quite the same position。 Some have hands in the lap; others have hands on the arms of their chairs。 The king and queen; or whatever their station in life; have their heads resting on one upraised hand as if contemplating their destiny。〃
     〃You're going theatrical on me;〃 Giordino muttered。
     〃Don't you feel like Howard Carter when he first looked inside King Tut's tomb?〃
     〃Howard was lucky。 He found something we didn't。〃
     〃What's that?〃
     〃Look around you。 No gold。 No silver。 If these people were related to Tut; they must have been his poor relations。 It looks as if copper was their prized metal。〃
     〃I wonder when they took eternal refuge here;〃 Gunn reflected quietly。
     〃Better you should ask why;〃 stated Giordino。 〃I'll get the camera out of my backpack so we can record this place and go home。 Fooling around in sepulchral crypts upsets my delicate stomach。〃
     For the next five hours; while Giordino recorded every square inch of the chamber with his camera; Gunn described what he saw in accurate detail into a small tape recorder。 He also catalogued every artifact in a notebook。 Nothing was touched; and everything was left in its place。 Their effort wasn't perhaps as scientific as that of a team of archaeologists might have been; but for rank amateurs working under difficult conditions; they did a mendable job。 It would be left for others; the historical experts; to solve the mysteries and identify the tomb's occupants。
     When they finished; it was late afternoon。 After crawling back through the opening at the cave…in and entering the room with the bones of the castaway; Gunn noticed Giordino wasn't with him。 He returned to where the ceiling of the tunnel had collapsed and found Giordino furiously lifting rocks back into the hole; effectively sealing it。
     〃What are you doing that for?〃 he asked。
     Giordino paused to stare at him; sweat…streaked with dust running down his face。 〃I'm not about to give the next guy a free ticket。 Whoever wants to get into the tomb next will have to work for it the same as we did。〃
     The two men made surprisingly good time on the return trip to the aircraft。 Although the rain and wind had eased considerably and most of the trip was downhill; only the final fifty yards dictated a climb。 They were only a short distance from the tilt…rotor; negotiating a narrow ledge; when suddenly an orange column of flame blossomed and streaked up into the damp air。 There was no great thunderclap or earsplitting crack。 The sound of the explosion sounded more like a firecracker exploding inside a tin can。 Then; as quickly as it burst; the ball of flame blinked out; leaving a pillar of smoke spiraling toward the dark clouds。
     Giordino and Gunn watched helplessly and in shock as the tilt…rotor burst open like a cantaloupe dropped from a great height onto a sidewalk。 Debris was hurled into the air; as the shattered and smoldering remains of the aircraft toppled over the ledge and crumpled down the slope; scattering a trail of metal scraps before plunging past the cliffs and splashing into the breakers that crashed against the island。
     The tearing grind of metal being shredded against rocks died away; and the two men stood rooted; neither talking for nearly a minute。 Gunn was stricken; his eyes staring in disbelief。 Giordino's reaction was just the opposite。 He was mad; damned mad; his hands clenched; his face white with fury。
     〃Impossible;〃 Gunn mumbled at last。 〃There is no boat in sight; no place for another aircraft to land。 It's i
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