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ngly at him and said nothing。 Pitt dropped to his knees and removed the dive hood covering the smaller man's head and chin。
     〃Well; well; my friend the biker。 How's your neck?〃
     The constrained killer lifted his head and spat at Pitt's face; narrowly missing。 The teeth were bared like a rabid dog's。 Eyes that had seen more than one death glared at Pitt。
     〃A testy little devil; aren't we?〃 said Pitt。 〃A zealot of the Fourth Empire。 Is that it? You can dream about it while you rot in jail。〃
     The sheriff reached down and gripped Pitt's shoulder。 〃I'll have to let them go free。〃
     Pitt stared up; his green eyes suddenly blazing。 〃Like hell you will。〃
     〃I can't arrest them unless they've mitted a crime;〃 Eagan said helplessly。
     〃I'll press charges;〃 Marquez cut in coldly。
     〃What charges?〃
     〃Trespassing; claim…jumping; destroying private property; and you can throw in theft for good measure。〃
     〃What did they steal?〃 Eagan asked; puzzled。
     〃My overhead lighting system;〃 Marquez replied indignantly; pointing down at the electrical cord binding the divers。 〃They've snatched it from my mine。〃
     Pitt placed a hand on Eagan's shoulder。 〃Sheriff; we're also talking attempted murder here。 I think it might be wise if you held them in custody for a few days; at least until a preliminary investigation can make an identification and perhaps uncover evidence of their intentions。〃
     〃e on; Jim;〃 said Marquez; 〃you can at least keep them under lock and key while you interrogate them。〃
     〃I doubt whether I'll get much out of this lot。〃
     〃I agree;〃 said Giordino; running a small brush through his curly hair。 〃They don't look like happy campers。〃
     〃There's something going on here that goes far beyond San Miguel County。〃 Pitt peeled off his dry suit and began dressing in his street clothing。 〃It won't hurt to cover your bases。〃
     Eagan looked thoughtful。 〃All right; I'll send a report to the Colorado Investigation Agency〃
     The sheriff broke off as every head turned and stared up the tunnel。 A man was shouting and running toward them as if chased by demons。 A few seconds later; they could see that it was one of Eagan's deputies。 He staggered to a halt and leaned over until his head was even with his hips; panting for breath; exhausted after running from the hotel wine cellar。
     〃What is it; Charlie?〃 Eagan pressed。 〃Spit it out!〃
     〃The bodies。 。 。〃 Charlie the deputy gasped。 〃The bodies in the morgue!〃
     Eagan took Charlie by the shoulders and gently raised him upright。 〃What about the bodies?〃
     〃They're missing。〃
     〃What are you talking about?〃
     〃The coroner says they've disappeared。 Somebody snatched them from the morgue。〃
     Pitt looked at Eagan for a long moment of silence; then said quietly; 〃If I were you; Sheriff; I'd send copies of your report to the FBI and the Justice Department。 This thing goes far deeper than any of us imagined。〃
 March 27; 2001
 Okuma Bay; Antarctica
     Captain Daniel Gillespie stood on the huge glass…enclosed bridge of the Polar Storm and stared through tinted…lens binoculars at the ice that was building around the eight…thousand…ton research icebreaker's hull。 Lean as an aspen tree and prone to moments of anxiety; he studied the ice while plotting a course in his mind for the easiest passage to take the Polar Storm。 The autumn ice had formed early in the Ross Sea。 In some places; it was already two feet thick; with ridges rising to three。
     The ship trembled under his feet as its great bulbous bow rammed the ice and then heaved up and over the white surface。 Then the weight of the forward part of the ship crushed the pack into piano…size portions that tore at the paint on the hull as they groaned and scraped against the steel plates until they were chopped to small chunks by the ship's huge twelve…foot propellers and were left bobbing in the ship's wake。 The process was repeated until they reached a part of the sea a few miles off the continent where the ice pack had been slow to thicken。
     The Polar Storm incorporated the capabilities of both an icebreaker and a research vessel。 By most maritime standards; she was an old ship; having been launched twenty years earlier; in 1981。 She was also considered small alongside most icebreakers。 She had an 8;000…ton displacement; a length of 145 feet; and a 27…foot beam。 Her facilities supported oceanographic; meteorological; biological; and ice research; and she was capable of breaking through a minimum of three feet of level ice。
     Evie Tan; who had joined the Polar Storm when it had stopped at Montevideo in Uruguay on its way to the Antarctic; sat in a chair and wrote in a notebook。 A science and technical writer and photographer; Evie had e onboard to do a story for a national science magazine。 She was a petite lady with long; silky black hair; who had been born and raised in the Philippines。 She looked over at Captain Gillespie and watched him scan the ice pack ahead before asking him a question。
     〃Is it your plan to land a team of scientists on the pack to study the sea ice?〃
     Gillespie lowered his binoculars and nodded。 〃That's the routine。 Sometimes as many as three times an Antarctic day; the glaciologists march out on the ice to take samples and readings for later study in the ship's lab。 They also record the physical properties of the ice and seawater as we sail from site to site。〃
     〃Anything in particular they're looking for?〃
     〃Joel Rogers; the expedition's chief scientist; can explain it better than I can。 The primary goal of the project is to assess the impact behind the current warming trend that is shrinking the sea ice around the continent。〃
     〃Is it a scientific fact the ice is diminishing?〃 asked Evie。
     〃During the Antarctic autumn; March into May; the ocean around the continent begins to freeze and ice over。 The pack once spread out from the landmass and formed a vast collar twice the size of Australia。 But now the sea ice has retreated and is not as thick and extensive as it once was。 The winters are simply not as cold as they were in the nineteen fifties and sixties。 Because of the warming trend; a pivotal link in the Antarctic sea chain has been disrupted。〃
     〃Beginning with the single…cell algae that live on the underside of the ice pack;〃 offered Evie; knowledgeably。
     〃You've done your homework。〃 Gillespie smiled。 〃Without the algae to dine on; there would be no krill; the little shrimplike fellows; who in turn provide nourishment for every animal and fish in these southern waters from penguins to whales to phocids。〃
     〃By phocids; you mean seals?〃
     〃I do。〃
     Evie gazed out over Okuma Bay; which divided the great Ross Ice Shelf and the Edward VII Peninsula。 〃That range of mountains to the south;〃 she said; 〃what is it called?〃
     〃The Rockefeller Mountains;〃 answered Gillespie。 〃They're anchored by Mount Frazier on this end and Mount Nilsen on the other。〃
     〃They're beautiful;〃 said Evie; admiring the snow…covered peaks that blazed under the bright sun。 〃May I borrow your b
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