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ugh…looking Mercedes SUVs are only a hundred yards behind our tail and ing fast。〃
     〃We may not have flight controls;〃 replied Pitt; 〃but we still have brakes and engines。〃
     Giordino looked dubious。 〃You don't expect to drive this thing down Pennsylvania Avenue to the White House?〃
     〃Why not?〃 Pitt said; as he pushed the throttle forward and sent the aircraft speeding across the taxiway and onto the road leading from the airport。 〃We'll go as far as we can and hopefully reach heavy traffic where they wouldn't dare attack。〃
     〃You're why cynics outlive optimists;〃 said Giordino。 〃The Wolfs are so desperate for the relics; they'd shoot down a stadium full of women and children to get them back in their dirty hands。〃
     〃I'm open for suggestions〃
     Pitt broke off as the thump of bullets into the aluminum…skin aircraft sounded inside the cockpit。 He began hitting the right brake and then the left; sending the plane zigzagging down the road to throw off the aim of the gunners in the Mercedes。
     〃Time for me to play Wild Bill Hickok;〃 said Giordino。
     Pitt handed him his 。45。 〃You'll need all the firepower you can get。 There are extra clips in my duffel bag。〃
     Giordino lay down beside the open passenger door with his feet toward the rear of the aircraft and sighted over the tail section at the pursuing SUVs。 Out of the corner of his eye; he saw bullets stitch through the port wing and open the fuel tank。 Luckily there was no fire; but it was only a question of time before an engine was struck and flamed。 He took careful aim and fired when Pitt turned from zig to zag。
     Pitt literally threw the plane up the on…ramp leading to the Branch Avenue Highway that ran into the city。 With both jet engines screaming; he soon had the airplane hurtling nearly a hundred miles an hour down the right lane and shoulder of the highway。 Startled drivers gaped openmouthed as the plane shot by them; then watched; stunned; the gun battle between a man shooting out the passenger door of the aircraft and two Mercedes…Benz SUVs that chased in and out of traffic from behind。
     Pitt knew the aircraft easily had the power to outrun the Mercedes; but he had a great disadvantage because of the forty…two…foot wingspan。 It was only a matter of time before he clipped a car; a truck; or a light pole。 His only advantage was that the engines were mounted on the fuselage。 But they wouldn't turn over long if one or both wings containing the fuel tanks were torn away。 As it was; he noticed that the gauge that registered the fuel on the port tank was dropping at an alarming rate。 He took a quick glance out his side window and saw the wing shredded by bullets and the fuel spraying out under the head wind。
     He steered by the brakes; moving in and out of the light traffic that he knew would bee heavier as he neared the city。 When possible; he tried to pass and move in ahead of trucks; using them as a shield against the gunfire from the men in the SUVs。 He could hear Giordino's gun shooting from the main cabin; but he couldn't see the results; nor could he tell how close his pursuers were behind the aircraft's rudder。
     With both feet on the brakes and his right hand on the throttles; he used his left to call a Mayday over the radio。 The control tower operator at Andrews Air Force Base replied and asked for his location; as they did not have him on radar。 When told he was on Branch Avenue approaching the Suitland Parkway; the controllers thought he was a nutcase and ordered him sharply to get off the radio。 But Pitt persisted and demanded they call the nearest police unit; a request they were more than happy to grant。
     Back in the cabin; Giordino's slow; methodically aimed fire finally paid off。 He shot out the right front tire of the lead Mercedes; sending it into an uncontrollable skid across the highway; where it flew into a drainage ditch and rolled over three times before ing to rest upside down in a cloud of dust。 The other Mercedes came on without hesitation and was gaining due to the increased traffic that was slowing Pitt。 He needed two lanes and the shoulder to cut past cars and trucks looming ahead。
     Sirens screamed in the distance; and soon red…and…blue flashing lights were seen ing from the opposite direction。 The police cars cut across the grassy strip between the divided highway and picked up the chase almost on the rear bumper of the Mercedes; passing around it and rushing toward the aircraft the officers thought was in the hands of either a drug addict or a drunk。
     For perhaps ten seconds; the police officers were not aware of the bullets ing out of the automatic rifles fired by the two men out the rear side…door windows of the lone Mercedes; but then the bullets ripped through the hoods of the police cars and mauled the engines; causing them to stop dead。 The officers; surprised and bewildered; coasted their cars off the highway onto the shoulder as smoke rolled from beneath their hoods。
     〃They stopped the cops!〃 Giordino shouted through the cockpit door。
     They are desperate to retrieve the sacred relics; Pitt thought; as the Mercedes pulled even and the gunners unleashed a gale of bullets that smashed into the cowl of the nose in front of him。 But ing too close to the aircraft was a mistake。 Giordino held both automatics in his hands and pumped both magazines into the Mercedes; striking the driver; who slumped over the wheel。 The SUV then drifted out of its lane and crashed into the side of a giant truck and trailer hauling milk。 The rear wheels of the heavy trailer smashed into and over the Mercedes; flattening the occupants and bouncing wildly over the wreckage before leaving it scattered in jagged pieces across the concrete。
     〃You can slow down now;〃 announced an exultant Giordino。 〃The posse is no more。〃
     〃You're a better shot than I gave you credit for;〃 said Pitt; easing back on the throttles; but still keeping the aircraft moving down the highway。 When he was absolutely sure there was no more pursuit; he eased the aircraft onto a wide grassy area of Fort Davis Park and killed the engines。
     Within minutes; they were surrounded by nearly ten District of Columbia police cars and forced to lie on the ground with their wrists handcuffed behind them。 Later; after they were taken to the nearest station and questioned by two detectives; who thought their story of being chased from the airport for sacred Nazi relics belonged in Alice in Wonderland; Pitt convinced them to make a phone call。
     〃You're entitled to your one call;〃 said Detective Lieutenant Richard Scott; a gray…haired veteran of the force。
     〃I'd be grateful if you made it for me;〃 said Pitt。
     The detective plugged a phone into a jack inside the interrogation room and looked up。 〃The number?〃
     〃I've never memorized it; but information can give you the phone number for the White House。〃
     〃I'm tired of your nonsense;〃 said Scott wearily。 〃What number do you want to reach?〃
     Pitt pierced the detective with a cold stare。 〃I'm dead serious。 Call the White House; ask for the President's chief of staff。 Tell him we; along with the sacred relics; are langui
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